(*Dahmer family, I won’t be adding any more to this post and if I do I’ll note it at the top here. I wish my lawn guy had never asked me to look at the “chain saw massacre guy” who was also an Illuminati High Royal bloodline, and I would have never stumbled across Jeffrey’s info.)
Hi Blessings,
This blog post will be to show the Illuminati high royal bloodline of Mr. Jeffrey Dahmer through the maternal and paternal bloodlines. It will be necessary to use a few family pictures and video clips of Mr. Jeffrey that will expose something very bizarre and for years very hidden until now.
I had actually already done a small post a couple of years back on Jeffrey but I didn’t want to re-post it because of the pain that it would cause.
Recently a new movie has come out of about Jeffrey and now that I’ve analyzed his bloodline info and together with what I’ve found, it would lead me to believe that the movie that is coming out is to incite pain and race hatred. Please do not fall into the devils trap; This is a planned event from the beginning by the devil. The bible says “Be angry but sin not.” Only God through his son Yeshua/Jesus can help anyone overcome the kind of pain that comes from losing a loved one.
Also, I just found out just minutes before I was to put the blog post online that on November 11, 2017 there will be a 2 hour special on Oxygen called: Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks.
Please read this quote from Mr. Lionel Dahmer below:
Mr. Lionel Dahmer, I have good news for you – I found the problems with your “lineage” – you are from an Illuminati Nephilim High Royal Bloodline and the day that you read this you will know that there is a God in Heaven and that he sees everything.
Please note that before his death, Mr. Jeffrey repented of his sins and gave a public confession that he accepted King Yeshua/Jesus as Lord.
This is a 21 second audio clip of Mr. Jeffrey’s public confession that Yeshua/Jesus is Lord of his life. Please note the keywords in this audio clip when Mr. Jeffrey says “…I and EVERYONE ELSE will be held accountable to him.”
I understand that its a fine line to have to expect someone to be able to forgive after living through such a sad and horrendous tragedy, but the Lord says you must forgive or you will not be forgiven.
An Angel of the Lord once told a preacher who died that “in the ambulance you asked the Lord to forgive you for your sins but yet you would not forgive your wife (for a minor infraction); if you were to die today your lot (your destiny) would be hell. Its a matter of reaping what you sow.”
Video: “Heaven and Hell!! man dead for 3 days visits Heaven and hell with angel”
Video song: “I’VE BEEN REDEEMED”
1 min. audio clip below of Mr. Lionel Dahmer from the video: “Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 47 (Jeffrey Dahmer – The Milwaukee Monster Part 1)”
Let me say that in this audio clip you will hear Mr. Lionel Dahmer reads from his book: “A Father’s Story”, in which he compared his wife’s past sickness incidents as if she were a rabid dog. I’m sure it was his sly way of taking a jab at her by describing her in his book this way. I’m sure that his insert about her infuriated her and this would explain why she wanted to write a counter book called “An Assault on Motherhood” which she never got around to doing because the publisher told her that Lionel’s book on the subject was enough.
Mr. Lionel said that he wrote the book to help other families and also to help pay for legal fees. Mrs. Dahmer had also separately expressed interest in ideas of how to help other families.
1 minute audio clip of Lionel Dahmer
Mr. Jeffrey was born in May of 1960, so by December 1963 this would make him about 3 ½ yrs. old.
47 second audio of Mr. Lionel Dahmer discussing the time that Mr. Jeffrey asked if his penis had been cut off.
Mr. Jeffrey was born in May of 1960, so by 1966 this would make him about 6 yrs. old.
Almost 2 min. audio clip of Mr. Lionel Dahmer on the Oprah show where discusses his son Jeffrey as a small child asking if his penis had been removed. Another incident Jeffrey asked his father “what would happen if we cut out my naval?” I think that’s a reasonable question since he believes that his penis had been cut off.
Let me just say that throughout the documentaries and interviews on Mr. Jeffrey that I’ve watched, there seems to be a smear campaign to put all the blame on Mr. Jeffrey.
Examples of Jeff’s “craziness”:
Example 1: Mr. Lionel told Oprah that once Jeff gave him a card for a holiday that read “this card’s from Jeff and I love you to death.” Mr. Lionel Dahmer subtly implied that it was eerie and bizarre that Jeffrey, a small boy, mentioned death. That portrayal of the homemade card is ridiculous. Mr. Dahmer, what rhymes with Jeff? Nothing except death and it was just a kid trying to make a card with a rhyme.
