Obama and the Pergamon Altar/Satan’s Seat, the Brandenburg Gate & The Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards

Short video clip from the Forest Gump ping pong scene.

Forest Gump pushing baphomet agenda clip

Hitler and Obama have both used this altar and I think that it’s significant because Obama has been prophesied to be the 1st Beast of Revelation.


*Suggestion – I want to recommend watching Steve Flether 222, and Rose Hannah, because these two are the best at keeping up with Obama and I often reference their work.  Each Watchman for the Lord, and there are many, have their own talents to expose the works from the enemies camp.  We can’t let the people be caught unaware.  We must help wake the people up while we still can.

20 min. video below by Beth Chesed:  “Obama & Antichrist at Altar Seat of Satan Berlin April 6 2019; Messianic”  These two pics below are from the video so you can get an idea what it’s all about.  I didn’t record the entire video because it goes off in a direction that I don’t need for this blog post.

Video by: GabbyRae Talker “Wake Up !!!!! Part 3 an Anti Christ OBAMA is Rising! – w/WORLDWIDE ALLIANCES!”  The video is below but first I want to discuss the picture above that I took from the video.

The reason that I put this picture up from GabbyRae Talker’s video, is because one of the categories listed in this picture is the letters MBK, standing for My Brother’s Keeper. Now, Christians to you this will be a huge red flag but to the others reading I’m gonna break down the meaning the best that I can.

In the bible, Adam and Eve had two sons Cain and Able. You may say well I don’t believe in the bible, and that’s fine because God in heaven gives you free will to choose him or not, but I can assure you that the satanist or elite-powers-that-be, do believe in the bible.

Anyway, have you ever heard of the expression: “Raising Cain”? It basically means raising Hell. Okay, so in the bible in Genesis, Cain was the bad son and Able the good. Able gave a sincere and best offering to the Lord and Cain gave a mediocre or not his best from his heart offering to the Lord. Cain became jealous over Abel and killed his brother.

This is the 2nd sin listed in the bible and the first murder in the bible. You know the iPhone emblem of the apple with a bite missing out of it? That is symbolic of when Eve ate the fruit (not sure which type of fruit it really was and probably not an apple) that God told Adam and her not to do but the serpent tempted Eve to disobey.

Anyway, back to the murder of Able. God asked Cain “Where is your brother?” Cain replied flippantly “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” God told him that his brother’s blood cries from the ground and God cursed Cain and his descendants.

So, President Obama and his handlers named My Brother’s Keeper after the biblical scripture and it relates to the first murder. I find it strange that out of all of the groups that Obama and his handlers are creating, that this particular group MBK is only for black males and this concerns me if they are collecting black Hebrew males to join. I also find it very strange that Obama, who is famous for criticizing the bible, would choose to even use a scripture from the very bible that he makes fun of.

Here’s the video by Ms. GabbyRae Talker.

              Valerie Jarrett

Song: “Baby I’m Yours”

Song: “Valleri”

Audio clip from Apostle Laura Lee’s: Obama Refusal to Transfer Power.  This clip will be about Valerie J.

4 min. video: “Valerie Jarrett Was Slum Lord in Obama’s State Senate District”  I have a copy and I’ll be uploading it soon.


Part 1 – Finding Your Roots:  Valerie Jarrett

Part 2.  This show never gives the full scoop but it’s enough for me to know because I was able to find that this bloodline info traces back to Scotland.

Hi Blessings,

I was watching Jonathan Cahn on the Jim Bakker show (Jonathan doesn’t have his own show or anything) talking about the history of the Pergamon Altar.

Video by Nils Esche: “Sarah Churchill and Clementine Churchill – Transvestigation”

The Pergamon Altar is where they would kill Christians by placing them inside of a metal bull and then setting a fire under the bull and then slowly burn them alive and the burning body’s smoke would come out of the bull’s nostrils and for some reason people found that entertaining.

*Looking at Obama’s short index finger in the pic above, this looks like a male hand.  But there is also a pic of his belly button below his waistline and jawline in front of the ear a female trait.

