This is Irritated Genie and his site is “War on the Horizon” and it sounds like “InfoWars”
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Do you see the reptilian pupils?
This blog post may only be interesting to the people that are interested in “The Irritated Genie” because some people think he’s either cointelpro or Illuminati.
Hi Blessings,
What got my attention to find Ayo Kimathi or Irritated Genie, is that I was looking at a history video and I watched a video about a Black slave owner. In this video I saw this the Reptilian Eye of Samuel Maverick. I had found this picture back in 2017 but I couldn’t remember the name of the video but I found the pic below three years later, December 2020.
Samuel Maverick and his wife Mary Ann Adams, were Illuminati bloodlines. I did trace Samuel through his Spencer family name, which is Princess Diana’s bloodline, down to a couple of obscure Italian princesses and even to: Count Ramon Berenguer II, the Count of Barcelona and his genealogy traces back to land barons of Spain.
His wife Mary Adams was the cousin to 4th President James Madison. Mary Adams and Samuel Maverick moved from South Carolina to Texas and Samuel was one of the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence. Yee Haw – Go reptilians! Not. We have a lot of Adams families here in Texas and it’s interesting to see how or why some of them arrived in Texas.
Also, “Samuel’s grandfather, Maury Maverick, a Texas politician, coined the term gobbledygook.” Wikipedia
Let’s look at the video where I found this reptilian eyeball then I want to discuss this very short under 5 min. video.
Video: “Black Slave Owner and Breeder in South Carolina – The Interesting Story of William Ellison”
I want to say something about the videos main star, the black slave owner named William Ellison. In this video, you’ll see that this black slave owner had special privileges and accumulated quite a fortune and my opinion is that “William Ellison” whose first name was April, was more than likely the son of a plantation owner.
I’ve seen this situation too many times looking at these genealogy charts to think they just gave William all kinds of land and houses because he was a good worker or whatever. William was a cruel slave owner and that’s what got my attention about him is that he had the genes or the DNA of the white European Illuminati satanic bloodlines running through his veins.
In English, William Ellison was a cruel devil and the point is that the Illuminati bloodlines, since they slept around like wild dogs and raped and robbed, come in different races. In English, don’t let your guard down thinking oh William probably did it to save his own hide, no. William was a slave owner because he was one of them. Again, I have no proof, but I’ve seen it so many times reading all the different “black” genealogy charts on how they give the children from the “slave masters” land and privileges. You may think we’ll that’s great to get and have those privileges. Yes, its always nice to get ahead in this cruel world, but they got their privileges from the European satanic Illuminati bloodlines. The bible says: “What is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul?”
Okay so after seeing that reptilian eyeball I then started to check out info about Jamaican slave plantations and looking over the names of the Illuminati plantation owners. Really I was looking for reptilian plantation owners to show everyone that this is why they were so evil and cruel and then I stumbled across videos by this guy Ayo Kimathi, formerly Ayo Hance Johnson, now known as The Irritated Genie from the D.C. area. His site “War on the Horizon” is very passionate about getting the information out to the black community about corruption by the Europeans and other important things like protecting their children from pedophiles.
I’ve listened to over 10 of his videos when I started to notice a pattern of hating white people and even to the point of suggesting that the whites should have their heads cut off. I thought to myself, hmm, only an Illuminati bloodline can get away with making these kinds of comments. It reminded me of pastor Steven Anderson who threatened to kill any homosexual that came into his church. Anderson, like Irritated Genie, also made hostile comments about President Obama.
Please note that pastor Anderson’s bloodline connects to President Adams and then it connects to the occult Merovingian bloodline.
Pastor Steven Anderson throwing up the double handed 666 hand signs.
An audio clip of a Christian seeing a white slave owner in Hell.
When I hear the name Irritated GENIE it reminds me of the song by Christina Aguilera, Genie in a Bottle…here’s the song
Wow – Christina really fooled us – Look at the Adam’s apple
Irritated Genie making the pyramid hand sign – no occultist should be without it.