27 second audio of Mr. Lionel Dahmer reading the card
Example 2: There’s another incident where dogs were missing in the neighborhood and the neighborhood knew that Jeff experimented on dead animals, so he was accused of kidnapping all of the dogs. It was like a no win witch hunt in many ways. Another reason for disappearing dogs could also be that the neighborhood was in a heavily wooded area and maybe the coyotes or foxes ate the neighborhood family pets.
Example 3: On the Oprah show, Mr. Lionel said that an incident happened when Jeffrey was younger while Mr. Lionel was under their home cleaning up bones (animals eat other animals – nature at work) and trash and tossing them in a bucket, Jeffrey, who was also with his father and was a small child, became interested in playing with the bones and the sound that they made when dropped in the bucket. Mr. Lionel implied to Oprah that Jeffrey’s interest in the bones and the clanging noise that they made when dropped into the bucket, was somewhat off but not alarming behavior.
How about this scenario instead because it’s more realistic. Mr. Lionel was under the house having to clean up dead animals because living in a wooded area things happen with nature.. His inquisitive young son, who adored his chemist father, tagged along and the dad made a game out of tossing the bones into the metal bucket, and Jeffrey, an impressionable child, mimicked his father and played the help me clean up the bones game.
Oprah is a major weirdo let me show you how weird from a clip by Tamara Magdalene.
This is a 5 min. audio clip of Joyce response. In this audio clip she said that she “prayed to the universe for an answer about Jeff.” She did not say I prayed to God or to Jesus. I’m wondering if Joyce was a Church of Science or from a Universalist church?
43 second audio clip of Jeffrey getting his class to meet VP Walter Mondale.
The first thing that I noticed about Walter Mondale is his flat female forehead.
Here’s Happy Rockefeller. Video: “Nelson Rockefeller Former Vice President “Two Wives” Were Born Men”
1 min. audio of Lionel’s discovery of Jeffrey being left home alone.
Quick Timeline:
Divorce was finalized July (1978)
Joyce moves David with her to Wisconsin on August 24th, 1978. She later claims she begs Jeff to come with, but told him not to tell Lionel where she had gone for “fear of what he might do.“Jeff was left with a half a gallon of milk.
Lionel would return to the home in September ‘78 to discover Jeff alone, after a week of unreturned phone calls. When asked where Joyce and David were, Jeff simply says that they’re “gone”.
“Joyce Flint (Dahmer): A Mother’s Story”
I would like to say that I’ve never had any interest in Jeffrey Dahmer. I was trying to think back at what sparked my interest at all in Jeffrey, and I remembered that someone had asked me to research the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy. While looking at the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy, who was an Illuminati bloodline, I stumbled across info on Jeffrey Dahmer and I just took a look at him and discovered that he was an Illuminati bloodline. I’m going to make a post with quick info on many of the famous killers to show that they’re from Illuminati bloodlines.
At one point, I believed that Jeffrey may have been a female to male, because of all of the times that he was taken to the hospital as a young child. Mia Farrow, a male to female, was also taken to the hospital quite a bit. Looking at Jeffrey’s pic below you can see the severely sloping shoulders but you can also see that he has very long forearm which is a male trait. I believe that Jeffrey is a male and never was a female.
Now Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen are a reverso couple.
Video: “Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Transvestigation” 2 min. clip
Short clip by Blackchild Production: “WHAT DO I GET?”: Tom Brady “GROOMING” His Son?”
Jeffrey was also a suspect for the America’s Most Wanted John Walsh son who was missing
Video by Russian Vids: “The Jeffrey Dahmer Hoax Exposed”
This is a 20 second clip of the interview with Stone Phillips with Mr. Lionel Dahmer. Right before Mr. Phillips asked Mr. Dahmer if Jeffrey had been abused, Mr. Phillips threw up this hand sign and then asked the question. Mr Lionel Dahmer says no nothing ever happened and then took in a deep breathe.
The entire interview that Mr. Phillips did with the Dahmer family I would label it as softball questions. The interview with Mr. Phillips came off as more of a counseling session; but the Illuminati bloodlines get special treatment in this world.
