This is the short interview with Grover spilling the beans on the I.R.S. “workers” and other atrocities.

If you like tax videos, then listen to this one below on YouTube.  I didn’t want to do a short version because I liked the whole clip. “James Altucher is an American hedge-fund manager, author, podcaster and entrepreneur who has founded or cofounded over 20 companies. He has published 20 books and is a contributor to publications including The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, and The Huffington Post.”

Dobie Tejas/The Digital Soldier Press, when this money happens and all of the elderly reap all of the money that they’ve paid into the system, how will this new treasury protect the elderly from being robbed by opportunist, conniving relatives?  An example would be like if a elderly veteran signed over his power of attorney to a government welfare queen stepdaughter who is looking at both of the parents, stepfather and mother, like they’ll soon be the geese that will lay the golden eggs.  I know that their will be a titanium credit card type that will need a fingerprint from the owner to handle transactions but how can the elderly stay protected from greedy opportunists?

This pic below is from the Bitchute site: CANST – Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!    video: DAVIDXRPLION 🪙🦁 TRUMP’S MANDATORY 🇺🇲 ”GREAT REVEAL” [MUST WATCH TRUMP NEWS]
Interesting…  Also, in a recent video by Benjamin Fulford, he mentions that Elon Musk has been replaced which may explain why 21 DOGE employees quit.

part 2 of Benjamin Fulford

Gulf of America

IRSMedic is on YouTube…

On YouTube, there are clips on how to buy a house/home with your Section 8 voucher.  The chick in the red shirt stated that all you have to do to qualify, is apply for some counseling classes and list 3 life goals (lol) and they’ll help you.  Sick.  They think that it’s free money.  Yes, we pay for it from our taxes.  So, you’re welcome.  I hope that they take that away from you somehow and return the money to us

I love this YouTube site: Real Estate Mindset

Just a suggestion to ask one of the officers standing by the plane to assist the small children walking down or even up the stairs so they don’t fall and get hurt.  Another suggestion would be to hire a nanny.

These nannies are not in the U.S.A. but you’ll get the idea.

I’d like to thank Mitch Vexler and Travis for exposing this fraud. Mitch Vexler contact info: https://real-estate-mindset-homebuyin…

A short updated clip on the steps needed to eliminate real estate tax.

This scripture below is for all of the politicians that know about the property tax fraud and continue allowing it, this scripture is for you:  1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, NOR THIEVES, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”

I can’t record the over 1 hour video but you can catch it over on YouTube: “They Lied About PROPERTY TAX | Pensions SCREWED | Housing Mutated”  Mitch Vexler and Travis are trying to reach Trump to close the Department of Education.

Before you watch the Ponzi Scheme video, this will set the stage of how I see the overreach of the government taxing for everything except for breathing.  Paper Moon clip.

I want to add the ending of this over an hour video on “They Lied About PROPERTY TAX | Pensions SCREWED | Housing Mutated”  Remember to the ones that are allowing and promoting this fraud that HELL is a real place and it’s an eternal place with no way out.

part 3

Short clip about sending I.R.S. agents to work at the Mexico border.  Hilarious. YouTube has quite a few informative videos and right now way better than Bitchute videos.

This clip is for those that are unaware of the Tesla car.  I now pity the people that drive them and I’ll pray for all of them to wake up.

I’ve added some info over on the Noahide post about the psychotic Barbara Bush Sr. (the older one w/the white hair).

Possible Missiles in California

Depopulation Comment

This will also be over on the Dobie Tejas post.

Weather Modification License.  I had another video playing when I recorded this that doesn’t match this license info.

Chemtrails by RussianVids

Interesting video clips on Trump being the last president. I added the first clip of Trump saying “You don’t have to vote again” and then the rest of the video is from a 5 yr. old video.

I found this Nesara/Gesara video by a guy in the U.K.  I’ve been watching video news about the shut down of the IRS and it’s looking possible.  I do see occult symbolism in this clip and I’ll add that info to it shortly.  I’m holding my breath until January 2024.  I’m not for either political side, I’m only for King Yeshua.