3 min. video: “barry, barry, barry!” Shows president Obama following a sexual Twitter account.

Obama speaking from her/his heart

Also, I looked up Jim Bakker and found that his bloodline connects to Cheney and Obama through Mareen Duvall.

Mareen Duvall was the 9th Great Grandfather to Obama, 8th to Cheney, 6th to Warren Buffett, and 9th Great Grandfather to televangelist Jim Bakker.  Jim’s ex-wife Tammy Faye Bakker was the granddaughter to Ann Boleyn, wife to King Henry VII.

A woman had a dream of Anton La Vey’s last moments. This audio is 8 min. long.  She basically saw him vomiting and talking to an angel named Rafael and La Vey was asking if the angel was going to help him.  Not a godly angel but the devil’s angel and no the angel did not help him in her dream.

8 min. audio of a dream a woman had of Anton La Vey’s last moments.  If you were with him you can verify this because she said that he calls out to an angel named Rafael to help him.

Video by Steve Fletcher: “Nativity Church: The Abomination of Desolation happened on March 22, 2013 AS PROPHECIZED”

May 25, 2017 Obama visits Germany at the Brandenburg Gate with Angela Merkel.  During his speech he uses biblical symbolic references that would pass over a  lot of people heads.  There is a video attached below explaining biblical references in Obama’s speech on May 25, 2017, the day of Ascension.


Video by Steve Fletcher: “Obama: You cannot sit back and wait for a Savior – September 6, 2018”

20 min. audio clip of her dream of Obama and seeing the Antichrist


Video: “reptilian brain??? say whaaaaaa?????”


This is really a pretty boring post but I couldn’t believe all of the bloodlines that were given the awards and I just wanted to say something about how fake it all seems to be.

November 16, 2016,  President Obama gave out the Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards to 21 people and 6 are royal bloodlines (part of the family) and this post will show their bloodline connections to Illuminati royalty.

1. Tom Hanks — 3rd cousin Abraham Lincoln, 14th cousin to Queen Elizabeth.
2. Diana Ross – Mayflower descendant John Alden, 11th Great Grandfather, bloodline to King Malcolm II.
3. Ellen DeGeneres — Mayflower descendant John Alden, 11th Great Grandfather. Bloodline to the Percy family.
4. Bill Gates — Has presidents and Kings in his line;
5. Bruce Springsteen — related to the Astors and Queen Elizabeth
6. Robert Redford — Famouskin.com says that Redford doesn’t have any famous relatives. Redford’s 8xGrandmother Sarah Bacon was the daughter to Kevin Bacon’s 7xGrandfather John Bacon. The Bacon line connects to President Obama’s line and that’s very famous.
7. Diana Ross – I was surprised to find out that she’s a direct descendant of John Alden who is supposed to be the first person to set foot off of the Mayflower. Alden was charged with being a warlock but no witnesses would appear in court to testify against him. There was another story about Alden that when children would see him they would faint. Diana Ross’ bloodline goes back to King Malcolm II.

Tom Hanks – 3rd cousin Abraham Lincoln, 14th cousin to Queen Elizabeth.

Video: “Toddlers & Tiaras with Tom Hanks”

This is audio clip is about 19 min. from the video: “Are All Around Good Guys Tom Hanks and Will Smith Pedophiles? I only recorded the Tom Hanks part because this video is 40 min. long. It discusses how creepy Tom Hanks behaves in this spoof about Toddlers and Tiaras.  Explains how exploiting children is never normal or acceptable.

Tom Hanks was Forest Gump and Sally Field played his mother in the movie.

Video by Truth Spirit: “Sally Field – Boy Next Door” part 1 and 2.  *Note: I do not agree with Truthful Spirit’s religious beliefs but I think that she does great work.

Diana RossDescendant of John Alden, 11th Great Grandfather, she is also a bloodline to King Malcolm II.

These pics are for John Alden, Jr.  Also, the Salem TV show references Alden.