In this video Loving your enemies, he had the audience so worked up with hatred for Yeshua/Jesus that if Yeshua/Jesus/Isa had been walking down the street he would have convinced the audience to attempt to attack him.
What caught my attention when watching Ayo/Irritated Genie’s videos was not when he said cuss words like: God blank, N*ggers, Crackers, or Small Hats, no that didn’t do it. What got my attention was on one of his videos he said “I need to get back on topic; I get paid $118, 000 a year to talk.” I was thinking who pays him $118k to talk?
Fast forward. Ayo/Irritated Genie made a video where he was on the public sidewalk with a microphone and he said a few off the wall things that really started to get me curious and wondering what’s his deal?
During his sidewalk event a white guy who had stopped to listen and was just peacefully standing in the back of the group when all of a sudden Ayo/Irritated Genie went a little wild.
This is a 43 second audio I’ve cut so you can hear Ayo bad mouthing the white guy and there’s no cussing involved.
So when Ayo/Irritated Genie starts implying that the white guy was sending looks of imagined hatred, everyone turned to look at the white guy to see what he might have been doing to make such a nice guy like Ayo/Irritated Genie upset. The white guy aware that he’s obviously not welcome on the public sidewalk just made a half wave hand gesture at everyone like its cool and walked away because he’s smart enough to tell that he wasn’t wanted. Then Ayo/Irritated Genie continued to talk badly about him as he was walking away and saying he was swishing away because that was his nature and the group was laughing even though the guy had done absolutely nothing to deserve any of that.
Then in Ayo’s video “The Irritated Genie What is Manhood?”, I just wanted to point out another incident that Ayo/Irritated Genie said and this time it was about Jesus and then later about the Holy Spirit. He called Jesus a “white cracker” which I thought was a little weird, not the cracker part which was awful, but because Muslims don’t call Jesus by that name, no they call him Isa, prophet Isa. Interesting I thought.
Ayo then called Christianity “a Faggot religion” and also called the Holy Spirit the “magical Holy Ghost dude” mocking out the virgin birth. Here’s the short 2 min. clip, no cussing only the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit:
Pyramid is a symbol of 666 and the all seeing eye is also in the center
This says that Ayo is a female but I’m going to say that this is probably an error but we sometimes never know with the Illuminati.
Ayo said in his “Agent of Garvey” video that he used to work for the “Navy” and also for the Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), but he swears he was not an agent or officer. Ayo/Irritated Genie said that his job with DHS was to help small businesses get loans. They let him go because co-workers had said that they were afraid of him and also because of his website War on the Horizon and his extra curricular activities as an activist which put him in alleged conflict with the agencies policies.
Ayo’s incident of his job and his website connection was very high profile. Ayo talks about it in his “Agent Garvey” video and I’ve attached a 2 minute news snippet which turned out to be great publicity for him but I would not recommend listening to it as it has one cuss word, the word *ss. Even though its a news clip its still very negative and upsetting because it’s Ayo when he first started out.
The best part of all of this publicity is that Ayo’s prayers were answered because this publicity event exposure just happened to fall on Nat Turner’s day of slave rebellion – Ayo exposure was on 8/21/2013 and Nat’s day of slave rebellion was on 8/21/1831. Very clever Illuminati, yes very clever.
Here is the 2 min. CNN news snippet story exposing Ayo as a federal worker who is a radical.
The news snippet even mentions that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin commented about Ayo and ‘she’ said that it was “unflipping believable”. Actually the fact that she doesn’t even have anything to do with him and is commenting is what is truly unbelievable. Please see my Gene Hackman blog exposing Sarah Palin’s bloodline to royalty. Her news clip was just more propaganda and a chance to oppose the Obama administration and all a show since Palin and Obama are related to royalty.
In Ayo’s “Agent of Garvey” video where he mentions the different news medias that had contacted him, he said that Anderson Cooper was one of the news media places that had called him for an interview and he then proceeded to call Anderson a derogatory name. Anderson Cooper is from an Illuminati bloodline. I have collected info that will show a paper trail which I believe is what connects Ayo’s family line to Anderson Cooper through the Lyman family.