Nesara aka Nesara/Gesara “The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard.”

While studying about the upcoming Nesara / Gesara new world system, I’ve run across some info on Preterism and I want to do a post on it but it’s very deep and I would like it if you would take some time to study it yourselves.

Key words I would like for you to search for are:  Preterism; Hiding the Millennial Reign (masterfully hidden from us); Satan’s Short Season (for a time of deception); Satan’s Little Season.

I want to recommend a YouTube site from a Christian to help explain it.

Here’s proof that Jill, an Illuminati bloodline, is a clown


TX Capitol – The people chant for abortions while the Christians sing Amazing Grace

Cecile Richards lying.

Abortion doctor hissing


Wyoming is on fire.  Other Lithium gold mines: Arkansas, New Mexico, North Carolina and of course Wyoming.

North Carolina Flood is a Maui Land Grab All Over Again by Criminals

Clips I collected from several videos on the North Carolina flood invasion.  This clip discusses the FEMA loan for the North Carolina flood victims which states that if you don’t pay them back in a year they will take your property.

Another clip on the North Carolina flood invasion.  This nurse mentions a “reefer truck” which in case you don’t know, is a refrigerated truck which they were using to hold the bodies.

Ukraine is using soldiers with disabilities, so maybe the U.S.A. is taking their lead.


I’m slowing working on the Joe and Jill Biden post where they put this year on “Easter” Sunday, Transgender Day.  I want to show you this info that will be on the post.  It’s not that interesting but I decided to show it because Rachel is very sick and I want to make sure she has a chance to see this message.  Rachel proclaims to have been born a male and transitioned into a female, But, Rachel was actually, factually, born a female.  Rachel, repent while you still have breath left in your body.

Looking at these Illuminati drudgeries, is like walking through pile of sludge.  I’m looking at one and then I see the other one has a wig or they’re all wearing wigs or their switched genders or something.  They’re sickening because they’re so deceptive and the worse part is that the people idolize them and won’t listen at all to their own demise/downfall.

A clip I found on Joe Biden being deceased.  There are many rumors of this, but this is a clip of a paper trail that’s been deleted.

clip of Joe Biden getting some strange message in a envelope.

I’m working on a Jill Biden post and I wanted to add this shapeshifting clip that I found of Jill.  It’s just from a normal video but see for yourselves.

Jill gets put in place sorta.  The real reality check is that all of the presidents are related, from George Washington to Joe Biden.  All of them including Van Buren, who they claimed was only related by marriage and was a cousin, but that was also a lie.  Jill, you are also related to the Illuminati, Nephilim, Serpent Seed kings.  If there was any justice in this world, that would have been announced on television that the Serpent Seed bloodlines are ruling everything.  Oh and Jill, your wig looks decent this time.


Jill, this wig in this Ukraine interview, looks like plastic barbie hair.  Never use that company again.

Joe and Jill (Jack and Jill) both fail the Stairs Test – Failures.  These are switched genders.

I’ll be creating a Jill Biden post since there is so much info involved since Jill is Joe Joe’s right hand man.  Look at the length of Jill’s arm.

Pic from Jill Biden and Christina Aguilera’s video on abortion rights.


Revelation 13: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (666)


This clip is put together by Drew Bloom.  He does great work catching false wannabee prophets that take advantage of the people with their false teaching and begging for money.

Cult of Saturn clip


This woman had a dream of being allowed into heaven but her children who were waiting were not and there were trillions of people not allowed in.  Please work on your personal relationship with King Yeshua/Jesus.  Satan is going to throw everything at you that he can to get you to lose your salvation, so be careful.

Audio clip of “She saw a terrifying vision…She saw people who weren’t allowed to enter Heaven”

Christians, I need you to pray against his wickedness and for the safety of this baby.  I found this short clip on Bitchute on VOAT site.  This male is giving the baby a marijuana cigarette to suck on while the female filming is laughing.  Update, someone commented this is an old clip and they think the parents were arrested.

Clip from the Video: “The Unwrapping of Christmas Its History, Myths, and Pagan Traditions”

Lots of people, even “Christians”, celebrate Christ Mass but it has very pagan roots.

