Hi Blessings,
This blog post will be to show you that Gene Hackman/Phil Robertson, actor extraordinaire, through his paternal bloodline is the 23rd great grandson to Illuminati Nephilim King Henry III and also the 40th great grandson to Nephilim Charlemagne of THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE b: 2 APR 742 in Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse Darmstadt. The chart info will be listed at the bottom of this page.
Also, Gene Hackman’s 13th great grandfather, George Wyatt b. 1550, is also Michelle Obama’s 13th great grandfather, making Gene and Michelle cousins.
This is a little over 4 min. audio clip of Duck Dynasty is Bull Dynasty by Apostle Laura lee
Video: “Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson is really Acting Legend Gene Hackman!! No Joke!!”
A tree is known by its fruits.
In the last days the deception will be so great
that even the elect (meaning the top or the smartest) will be deceived.
“The Bible”
After the RNC convention Duck Dynasty’s Patriarch Phil Robertson appeared on a Fox morning news show (I watched this on YouTube) and he was bragging about how at the Republican National Convention he had given advice to Senator Orrin Hatch about how “In Louisiana we’re kinda like you are in Utah; we don’t wait until they get to be 20 years old before we marry them we move when they’re about 15 or 16 see.” Just a note that Senator Hatch is a Mormon and many people may not know this about Mormons but they believe that Lucifer and Jesus were brothers. I’m guessing this stems from the false Serpent Seed doctrine.
Fox News also asked him about the movie Torchbearer in which he is the narrator and he was explaining about the repercussions of what happens when you leave God out everything. Me personally I’m not going to listen to someone who just promoted pedophilia and then turns around to say he that he loves God. I’m not buying it/him. So far he’s fake.
Video: ” ‘Duck Dynasty’ star premieres new film at the RNC”
I know of the Duck Dynasty show but I had never been interested in watching it. I had remembered seeing a couple of YouTube videos on how Gene Hackman the famous actor was playing the role of the patriarch Phil Robertson. So I studied both Gene and Phil and found that they both have the same hairy forearms, the ears look alike and the wrinkles. Also their fingers are both tapered with the thumbs bending slightly back. The height listed for Phil is 6 ft. and for Gene it’s 6’2. I compared Gene Hackman to other pictures he had taken standing next to other male movie stars and I would estimate that he is 6 ft. tall not the listed 6’2 ft. tall. There was a picture of Phil standing next to Terry Bradshaw who is 6’3 ft. tall and they looked pretty even but I’m guessing Phil was wearing boots at that event. I compared Phil’s pics standing next to celebrities and estimated him to be about 6 ft. tall.
I then watched Gene Hackman’s old interview on Larry King and he commented that he was a Democrat and then on the David Letterman he was asked why he joined the marines and he responded “to get laid.”
I would say that there really is a Phil Robertson but that Gene Hackman has replaced him. Considering that in real life Gene Hackman is around 86 yrs. old it would seem like a good idea to have him say outspoken things to get him kicked off of the show for a break.
Phil/Gene is playing the role of a Christian and we are now supposed to believe that a man that wears filthy t-shirts with a beard that looks like lice could live inside of it and is supposed to be the voice for the Christians. Listening to him speak is like taking advice from a pirate and I’m picturing the theme song from Spongebob Squarepants playing as he speaks. Just more Illuminati theatrics.
(I wrote this post 7/25/16 and updated for this site) They live/film in Louisiana so the temperature there today was around a high of 85 degrees with 72 percent humidity. Who would wear long hair and a beard in that humidity?
Gene Hackman’s Illuminati bloodline was shockingly traced back to the King of France b. 355. This is the Merovingian bloodline which is the most occult bloodline on the planet. This is all Illuminati theater to mess with everyone’s minds and cause chaos and confusion aka Order out of Chaos – New World ORDER.
Phil Robertson/Gene Hackman has reptilian eyes and I don’t want to live in a world with lizard people running around.