Image result for john alden family tree

Image result for john alden poem


Diana Ross – I was surprised to find out that she’s a direct descendant of John Alden who is supposed to be the first person to set foot off of the Mayflower.  John Alden’s son John Alden was charged with being a warlock but no witnesses would appear in court to testify against him.  There are several versions and one was no witness testify and the other is that he was jailed but escaped to New York.  A third version is that the children accusers were orphans by Indians that Alden had business dealing with and these may be the same children would see him they would faint. John Alden, Jr. was accused of selling gunpowder and “shot” or bullets to the Indians and the French and also that he had relations with native Indian women.


Image result for diana rossImage result for king malcolm ii



Diana Ross’ bloodline goes back to

King Malcolm II.


Video: “The Supremes, Love Child” (Illuminati Child)

Ellen DeGeneres – Mayflower descendant John Alden, ‘her’ 11th Great Grandfather.

Ellen though ‘her’ paternal bloodline, is a 3rd cousin to King Henry VIII.  and Bloodline to the Percy family through Jane Seymour, King Henry VIII wife.  Ellen also has Howard and DeVere (self titled Dragon Bloodline) and DeBohun aka Boone; which are high Illuminati “royal” bloodlines.

Video by Truthful Spirit: “Ellen Degeneres is a Gay Man Pretending to be a Lesbian” *Note: I do not agree with Truthful Spirit’s religious beliefs”  also, Apostle Laura Lee was the first to come out with the title Gay Man pretending to be a Lesbian.

Jennifer Aniston did not receive the Presidential award but I’m just adding her and also note that she is a bloodline on her maternal line.


Bill Gates – Has presidents and Kings in his bloodline

Obama and Gates jawlines are in front of the ear.

This video was removed but here’s the cover page pic

Bruce Springsteen – related to the Astors and Queen Elizabeth.  I was surprised to see that Bruce Springsteen’s family line was from the Netherlands.  I was watching a show about communism and they had Bruce performing with another folk singer guy but I’ve forgotten his name.

Robert Redford – Famouskin.com says that Redford doesn’t have any famous relatives. Redford’s 8x Grandmother Sarah Bacon was the daughter to Kevin Bacon’s 7xGrandfather John Bacon.  The Bacon line connects to President Obama’s line and that’s very famous.

I added Robert DeNiro’s pic because he’s so mouthy and makes comments that he wants to hit Donald T. in the face.  DeNiro is out of control.  DeNiro is not listed as a bloodline but his mom’s side is from Netherlands.  Interesting.

Video: “Robert De Niro on Donald Trump”


This is a short 3 min clip about President Obama’s presidential painting.  This is from a video by Truthful Spirit called:  “Who is Barack Obama”

I wanted to show you that the artist that painted president Obama’s portrait and who was handpicked by Obama himself, well he has a history of paintings where he has painted black women holding severed heads of white women. The video will not show a bloody mess or anything just very shocking paintings.

Mark of the BeastI’m closing my “Mark of the Beast” post since it’s fairly small, and moving it all to here at the Obama and the Pergamon Altar post.

When the Antichrist comes into power you will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast.  Personally, I think that the Mark of the Beast chip will have alien DNA inside of it. And as crazy as this sounds just understand that they already put aborted fetal cells in the vaccines and also our food.   Resist the chip at all costs.  It will be the last free will decision that you will ever make.  Also, I looked up where they get the aborted fetal cells from for the vaccines and the articles say that they get them from a patient in a psychiatric hospital.  God only knows who and what aborted fetal cells that they’re really using.

Revelation 13:16-17 ~ Bible

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation 20:4 ~ Bible

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


Moved from my Mark of the Beast post: audio clip from the video: “Dad registering daughter for school notices prep (in cafeteria) for Mark of the Beast”

This is in Austin, TX – Video: “Chaotic Moon Studios – Tech Tats”   Oh Chaotic Moon – Thanks for nothing you stupid secular idiots.



Yeshua/Jesus is coming very soon to take those that love him and have repented of their sins.  If by chance you happen to miss the rapture you cannot take the Mark of the Beast/Obamacare Chip/Positive ID Chip/Verichip.  The bible says that if you take that chip you will never enter into heaven.  The Tribulation will last 7 years but the bible says that the days will be shortened because no flesh will survive it.