I believe that I found the pic below of Jimmy Carter/Cartier, from the Unhived Mind site which has shut down.  

This is a pic of Jim Jones father and Tamara Magdalene caught the reptilian fingers on the father who was Indian. This is a scene from the old version of Great Expectations when Pip (the younger man) has a Convict (the older man) show up and he discovers that the old man has made him his fortune.  I picked this clip because trying to explain to the Carters (Rosalyn) and Jim Jones family of their connection to John Rolfe, the kidnapper of Pocahontas.  You will hear the word Gammon in this clip and it means:  “a victory in which the winner throws off all their pieces before the opponent throws off any.”

video:  The Real Native History of Pocahontas – From a Native Journalist

a 1 min. clip of Carter praying to most all of the other religions gods, in Jesus name of course. lol.  Those of you awake, you can see the kabbalah tree of life.


This is a song about fighting, not sex…not everything is about that.  We’re in the battle for the Lord.

Song: When You Go Down

“It’s the Baphomet, Illuminati, New World Order, Transgender Agenda”

*3/11/23 – Simon Woods has over 100 videos exposing the transgender agenda and does a very good job.  Since I use Simon Woods videos on my site I just want to put something that has recently happened to me. On one of Simon Woods recent videos: “More Nails in The Coffinz” Simon said that he, if he is a he, doesn’t mind if a man wears a dress.  I commented on that video that the Lord is against it and now all of my comments have been removed (most of them praising “his” work) and I’m blocked off of his Bitchute channel.  What an honor.  I had just asked the Lord to show me Simon Woods and this happened to me.

I believe that SecretInversions on YouTube and Simon Woods are the same person or couple or group. I believe that SecretInversions is a married female because she made a comment about her husband.  SecretInversions and Simon Woods styles are the same and both are very good at teaching us, as they say, to open our eyes.

Groups connected on YouTube or Bitchute: Simon Woods + Simon1978 + SecretInversions + truthcorps7 + IT’S NOT FRIDAY + Cate

Not only am I and others trying to show you the secret transgenders in every arena of our lives, but some of the transinvestigators are also playing us.

I will continue to keep Simon Woods videos on my site.

“You can have all of this world, just give me Jesus”


“Lord, You’re Holy”


This is the month of presents, so for the children I’ll put this short clip here.  I think that she’s the cutest kid that I’ve ever seen. In this clip the guy says that parts of the shot can help but my opinion that synthetic chemicals do not help one bit.

So Anti-Vaxxers, just a reminder that the COVID shot should not be called a vaccine because it has not been approved because it failed the animal testing.  The ones that have taken the vaccine are the “animal study” so know that it’s a shot, not a vaccine.  If you take the shot and get injured, you cannot sue the companies because they’ll say it’s not approved, it’s a test.

Christians want to use God’s herbs and vitamins, not the government’s synthetic chemical garbage.  It’s ridiculous that the pro vax people would expect us to inject into our bodies synthetic medicine and expect us to turn a blind eye to the ingredients.  I always say that the pro vax people care more about their salad dressing or what is on their hamburger than they care about the ingredients they inject permanently into the muscle of their arm, which BTW, will NEVER leave your body.  A pill does not have the same effect as an injection.  Pro vaxers please come to your senses and look at God’s herbs for health.

There’s a song by Pink Floyd says something like: “Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.”   This video clip is a baby girl.

“Okay (okay, okay, okay)
Just a little pinprick
They’ll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it’s working, good
That’ll keep you going through the show
Come on it’s time to go…”  Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb

This clip below “What’s in a Vaccine?” I have the video over on the Corona means Crown page if you’re interested in watching it.

The Illuminati high royal bloodlines want you to follow their lead and just do it.

Doesn’t this pic look like a mug shot? The Carters right here in this picture, I can say that you never knew them.  To me they scream “I’m guilty!”

I just took the first 7 min. of this clip, the rest was a bunch of screaming by different truthers and I left that off.

Heavenly Father, in the name of King Yeshua Hamashiach, your WILL be done with these Illuminati bloodlines promoting this poisonous COVID vaccine and all of their other satanic concoctions.