If you type: Richard Lyman, you will see all of Lyman’s very high royal connections related to the British royals even Queen Elizabeth. I will end this post with notes on the Lyman family.
Video by RussianVids: “Bruce Jenner – CNN Anderson Coopoer & The Elite’s Gay & Transgender Agenda Exposed”
Anyway, Ayo/Irritated Genie in his “Agent of Garvey” video mentioned that there is “not a shred of evidence” that he is an agent. Ayo allowed people to call in to his show which aired on YouTube for 4 hours, I repeat 4 hours, to ask any question about their suspicions that he may be an agent. He held up a copy of his dismissal letter from DHS which I thought was fake when I saw it and this was before I had even examined or read it.
Firstly, the letter goes into great detail and it sounds like something someone would comment on a YouTube video. The department would never go into that kind of detail of all of the violent things that he said and to top it off it was over 10 pages long and the description of the incidents sounded totally over the top. If it really did happen that they had dismissed him they would have written a one page letter stating something simple like: you have violated code 111 of the such and such policy and are hereby dismissed. It wouldn’t have been long and very detailed letter going over every incident making the letter sound like a confession. They would have never listed all of the details that are in the letter if they truly believed that Ayo/Irritated Genie was unstable and violent.
Secondly, this letter addressed to Ayo Kimathi shown above has an address of: 801 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, and this address belongs to the Historical Society of Washington not the DHS. I’m not going to believe that the secretary that prepared the letter along with the Acting Director and possibly the Human Resources Director, who would have had to sign off on this dismissal letter, would not have noticed that the letter contained the incorrect address and building altogether.
The letter address to Ayo Kimathi should have had this address listed here:
This map shows the distance between the Historical Society and the ICE office
I listen to Ayo’s videos and I think what’s his end game? From what I can tell he’s encouraging people to go back to Africa and reclaim their everything. This girl made a comment on one of his videos and I’m going to add it because I thought it was interesting.
Ayo’s family line will come from Virginia and then to Washington, D.C., and I will present what I’ve collected and explain why they seem to piece or belong together. When Ayo said in his “Agent of Garvey” video that there was not a shred of evidence that statement is was very close because there is very little genealogy evidence, so I will present what I have found showing why the circumstantial evidence is what binds it to him and show the connection to a high Illuminati family, the Lyman bloodline.
This will get a little confusing so I’m going to first list the names that will be reviewed so that you can be familiar with the names and will be able to follow the procession.
- Alberta Estella Johnson and now she has a married name – mother to Ayo H. Kimathi
- Albert Johnson – father to Alberta Estella Johnson
- Estella or Stella (Lyman maiden name) Johnson – mother to Albert Johnson
- Lizzie Lyman – mother to Estella or Stella Lyman later Johnson
- Hester Lyman – mother to Lizzie Lyman
- John Lyman – husband to Hester and father to Lizzie Lyman
- Nathaniel Lyman – father to John Lyman. The Lyman bloodline connects to Obama, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s, the L’ Estrange or Strong family through marriage, the Mormon family, Alfred the Great and Charlemagne. Please note: The L’ Estrange family or Benjamin Strong, Jr., was the 1st president of the private Federal Reserve bank.
- John Lyman will be the royal connection but since the records are very vague and old I will present what I’ve found and why I believe that they are connected. The Mormon church is presently in control of the genealogical records and the Lyman family were and still are very involved in the Mormon church. What I’m saying is the records are very few from the past to the present so here we go.
Let’s start with his mother’s basic info and I would have left out her name since she is living but its really very easy to find, Alberta Estella Johnson and now a married name. I found her info to be important or I would have just skipped over it. Her employment shows to be as a Legislative Calendar Clerk at US senate committee on the judiciary in Washington, D.C. I believe that she is currently employed but her age of 66 yrs old would make her eligible to retire.
This map below would show Ayo’s former office at the DHS to his mother’s office. Ayo mentioned in his “Agent of Garvey” video @ 43:03 that he was “working hard and pushing and so were his folks.”
