As you can see this is just a little info on the Nephilim giants which are related to the Illuminati bloodlines that control everything but our souls. I plan to merge this page with the other posts since it’s so small it will be one less page to keep up with.
I really don’t feel that I’ve done this post on the Nephilim justice. I want to recommend a Christian on YouTube who covers it very well. Please go to his site below if you’re interested.
This 8 min. video will be about the fallen angels which are now demons who will be coming through the CERN portals.
This is a 40 min. audio clip (in 2 parts) by TheGospelStuff – Walter B. Shepherd, a man of God, who receives visions of those left behind and the Nephilim returning.
Part 1 of Rapture, Tribulation, Nephilim, Demonic, Armageddon Visions
Part 2 of Rapture, Tribulation, Nephilim, Demonic, Armageddon Visions
Everything by Gary Wayne on YouTube or his book and website are great.
This has a pic of one mermaid and also skeletons in this video.
This is a little over 1 min. of just music and pictures.
A two minute video explaining about Giants in the bible