Video” “Duck Dynasty’ star says America has a ‘spiritual problem'”
Sarah Palin as a child holding chickens. click HERE to see Pseudoccultmedia.net article on Palin
Yeshua/Jesus is coming to get the ones that love him and have repented of their sins. If by chance you miss the rapture of the church you cannot accept that Mark of the Beast/Chip/Obamacare Chip/Positive I.D. Chip/Verichip in your right hand or forehead or you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
(SALVATION PRAYER) Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to you that I am a sinner, and I repent of all my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord JESUS, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.
Eugene Allen HACKMAN b. 1930 in California
Father: Eugene Ezra HACKMAN b: 24 MAY 1903 in Illinois
Mother: Lyda E. GRAY b: 13 MAY 1904 in Canada
Grandfather: William Henry HACKMAN b: 18 JUL 1875
Grandmother: Julia A. MORRISON
2x Grandfather: Ezra T. HACKMAN b: 24 AUG 1843 in Lancaster Co., PA
2x Grandmother: Amelia Ann CHILDS b: 24 AUG 1843 in Jefferson Co., KY
3x Grandfather: James Mitchell CHILDS b: 1813
3x Grandmother: Arrena HUFF b: 1814
4x Grandfather: Roland Allison CHILDS b: BET 1787 AND 1790 in Washington Co., VA
4x Grandmother: Amelia WALLACE b: 1792 in Caswell Co., NC
5x Grandfather: Walter CHILDS b: 1741 in Virginia
5x Grandmother: Phebe CARR b: 1750 in Spotsylvania Co., VA
6x Grandfather: Henry CHILDS b: 13 NOV 1698 in New Kent Co., VA
6x Grandmother: Mercy WEBB b: 1705 in Virginia WEBBER REAL NAME
7x Grandfather: John Henry CHILES b: ABT 1669
7x Grandmother: Eleanor WEBBER b: 1675 in New Kent Co., VA
8x Grandfather: Walter CHILES b: 20 MAR 1630/31 in Bristol, England
8x Grandmother: Mary PAGE b: 25 JUN 1648
9x Grandfather: John PAGE b: 26 DEC 1628 in Bedfont, Middlesex, England
9x Grandmother: Alice LUCKENS b: 1625 in Middlesex, England
10x Grandfather: Francis PAGE b: ABT 1594 in Bedfont, Middlesex, England
10x Grandmother: Isabel WYATT b: ABT 1603 in Bedfont, Middlesex, England
11x Grandfather: George WYATT b: 1550 in Allington, Kent, England connects to Michelle O
11x Grandmother: Jane FINCH b: BET 1555 AND 1556
12x Grandfather: Thomas WYATT b: BET 1520 AND 1521 in Allington Castle, Kent, England
12x Grandmother: Jane HAWTE b: ABT 1522 in England
13x Grandfather: Thomas WYATT b: 1503 in Allington Castle, Kent, England
13x Grandmother: Elizabeth BROOKE b: ABT 1503 in Kent, England
14x Grandfather: Thomas BROOKE b: ABT 1465 in Kent, England
14x Grandmother: Dorothy HEYDON b: ABT 1465 in Beaconsthorpe, Norfolk, England
15x Grandfather: John BROOKE b: 10 DEC 1447 in Kent, England
15x Grandmother: Margaret NEVILLE b: ABT 1450 in Durham, Durhamshire, England
16x Grandfather: Edward DE NEVILLE b: 1417 in Durham, Durhamshire, England
16x Grandmother: Katherine HOWARD b: 1417 in Norfolkshire, England
17x Grandfather: Robert HOWARD b: BET 1384 AND 1385 in Suffolk, England
17x Grandmother: Margaret DE MOWBRAY b: 1387 in England
18x Grandfather: Thomas DE MOWBRAY b: 22 MAR 1365/66 in Epworth, Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, England
18x Grandmother: Elizabeth D’Arundelle FITZALAN b: 1366 in Arundel, Sussex, England