Regular people – if you ever get into drama and think that you’re gonna go to the media and get handled gently you need to wake up because this treatment is only for the Illuminati high royal bloodlines.
20 second audio clip interview with Stone Phillips and Mr. Lionel Dahmer
4 1/2 min audio clip about Yale’s Scroll and Key secret society
2 min. audio of the police testimony
Below is a little over 1 min. audio clip from the pics below of the former classmates and the cop expressing what they believe to be their view of Jeffrey’s sincere remorse.
This female and male seen in the pics below were former classmates and they have been in several past documentaries on Jeffrey and now they are also in the recent video “Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks” coming up on Oxygen to be released November 11, 2017.
Maybe this Oxygen documentary and new movie is some sort of punishment for the fact that before Jeffrey was killed he confessed that Jesus Christ is the Lord of his life and the Illuminati hates Yeshua/Jesus; or maybe its the right timing to stir up a race war.
Also the cop in the pic below has been called out as a crisis actor in this article in the link below. The article has a that the whole Dahmer even was a Hollywood set or setup and that’s all I will say because it gets very gory. If you’re interested you can read it here.
1 min. audio clip
Video by Mag Bitter Truth: “THE JEFFREY DAHMER DECEPTION FINALLY EXPOSED” Just FYI Mag cusses a lot so be prepared. I just want to say that I don’t agree with Mag Bitter Truth’s religious beliefs or lack of believing in King Yeshua/Jesus.
This is just another Illuminati family and this one is no different than any of the others except that this family just got caught.
The genealogy info is below.
This is a 3 min. video of Jeffrey apologizing in the court and the rest is pics of Jeffrey as a ‘boy’ with music by “Only Time” by Róisín Video: “Jeffrey Dahmer childhood clips”
Jeffrey Lionel DAHMER b. 21 MAY 1960 in West Allis, Milwaukee Co., WI
Father: Living DAHMER
Mother: Joyce Annette FLINT b: 7 FEB 1936 in Columbus, Columbia Co., WI
Herbert Walter DAHMER & Catherine Jemima HUGHES
Grandfather: Herbert Walter DAHMER b: 21 AUG 1903 in Crawford Co., WI
Grandmother: Catherine Jemima HUGHES b: 29 OCT 1904 in Brigham, Iowa Co., WI
2x Grandfather: Robert Rowland HUGHES b: 5 FEB 1872 in Brigham, Iowa Co., WI
2x Grandmother: Eunice Adele SPEARS b: 24 JAN 1873 in Franklin Co., IA
This SPEARS bloodline does connect to Brittany Spears. Lionel and Britney share the same grandfather but it’s back in the 1600’s.
3x Grandfather: Dighton Monroe SPEARS b: 30 MAR 1851 in Primrose, Dane Co., WI
3x Grandmother: Jemima RICKEY b: 21 NOV 1851 in Moscow, Iowa Co., WI
4x Grandfather: Dighton Monroe SPEARS b: 30 MAR 1851 in Primrose, Dane Co., WI
4x Grandmother: Jemima RICKEY b: 21 NOV 1851 in Moscow, Iowa Co., WI
5x Grandfather: William Robert SPEARS b: 15 AUG 1804 in New Jersey
5x Grandmother: Eunice DAY b: 1810 in New York
6x Grandfather: Dexter Baldwin DAY b: 1798 in Madison Co., NY
6x Grandmother: Hannah CASS b: 27 JAN 1798 in Otsego Co., NY
7x Grandfather: Joseph DAY , Jr. b: 16 APR 1756 in Walpole, Norfolk Co., MA
8x Grandfather: Joseph DAY b: 25 AUG 1731 in Walpole, Norfolk Co., MA
8x Grandmother: Abigail COLBURN b: 12 SEP 1733 in Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA
9x Grandfather: Jeremiah DAY b: 18 SEP 1692 in Walpole, Norfolk Co., MA
9x Grandmother: Mary WILLETT b: 18 NOV 1701 in Massachusetts
10x Grandfather: Joseph COLBURN , Jr. b: 17 SEP 1687 in Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA
10x Grandmother: Mehitable WHITING b: 20 MAY 1696 in Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA
11x Grandfather: Joseph COLBURN b: 1 DEC 1662 in Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA
11x Grandmother: Mary HOLBROOK b: ABT 1663 in Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA
12x Grandfather: Nathaniel COLBURN b: BEF 12 SEP 1611 in Woolverstone, Suffolk, England
12x Grandmother: Priscilla CLARKE b: 1613 in Norfolkshire, England
13x Grandfather: Leonard COLBORNE b: BEF 15 MAR 1571 in Suffolk, England
13x Grandmother: Sarah LEWES b: ABT 1571 in Suffolk, England
14x Grandfather: Thomas CLARKE b: BEF 7 MAR 1567/68 in Banham, Norfolkshire, England
14x Grandmother: Mary HOBART b: 1574 in Norfolkshire, England
15x Grandfather: Robert CLARKE b: ABT 1489 in Banham, Norfolkshire, England
15x Grandmother: Alice b: 1492
16x Grandfather: John CLARKE b: 1460
16x Grandmother: Rebecca GODFREY b: 1470
17x Grandfather: Robert CLARKE b: 1430
17x Grandmother: Katherina ECHINGHAM b: 1435
18x Grandfather: Henry CLARKE b: 1400 in Kent, England
18x Grandmother: Matilda ECHINGHAM b: 1407 in Kent, England
19x Grandfather: Thomas CLARKE b: 1375
19x Grandmother: Sarah FORDE b: 1375
20x Grandfather: Thomas EYCHINGHAM b: ABT 1383 in Sussex, England
20x Grandmother: Margaret KNYVETT b: 1384 in Northamptonshire, England
21x Grandfather: William ECHINGHAM b: ABT 1360 in Sussex, England
21x Grandmother: Joan FITZALAN b: ABT 1367
22x Grandfather: John FITZALAN b: BET 1347 AND 1348 in Echingham, Sussex, England
22x Grandmother: Eleanor MAUTRAVERS b: BET 1345 AND 1346 in Echingham, Sussex, England
23x Grandfather: Richard FITZALAN b: BET 1306 AND 1313 in Castle Arundel, Sussex, England
23x Grandmother: Eleanor PLANTAGENET b: 11 SEP 1311 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England
24x Grandfather: Henry PLANTAGENET b: 1281 in Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England
24x Grandmother: Maud CHAWORTH b: 1282 in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, England
25x Grandfather: Edmund CROUCHBACK b: 16 JAN 1243/44 in London, Middlesex, England
25x Grandmother: Blanche D’ARTOIS b: 1245
26x Grandfather: Henry OF ENGLAND III b: 1 OCT 1207 in Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England
26x Grandmother: Eleanor OF PROVENCE b: ABT 1223 in France
Jeffrey Lionel DAHMER 21 MAY 1960 in West Allis, Milwaukee Co., WI
Father: Lionel DAHMER
Mother: Joyce Annette FLINT b: 7 FEB 1936 in Columbus, Columbia Co., WI
Grandfather: Floyd Leroy FLINT b: 18 JUL 1911 in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co., WI
Grandmother: Lillian Bernice RUNDBERG b: 3 FEB 1915 in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co., WI
2x Grandfather: James Ernest FLINT b: 1 JUL 1873 in Bergen, Vernon Co., WI
2x Grandmother: Lottie Mae WHITE b: 5 SEP 1882 in Wilson, Sheboygan Co., WI
3x Grandfather: Abner FLINT b: 29 AUG 1840 in Belmont, Allegany Co., NY
3x Grandmother: Mary Sophronia GREGORY b: 22 OCT 1853 in Union, Broome Co., NY
4x Grandfather: Cyrus FLINT b: ABT 1801 in Rensselaer Co., NY
4x Grandmother: Sarah EYMER b: 9 JUL 1814 in New Lebanon, Columbia Co., NY
5x Grandfather: Ephraim FLINT b: 16 OCT 1758 in Tolland, Tolland Co., CT
5x Grandmother: Cynthia WARREN b: 18 SEP 1763 in Sharon, Litchfield Co., CT
6x Grandfather: Nathaniel FLINT , Jr. b: 9 NOV 1721 in Reading, Middlesex Co., MA
6x Grandmother: Joanna SKINNER b: 19 MAR 1727 in Sharon, Litchfield Co., CT
7x Grandfather: Nathaniel FLINT b: 4 JAN 1693/94 in Reading, Middlesex Co., MA
7x Grandmother: Mary STEARNS b: 10 APR 1689 in Lynn, Essex Co., MA
8x Grandfather: George FLINT b: 6 JAN 1651/52 in Salem, Essex Co., MA
8x Grandmother: Elizabeth PUTNAM b: 11 AUG 1662 in Reading, Middlesex Co., MA
9x Grandfather: Nathaniel PUTNAM b: BEF 11 OCT 1619 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England