Ayo’s great grandmother, Estella and his 3x great grandmother Hester, worked as servants for Landon Cabell Williamson who was an attorney and also the Grand Master Mason of Washington, D.C. in 1893. Landon was born in Charlottesville, Virginia and then later the family moved to Lynchburg, Virginia and then to Washington, D.C. When Landon lived in Washington, D.C., he dedicated his life, heart and soul to the masonic organization. His record of service with and for the lodge is too long to list.
Landon’s family connects to the British royal family. The Cabell line owned thousands of acres in Virginia and created several counties. Landon’s Cabell line connected to Churchill, President Taylor, Princess Diana, through one of his grandfathers, Randolfo IV (Pandolfo) di Capua. One of Landon Cabell’s grandfathers through the Preston line also connects to the British royals.
This is a list of the counties in Virginia that William Cabell founded. I did find a story that freed black slaves owned land in the Henrico county and now I know that Mr. Cabell founded that county. There many other prominent families like Thomas Jefferson who started a college in Charlottesville, Albemarle Co., Virginia.
Most all of the families in Virginia all had high titles like senator, sheriff, governor, colonel, and they all worked together. They were not country bumpkin farmers like they often listed on census records. Our imagination can’t comprehend how wealthy they were in land, resources, and power. I can’t list it all here but researching for these blogs I’ve come across a lot of connections and a lot of wealth.
This gets so confusing so let me do a quick breakdown of the chart below. Hester was the grandmother to Estelle.
Some records show Estelle from Virginia and some from the District of Columbia. When they took the census records there was room for error on date of birth, place of birth, and ages of the household, because whoever is the one that they spoke with is the one from whom the info was collected and they would have to guess at the ages and places of birth.
Stella’s mother Lizzie Lyman was murdered and I’m guessing when Stella was about between 7 to 9 yrs. old. I have attached the newspaper articles below that are very telling on the description of the murder. Stella had a large family and I counted on the census record showing that Stella had about 6 children. Losing her mother very young and being raised by a hard working grandmother must have been very tough on her emotionally.
So the census records show that Ayo’s family tree bloodlines were Mullatos and yet he’s at war with other people who are Mullatos. I’ve forgotten the name of one Ayo’s other videos where he talks about his family members being light skinned.
Ayo called Obama a “Mullato Faggot”
Look at the location of the belly button and see that it’s below the waistline. Males belly buttons are above the waistline and females below.
I’ve typed out this census record that is listed above since its a little faded and hard to read and this is what it reads:
John Lyman; Head; Black; July 1849 (51); born: Virginia, Father: Virginia; Mother: Virginia; Occupation: Cook
Hester Lyman, Wife; Black; Aug 1861 (39); born: Georgia; Father: Georgia; Mother: Georgia; Occupati0on: Housekeeping
Lizzie Lyman, Daughter; Black; May 1878 (22); born: District of Columbia; Father: Virginia; Mother: Georgia; Occupation: Dressmaker
This census said that Hester and Lizzie could read, write and speak English, but that John could only read and speak English. They were listed to have lived on Ridge Street, NW, District of Columbia, Washington.
Another point from the 1900 census info is that the years of marriage recorded stated that John and Hester were married for 27 years. To calculate their ages of their marriage we would take the census of 1900 and subtract the listed 27 years of marriage and it would equal to the year of 1873. If the black John Lyman was born in 1849 and was married in 1873, his age would have been 24 yrs. old. If Hester was born in 1861 and was married in 1873, her age would have been approx. 12 1/2 yrs. old. If their daughter Lizzie was born in 1878, then Hester would have been approx. around 16 1/2 to 17 yrs. old and black John Lyman would have been around 29 yrs. old.
Two children had been listed with the black John and Hester family on the 1900 census records but I’ve never located the 2nd child and I’m guessing that Lizzie may have had a daughter out of wedlock which may have been Stella, so Hester may have claimed the child as her as her own and in the the 1900 census Lizzie would have been 22 yrs. old.