Christians, this is about a 1 min. clip about the battle with the devil by Ian Paisley.

Video: “Hell is real!!!!!! out of body experience!!!”

This Christian lady has a YT site and it’s all about makeup and fashion and this is her one and only religious dream videos.  In her dream she was left behind and later she asked the Lord if she should make a video about it and the Holy Spirit said yes.  She’s very sweet and a beautiful person inside and out.

While the world is being purposely distracted by the cousins Harry and Meghan Markle, this is going on over in Israel.  To the pro vaccine people, don’t waste your time watching this clip since we’re on different teams or sides.  I’m not going to let Illuminati satanists inject me with their synthetic garbage.


Vid by Tamara Magdalene:  The End of Days Files: Humans Are Replaced, The Pharaohs Return  I have a copy of this I need to upload it…

An under 1 min clip on the Washington monument by the Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers.

A short timeline of the construction of the pagan Egyptian obelisk in the pic above: “Work on the stone (Egyptian Obelisk) monument to George Washington did not begin until July 4, 1848 (because of a lack of funds). Work on the monument was stopped in 1854 (when the monument was only 152 feet tall), after donations dropped off. The project was almost abandoned, but work finally began again in 1876…The exterior of the Washington Monument was completed on December 6, 1884…”

I remember reading in the New American magazine about the construction of the Egyptian Obelisk in the District of Columbia and I tried to find the original article but no luck.

The article stated that the Christians were protesting the building of this obelisk, which I say is a very satanic pagan symbol, and the article gave the impression that the construction had been stopped due to the outcry from the Christians.

My interpretation of the article was that the Illuminist/Illusionist sly foxes waited a couple of decades and that the next generation was not interested if it was built at all.

As you can see now a majority of the citizens and some misguided Christians think that this and the other symbols built around this nation, these Egyptian pagan highly demonic garbage, is a thing to be honored and revered. Repent while you still have breath in your body for ever giving this satanic abomination any place in your life.

I believe that our Heavenly Father and King Yeshua are allowing the defacing and destruction of these pagan symbols, these statues of Illuminati high royal bloodlines, whose bloodlines go back to the Egyptian Pharaohs and to Muhammad/Ishmael, to help remove the demonic stranglehold over the people and over this nation.

The bible says: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

This is a 1 min. clip by Pastor Mark Hitchcock adoring the Washington Monument which is a Egyptian Obelisk which is supposedly, I hate to say this, a wiener, yes a male wiener, that stupid obelisk.  This pastor, who is a bible and history scholar, should be explaining in this service that we, this nation, are under a curse because we have allowed this abominable thing to be erected, no pun intended, in the land.

Mark Hitchcock also in this clip praises pastor David Jeremiah (pic below) who has been, like many, many other pastors, caught or exposed throwing up masonic hand signs.  This is why people are so bamboozled; the pastors are giving out misleading information.  Pastor Mark Hitchcock – if you happen to read this page, please see the video called: “The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers”  it may or may not help you to remove your rose colored glasses and also I will pray for you to repent for teaching that this disgusting Washington Monument/Egyptian Obelisk/Wiener should be honored.

This is a short 6 min. clip about the Catholic/Jesuit genealogical history connecting this bloodline to the Iranians.  The video is 2 hours long and if you would like to see it just type: “UC, Davis, Katehi, Illuminati,” Leuren Moret with Darrell Hamamoto

This is a clip below by Tamara Magdalene on  all the satanic symbols and hand signs during this commotion. This guy with the fur hat with horns stage name is Jake Angeli and he is a “shamanic practitioner””  There’s so much info about him it’s just too much to deal with.  He did this stunt and then he also said a prayer to Jesus with his pants barely staying up on his body.


I found this on Bitchute and I split this into two because my server won’t handle it.  Tamara Magdalene – Obama’s Reign of Terror – Game of Thrones part 1

Tamara Magdalene – Obama’s Reign of Terror – Game of Thrones part 2

Video by Tamara Magdalene “Whistleblower Says Trump is the “King of Israel” ”

Video by Steve Fletcher:  “1/3 of the Earth is Burning! HELLO!”