9x Grandmother: Elizabeth HUTCHINSON b: BEF 30 OCT 1629 in North Markham, Nottinghamshire, England
10x Grandfather: John PUTNAM b: 17 JAN 1579/80 in Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England
10x Grandmother: Priscilla GOULD b: Abt 1590 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England
11x Grandfather: Nicholas PUTNAM b: BET 1540 AND 1546 in Buckinghamshire, England
11x Grandmother: Margaret GOODSPEED b: BEF 16 AUG 1556 in Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England
12x Grandfather: John PUTNAM b: ABT 1515 in probably Woughton on the Green, Buckinghamshire, England
12x Grandmother: Margery
13x Grandfather: John PUTNAM
14x Grandfather: Richard PUTTENHAM b: ABT 1490 in probably Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England
14x Grandmother: Joan
15x Grandfather: Nicholas PUTNAM b: ABT 1460
16x Grandfather: William de PUTTENHAM II b: ABT 1430
16x Grandmother: Anne de HAMPDEN b: ABT 1430
17x Grandfather: John de HAMPDEN b: 1385 in Great Hampden, Buckinhhamshire, England
18x Grandmother: Elizabeth Whalesborough b: ABT 1406 in Whalesborough, Cornwall, England
19x Grandfather: Edmund HAMPDEN b. 1335 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
19x Grandmother: Jane BELKNAP b. 1345 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
20x Grandfather: John de HAMPDEN b: ABT 1300 in Hampton, Buckinghamshire, England
20x Grandmother: Joanne de Aylesbury b: ABT 1305 in Middleston, Keyes, Buckinghamshire, England
21x Grandfather: Reginald de HAMPDEN b. 1257 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
21x Grandmother: Nichola de Grenville b. 1269 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
22x Grandfather: Alexander de HAMPDEN b. 1216 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
22x Grandmother: Marian HERDELEY b: ABT 1240 in Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
23x Grandfather: Reginald DE HAMPDEN b: ABT 1195 in Buckinghamshire, England
23x Grandmother: Agnes BURTON b: ABT 1197 in Buckinghamshire, England
24x Grandfather: Bartholomew de HAMPDEN b: ABT 1170 in Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England
24x Grandmother: Michel de FIENNES b: ABT 1175 in Tolleshunt, Essex, England
25x Grandfather: Guillaume I de FIENNES seigneur de Fiennes, baron de Tingry b: ABT 1160
25x Grandmother: Agnes de DAMMARTIN b: ABT 1169 in Buckinghamshire, England
26x Grandfather: Enguerrand I “Crusader” de FIENNES seigneur de Fiennes b: ABT 1128
26x Grandmother: Sibille de BOULOGNE, dame of Tingry, b. 1151 Carshalton, Epsom, Surrey, England
27x Grandfather: Eustache II “le vieux”, seigneur de FIENNES b. 1106 Fiennes, Normandy, France
27x Grandmother: Jeanne de SAINTE-ALDEGONDE, b. 1130
28x Grandfather: Conan de FIENNES b. 1065, France
28x Grandmother: Alix de BOURNONVILLE b. 1101
29x Grandfather: Eustache I, seigneur de FIENNES b. 1015 Fiennes, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de- Calaos
29x Grandmother: Adèle d’Ardres (de Furnes) b. 1030, Dunkerque, Veurne, Belgium
30x Grandfather: Lambert I, Count of Louvain, b. 952 Leuven, Graafschap Bergen, Ostfrankenreich
30x Grandmother: Gerberga Lothringen, b. 975 Laon, Aisne, Picardie, France
31x Grandfather: Régnier III, comte de HAINAUT b. 924 Hainault (within present Belgium), Lotharingie, Frankish Empire
31x Grandmother: Adele comtesse d’ EQUISHHEIM b. 929 Dachsburg, Lorraine, France
32x Grandfather: Reginar II, count of HAINAUT
32x Grandmother: Adelaide of BURGUNDY
33x Grandfather: Reginar I “Longneck”, Duke of Lorraine and Count of Hainault, b. OCT 25, 860 Verdun, Meuse,Lorraine,France
33x Grandmother: Alberade de Mons, duchesse de Basse Lorraine b. 870 Mons, France
34x Grandfather: Giselbert I, count of Maasgau b. 830