The June 9, 1900 census records show that black John Lyman was with Hester in the District of Columbia. A 1910 census record listed Hester as a widow and there are not any records listed for a death between 1900 to 1910 of the black John Lyman.
The only record I could find for this name was for a white John M. Lyman born April/May 1849 in New York, but whose family moved to Virginia in 1870. The white John M. Lyman married in 1884, in Norfolk, Virginia to white Linda March. The June 11, 1900 census records show that white John M. Lyman was with white wife Linda living in Ohio with their family and renting as boarders with another family by the last name of Hatch.
I also found a record of a J.M. Lyman said to be “married” to a Mamie W. Lyman, whose white baby Emmett Lyman was born and then died in May of 1882 in Norfolk, Virginia. I could not locate any records for a Mamie W. Lyman. The white John Lyman on future census records used the name J.M. Lyman. There is also a confederate military record around 1863 for John Fillison Latham with the name of John M. Lyman attached to the Latham name.
I will continue on this part going over Lizzie Lyman’s info. I did find a marriage record for Lizzie and her marriage to John Butter who was about 20 yrs. older than Lizzie and this seemed to be his 1st marriage. They divorced because he remarried according to census records. John Butter was black in case you’re interested.
After divorcing John Butter, Lizzie lived with William Walter Hamilton around 1904. Hamilton was a driver for a butcher shop and the former employee or cop of the sixth precinct police station, who ended up strangling her because he was jealous and mentally unstable. Here are a few news articles explaining the murder:
Newspaper Clipping 1 – part 1 of 2
Newspaper Clipping 1 – part 2 of 2
Newspaper Clipping 2 – part 1 of 5
Newspaper Clipping 2 – part 2 of 5
Newspaper Clipping 2 – part 3 of 5
Newspaper Clipping 2 – part 4 of 5
Newspaper Clipping 2 – part 5 of 5
I thought that it was odd that the murderer Mr. William Walter Hamilton thought that Hester’s name was Mrs. Butler, though 6 yrs. later census records listed her as Hester Lyman. Also he called Lizzie by the name of Mary Elizabeth Butler though the news clippings said everyone knew her as Lizzie Lyman.
I really couldn’t pin it down. Hester was a popular name. I found a few people with a child named Hester b. 1861 and also a child “slave” named Hester b. 1861, belonging to a German slave trader named William Weaver. There was even a female mother named Adeline Johnson with female child Hester b. 1861. I looked for future records of Hester with the name Johnson and Weaver to no avail. Here’s a few records for a Hester child but there are no leads to what happened to the child.
Hester Name Record
The 1870 census noted that Caty and Dolphia were married and could not read or write. Their location was either Henrico or Monroe county Virginia. Wealthy Mr. Cabell mentioned up above, founded Henrico county.
Hester Name Record
Hester Name Record
Hester always said she was born in August and this record says February but also there was a record saying that Hester was a Mulatto.
William Weaver was connected to the British royals through several generations like an uncle married someone who was related to the royals. Below is an excerpt from an old book showing that Wealthy Mr. Cabell knew the notorious and cray William Weaver. If I I had to put money on it I would say that this Weaver is Ayo/Irittated Genie’s bloodline connection.
The Lyman family moved from Connecticut and lived in Augusta county, Virginia, which was the birthplace of President Eisenhower’s mother, Ida, who was from a high royal bloodline, and she was born in 1862, during the time that the Lyman’s were living in Augusta. Ida Stover’s family had lived in Augusta county Virginia for at least 3 generations. President Eisenhower was President George Washington’s 10th cousin through Eisenhower’s mother’s bloodline.
Wikipedia on Augusta Co., Virginia: Augusta County was formed in 1738 from Orange County, although, because few people lived there, the county government was not organized until 1745. It was named for Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales and mother of the future King George III of the United Kingdom.
John Lyman was the son of Nathaniel Lyman and was born in Brooklyn, New York. Unless other records appear then my opinion is that white John Lyman knew Hester and then they had Lizzie.