Video by Seho Song: Overcoming DARK MATTER One of The Final Prophecies of This Age (Gwendolen Song)  Ignore her brick wall.  I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t know what this is a symbol of.  Benefit of the doubt until proven a second time.


Video by Steve Fletcher: “Banking for All Act (Digital Currency) connected to Obamacare and Georgia Guidestones”

Video by Steve Fletcher: “CASHLESS BEGINS JANUARY 1, 2021”

I found some more info on the Banking for All Act here:

A Bill that puts ALL banks and banking under the control of the government was brought to the senate on 03/23/2020. S.3571 was introduced on 03/23/2020.

Three days later on the 26th, Gates et al applies for a patent called…

1. WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA “(060606 !!! you can’t make this sh*t up)”


The bible says to never envy the wicked and here is a young boy’s testimony of seeing the mansions in heaven.  Many people have died and have seen the mansions and family members in heaven.

Video: “Testimony – I repented after visiting heaven and hell”

About a 1 hour video by Rose Hannah: “IMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOWN!!-To Insider Satanists-AT WHITE HOUSE (MIRACLE PERFORMED)SHARE WIDE&FAST!!”  She made a correction in her notes to her counting of Obama’s name in this video.  Rose Hannah’s site has been taken down, again.

Part I.

Part II.

Part III.


Since there aren’t any pictures I put this as an audio clip. This is from a video picked up by Seho Song: “MUST WATCH*President Donald Trump Is No Longer Commander In Chief (Steven Ben-Nun)”

God’s Handmaiden receives messages from the Holy Spirit and the message was this:  “As long as Trump is in office then we still have some time.  The next person to fill that position will be the Antichrist.”  God’s Handmaiden is aware of Trump just like we all are.


If the grocery stores were to shut down next week for two weeks would you have enough food and water stocked up? President Trump/Drump said on the news that things are gonna get very tough for the next two weeks.  I know that many people like him but just a couple of months ago he mentioned and storm was coming and would answer what he meant by that comment.  Remember, he’s Hillary’s cousin and that all of the presidents are related.  Get supplies please.  I’ve gone to several local grocery stores and I’ve heard this from people standing line and also from the store employees that stores are going to shut down for two weeks.  Update 04/14/20 – I spoke with the HEB grocery stores again ans they said now that they’re not closing but that everyone needs to wear masks.  I can tell everyone loves to wear their masks like a security blanket.


Lots of people even Christians accept money on YouTube and really I think that Christians should not because on judgment day we will give an account for everything plus King Yeshua offers us his free gift of salvation so we should also give freely of our time and resources.  As you can see by my own blog that it’s not top notch but it’s me trying to reach people because we should all be concerned for one another.  Those left behind could be our friends and family and that would be so sad to think of them suffering and we should do our very best to make sure they know about what is to come.   All we can do is try to reach them but it’s free will if they want to listen.

Lots of Christians are always watching for the signs of the coming of King Yeshua and of course we’re  trying to avoid the Antichrist who is a major psycho.  What I like is that Renee seems  to have figured out from her counting of days and events is that God has shortened the tribulation days from 3 years to just 4 1/2 months.  Even though that seems short and easy, remember this is the Antichrist time to finally rule and be in charge and it’s going to be hell on earth.  I agree with her and other Christians that the food that we are buying will also be for the left behind.  If you like please leave a note somewhere in your house for the people not to take the Mark of the Beast.  They will need all the support that they can get and maybe hide a bible for them.

This next small section is about the underground bases or as they call them D.U.M.B.S. Deep Underground Military Bases.

There are many videos about underground bunkers with many 18-wheelers hauling supplies in and out of the mountains and caves and the truck drivers are the ones that are bravely exposing these bunkers.  The elites are very conniving and cowardly and have been robbing/hoarding the resources for themselves.