34x Grandmother: Princess Ermengarde de Lorraine b. 827 Lorraine, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne- Lorraine, France
35x Grandfather: Emperor Lothair I b. 795 Altdorf bei Numb3erg, Bayern, Deutschland
Emperor of the Romans, Empereur d’Occident, Keizer van het Roomse Rijk (833-834, 840-855), King of Bavaria (815-817), King of Italy, Roi d’Italie, Koning der Lombarden (Italie) (818-855), King of Middle Francia/Lotharingia, Roi de Lorraine, (843-855)
35x Grandmother: Ermengaurd de Tours, May 28, 805, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
Empress Consort of Francia, Queen of Italy, sticht kloster Ernstein, Römische KAISERIN, Empress of the Romans, Queen of Bavaria, Queen of Middle Francia, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, Princess of Hesbaye, Countess of Tours, keizerin Romeinse Rijk
36x Grandfather: Louis I ‘der Fromme/le Pieux’, Emperor April 16, 778, Casseneuil, Lot-et- Garonne, Aquitaine, Carolingian Empire (within present France)
36x Grandmother: Princess Ermengarde of Italy (de Hesbaye) b. 778 Hesbaye, Région Wallonne, Belgique (within present Belgium), Austrasia, Frankish Empire
Queen of the Franks and Holy Roman Empress, Princess Ermengarde of Hesbaye, Keiserinne, Empress, Princess of Hesbain, Countess of Tours, Countess, Queen consort of Italy, Duchesse, d’Haspengau
37x Grandfather: Karolus Magnus”, “Karl 1 den store”, “Charlemagne“, “Carlos Magno”, “Karl der Grosse; Charles the Great” b. April 2, 742, in present day Belgium or Germany
37x Grandmother: Hildegard”, “Hildegarda”, “Hildegarde”, “Hildegardis”, “de Vinzgau”, “von Vinschgau”, “von Vintschgau”, “von Vinzgouw”, “von Vintzgau”, “of Alemannia”, “of Swabia”, “Mathalgard”, “Hathalgardco”, “von Vinzgau”, “Princess Of Swabia Hildegarde Von Allemannien”, “countis de Vinzgau”, b. 758, Swabia (present Baden-Württember, Germany)
This is the nuttiest, most delusional thing (that) I’ve ever read. The author is seriously paranoid and mentally unstable. GET HELP.
Somebody needs to get mental health help and quit coming up with this nonsense, lol! On second thought, this is entertaining fiction.
I just wanted to say I knew Jeffrey and he is related to Good King Wenceslas of the Christmas carol, also known as Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia and possibly Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor on his father’s side as well. His father Lionel made mention to me of the Lombards which are a barbaric Germanic tribe of Northern Italy, because I kept pestering them and asking if he was Italian or jewish (they’re not). Not only that but Jeffrey’s great uncle is a 6° Freemason. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that both Jeffrey and his father’s names follow Eastern Slavic naming customs of the first name or given name being followed by a patronymic or the first name of the father, which is further proof of their Bohemian (modern day Czech) lineage. Interesting to note, the Sedlec Ossuary located in the Czech Republic is an almost spitting image of the skull shrine and altar that Jeffrey Dahmer wanted to create in his apartment.
Reply: His mom had an interview in which she stated that “Jeffrey was so scared” implying that he lost his mind. I took it differently, like he wasn’t the only one involved in that tragedy almost as if he was just used as the front person for the sad tragedy. I’m suspicious of the fact that some of the cops dropped the ball and the weird crisis actors that appeared in court. A big thank you to Russian Vids for finding that clip of the court scene with the crisis actors. Peace, Missy *If you want me to remove your comment just let me know.
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