In June of 1884, in Norfolk, Virginia, white John Lyman married a woman named Linda March, a Virginian, and they had several children. Here I’m going to present what is circumstantial documents and explain why I believe white John knew Hester. Please note that the Mormon church controls the genealogical records and the Lyman family has strong ties with the Mormon church and the records were not that great back then, I’m not being hurtful here but the records on the slaves were like they were trading furniture. It wasn’t glamorous like the movies because the Indians were still battling with them. Please see my Fav Illuminati videos on Jekyll Island or I can tell you that in it Yeshua/Jesus told the preacher in the video that he is going to deal with the sin of slavery. You may think too little too late but its what he told the preacher.
- There was a 1900 census stating black male, John Lyman b. 1849 to Hester Lyman to be living in the District of Columbia.
- There was a 1900 census stating white male, John M. Lyman b. 1849 to Linda Lyman to be living in Ohio as boarders with a family.
My opinion on the census record is that any information can be given to the one collecting the information. I’m guessing on this that Hester could have said that her husband was black and Linda could have said that her husband was present with them in Ohio.
There are records showing that John Lyman was born in N.Y., and that Hester Lyman and Linda Lyman were born in Virginia. The only record that I could find of John Lyman b. 1849 that resided in Virginia is the one that connects to the white John Lyman. The white John Lyman, lived in Virginia, served in the military, moved to Ohio and Chicago, Illinois, and worked for the American Plumbing Corporation and died in 1916 and was buried in Norfolk Virginia.
In 1903, John Lyman and his brother George F. Lyman both have registered patents and another Lyman relative invented the can opener.
The white John Lyman died in 1916 and was buried in Norfolk, Virginia in a separate cemetery from his wife Linda. Linda was buried in an unmarked grave next to her 2 boys that had died young, one at 4 yrs. old and the other at birth. Linda did not list John as the father but this may have just been an error.
I looked at the cemetery records for John to find a Washington, D.C. connection around the 1900’s to connect him to Hester.
I looked through the records of the Norfolk, VA cemetery that John was buried at and I found Katie Estelle McLean Lyman and Emmerson Lyman buried in the same cemetery. Katie’s husband William R. Lyman, which I believe to be white John’s relative, was buried in a separate cemetery in Petersburg, VA.
In 1921, the Katie and William Lyman were living in Washington, D.C. and Emmerson had fallen out of an apartment window. This would be proof that the white John M. Lyman did have relatives in Washington, D.C. Attached below are pics of Emmerson and his Father records.
I still need a Lyman clan or family member that was related to white John M. Lyman and I found something interesting. I found Darius Lyman whose bloodline I checked and it also connects to Richard Lyman, the first to land in America. The white John Lyman’s bloodline also connects to Richard Lyman, making Darius and white John Lyman cousins.
Darius Lyman wrote a book of like one-liners by Syrus, a Roman Slave. Ayo is all about slavery history and so was Darius.
The Old Post Office Pavilion is now the new Trump Washington Hotel and it’s funny Ayo who detests white people is always saying positive things about the Trump administration and how it’s gonna crack down on pedophilia.
Sum it up: I think white John knew Hester when she was a preteen and they had Lizzie. I think John moved Hester to Washington, D.C., and later she said she was a widow. in 1910, Hester worked for an attorney who was a grand master of the masonic lodge and who was from her home state.
There are records showing that white John had used a different name when in the military; and the newspaper said that Hester was going by the name Mrs. Butler when it was Lizzie who was married to a John Butter. Ayo has presented to the world a letter with the incorrect address saying he was fired. I think being from the Lyman line Ayo was able to get his amazing jobs and he gets to say anything that he wants to and not get into trouble because only an Illuminati bloodline could get away with that.
Ayo made a video using Ciara’s picture and see the videos below. Maybe Ciara’s parents sold out to the Illuminati for money in exchange for Ciara.
Video: “Transformers – Is Ciara a Secret Transgender?”
Video: “Ciara is a Man – Illuminati Tranny Unmasked”
Yeshua/Jesus/Isa said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~ The Bible
Video: “Nigerian Muslim Sees Jesus Christ (Hausa with English Subtitles)