Under 4 min. video: DUMB – Deep underground Military Bases Part 2

Hey Illuminati Fruit Loops, many Christians have gotten messages from the Lord Yeshua that when you’re hiding in the caves thinking that you’ve outsmarted us all, that CERN will cause an earthquake and guess what will happen to you down there?  Well, duh! What do you think?  It will all collapse on you.  The Lord Yeshua said this about 5 years ago for you guys not to go down into the bunkers because it will collapse on you but we all know that you’re very greedy, extremely demented and cuckoo and you are so self willed that you won’t listen to anything anyone says.

So here is your warning:  If you fruit loops go and hide into the secret bunkers that you have been planning and plotting to save yourselves in, just know this, that they WILL collapse on top of you.  So if you don’t know, now you know.

Everyone, if you can keep up with Steve Fletcher’s site.


Video about 12 min. “Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.)”


I want to mention that last year I think on December 21st, when I woke up in the morning, the Holy Spirit/The Voice spoke to me and said: “Things are gonna start to speed up.”  The Holy Spirit speaks to all of us you just have to try to pay attention to when he does speak.  It seems like its your own thoughts but he’s there trying to guide us and protect us.  Pray to God in Yeshua/Jesus name to help you to hear the Holy Spirit.

Video by Steve Fletcher 222: “WORLD LOCKDOWN – MARCH 22-23, 2020 – QUARANTINE = FORTY DAYS”  Please try to watch Steve Fletcher’s videos daily.  Steve is a very sweet Christian who works with orphans.

Video by Rapture Puzzle taken from Steve Fletcher but Renee Moses has added some info on the Mark of the Beast to this short video.  “And so it begins…in Denmark (Mark of the Beast)”

12 min video by Steve Fletcher:  “7 DAY WARNING! RAPTURE AND DESOLATION ON MARCH 22/23, 2020”  Steve connects this Coronavirus to Obama’s timeline.  Please see the Pergamon Altar post for more Obama info.  I’m aware we are not to date set but I do admire Steve Fletcher’s diligence in watching to report all of the connections for the people so that we won’t be caught unaware.

Video below starring Illuminati bloodlines: “ET The Simpsons Predicted Tom Hanks’ Quarantine!”  I have more info on Tom Hanks on my Obama Pergamon Altar post.

I would like to add that Tamara Magdalene YouTube site also covers a very dark side of Tom Hanks and I can’t put it on this blog because it’s just too dark.  Its the type of video that you wouldn’t want to watch alone and at night.  Tamara comes from a Luciferian family so she (I don’t believe she creates her videos alone) has a completely different take on things.



Another Fire Incident, The Davidian Compound – April 19th

Audio clip of child speaking to negotiator.

Clip of song by Pink Floyd: Goodbye Blue Sky.

This audio clip will have at the end the negotiator telling the Davidian Steve that no one is allowed to come out.

Next different topic…

This is a short clip from an old movie about Cinderella and it stars grown Drew Barrymore who has already been called out as switched.  This clip is how my life is daily battling with the Devil and his Canaanite cronies.

“From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.” ~ Bible

Alison Krauss – Stars

Video:  “Terrifying!! “Judgement Day” Dream!”  This video is a little over 2 min.  He had a dream of the judgment day and the line of people facing Jesus.  In this lifetime you have for the most part, free will to live as you choose.  When you die you will face King Yeshua/Jesus and it will be his will for your future.

I want to remind everyone to call on the name of King Yeshua/Jesus if you’re choking or sick or having chest pains just call on him.  Say or THINK:  Yeshua or Jesus help me or say  or THINK The Blood of Yeshua or Jesus.  The whole point of this blog is for you to know that you are not alone in this world but that you can call on the name of King Yeshua/Jesus for anything because he loves you.


Princess Elizabeth initiation Druid ceremony

  It’s Always a Storm

This blog is for entertainment purposes and spiritual healing only and you will never see this site asking for money, asking to login in to view pages, or see those stupid cookie notices.  I see that I now have podcasts online for some of my pages but I didn’t set them up and I don’t make any money.  I’m against asking for cash for anything to do with King Yeshua/Jesus.

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1 Comment

  1. C’est toujours le cas dans les vidéos de l’EI.
    Response: I translated this to: “This is always the case in the videos of Isis.”

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