19x Grandfather: John DE MOWBRAY b: 25 JUN 1340 in Lincolnshire, England
19x Grandmother: Elizabeth DE SEGRAVE b: 25 OCT 1338 in Croxton Abbey, Leicester, England
20x Grandfather: John DE MOWBRAY b: 29 NOV 1310
20x Grandmother: Joan PLANTAGENET b: 26 FEB 1311/12 in England
21x Grandfather: Henry PLANTAGENET b: 1281 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England
21x Grandmother: Maud CHAWORTH b: 1282 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, England
22x Grandfather: Edmund CROUCHBACK b: 16 JAN 1243/44 in London, Middlesex, England
22x Grandmother: Blanche D’ARTOIS b: 1245
23x Grandfather: Henry OF ENGLAND III b: 1 OCT 1207 in Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England
23x Grandmother: Eleanor OF PROVENCE b: ABT 1223 in France
24x Grandfather: Ramon BERENGUER V b: ABT 1198 in France
24x Grandmother: Beatriz DI SAVOIA b: 1198 in France
25x Grandfather: Alfons BERENGUER b: 1180 in France
25x Grandmother: Garsinda DA SABRAN b: 1180
26x Grandfather: Alfonso BERENGAR II b: 1 MAR 1151/52 in Madrid, Spain
26x Grandmother:Sancha DE CASTILE b: 21 SEP 1154 in Castile, Spain
27x Grandfather: Ramon BERENGAR V b: 1113 in Barcelona, Spain
27x Grandmother: Petronilla DE ARAGON b: OCT 1136 in Spain
28x Grandfather: Ramon BERENGAR IV b: 11 NOV 1080 in Barcelona, Spain
28x Grandmother: Dolca DE ROUERGUE
29x Grandfather: Raimund BERENGUER III b: 1053 in Barcelona, Spain
29x Grandmother: Mafalda DE APULIA b: BET 1059 AND 1063 in Calabria, Italy
30x Grandfather: Robert Guiscard DE HAUTEVILLE b: ABT 1015 in Normandy, France
30x Grandmother: Sigelgaita DI SALERNO b: 1030 in Salerno, Campania, Italy
31x Grandfather: Tancrède DE HAUTEVILLE b: ABT 990
31x Grandmother: Fredesenda
32x Grandfather: Reinald DE LANGRES b: ABT 986 in France
32x Grandmother: Adelais OF NORMANDY b: ABT 1007 in Normandy, France
33x Grandfather: Otto Guillame OF BURGUNDY b: ABT 966 in Italy
33x Grandmother: Ermentrude DE ROUCY b: ABT 953 in Champagne, France
34x Grandfather: Renaud DE ROUCY b: ABT 925 in Champagne, France
34x Grandmother: Alberade DE LORRAINE b: ABT 930 in Lorraine, France
35x Grandfather: Giselbert OF LORRAINE b: ABT 887 in Lorraine, France
35x Grandmother: Gerberge OF SAXONY b: BET 913 AND 914 in Saxony, Germany
36x Grandfather: Regnier OF LORRAINE b: ABT 850 in Lorraine, France
36x Grandmother: Hersent OF FRANCE b: 865 in France
37x Grandfather: Giselbert OF MAASGAU b: ABT 830 in Belgium
37x Grandmother : Ermengarde OF FRANCE b: ABT 830 in Alsace, Lorraine, France
38x Grandfather: Charles OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE II b: 13 JUN 823 in Frankfurt, Hessen- Nassau, Prussia
38x Grandmother: Ermentrude DE ORLEANS b: 27 SEP 830 in Orlbeans, Neustria
39x Grandfather: Louis OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE I b: 16 APR 778 in Casseneuil, France
39x Grandmother: Judith OF BAVARIA b: ABT 800 in Altdorf, Bavaria
40x Grandfather: Charlemagne OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE b: 2 APR 742 in Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse Darmstadt
40x Grandmother: Hildegard VINZGAU b: ABT 757 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia