When my life is over and I stand before the Lord one of my many questions will be why did the Illuminati bloodlines transgender their children? This has been going on for generations and they have their reasons but why in the world would they morally do it? (when I first started my blog, I believed that the Illuminati children were abused. Now I believe that they’re from the Serpent Seed bloodlines and it’s in the DNA/their nature to switch their children and the children take to it, it’s in their DNA.)
As a parent who in their right mind would willfully switch their innocent child’s gender? They would have to be without a conscious and moral decency. If I was married to an Illuminati and let’s say I was also an Illuminati and was told that we would receive money if we switched our child’s gender and my husband was willing to do that, I would secretly pack my things and my child’s things and leave. There’s no way I would agree to do that for money. No way.
One more thing, I started doing these genealogical things because 1st – The Trump and Hillary supporters were fighting and I wanted to show the people that they are related and that all of the presidents are related. It was the only way to show that they are fake or connected to each other and the royal families. It was the only way to show they had a “Luciferian” agenda. I do all of this to get your attention so I can get 1 min of Jesus/Yeshua time.
I had done a post a few years back which I need to put up again about the American Bible Society because one of the comments I get from people is that the bible is written by man and has been changed. My conclusion on the ABS was that the board members were Illuminati bloodlines, they owned plantations in Jamaica, and even Benjamin Strong, Sr. was on the 1st board and by now you should recognize that name as connected to the Private Federal Reserve Bank.
I’m trying to show that these people are fake and that Jesus/Yeshua is real. As a small child under about 6 yrs. old I used to talk to God. My parents told me that he wasn’t real so I stopped talking to God and also believing that he was real. It was the saddest time of my life when I stopped believing in God. The voice never gave up on me and this is why I do this because I hope that you may open your hearts and give Jesus/Yeshua a chance to come into your life.
Please see the Famous by the World’s Standards post for an extensive list of Illuminati high royal bloodlines aka Serpent Seeds.
Please pray for these people that God heals their broken hearts and minds. We pray the blood of King Yeshua over this list.
Prayer List – Royals and Not So Royal
- Wendy Jean Russell Davis and Family – Royal – maternal line; De Berkeley Bloodline Male to Female
- Britney Jean Spears and Family- Royal – maternal and paternal lines Male to Female
- Cecile Richards – Royal – maternal line; President of Planned Parenthood Male to Female
- Gene Hackman – Royal paternal line
- Alex Jones – Royal maternal and paternal line
- Billy Graham and Family – Royal; DeGrahame Bloodline
- Pastor Steven Anderson – Royal; connected to President Adams and the Merovingian Bloodline
- Pastor Kenneth Copeland – pray in general
- Frances Swaggart – She uses a Goat Head Table on show Frances and Friends Muslim video – see my Honorable Mention Pics to view – pray in general
- Loretta Lynn – Royal paternal and maternal lines
- Willie Nelson – Royal – paternal and maternal lines
- Bruce Springsteen – Royal Female to Male
- Jon Bon Jovi related to Frank Sinatra – See my Charles Manson post for info on that. Female to Male
- Charles Manson – Royal – paternal line; Percy/Pierce Bloodline connects to Barbara Bush, Hillary and many others. Afton Burton Manson – Manson’s significant other
- Ann Coulter – Royal paternal line Male to Female
- Sarah Palin – Royal paternal Male to Female
- Michelle Obama – Royal – maternal line Male to Female
- Edward Snowden – Royal – paternal line
- Taylor Swift – Royal – maternal line Male to Female
- Justin Bieber – Royal – maternal line Female to Male
- Stevie Nicks – Royal – paternal line
- Jennifer Aniston -Semi Royal – maternal line Male to Female
- JK Rowlings – Royal – paternal line Male to Female
- Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick – Royals Both Switched Genders
- Brooke Shields – Royal – paternal and maternal lines Male to Female
- Mia Farrow – Royal – Male to Female
- Kris Jenner – Semi Royal Male to Female
- Pamela Anderson – spouse to royal. Male to Female
- Tommy Lee – Royal – paternal line Female to Male
- Julian Assange – pray in general. This is a female to male.
- Naomi and Ashley Judd – Royal maternal and paternal lines; also pray for Ashley’s father Michael Ciminella, maternal line
- Joe Maldonado – First Transgender (female to male) Boy Scout – never was a girl, all boy. Joe may possibly have been castrated.
- Jackson Theron – Reptilian Charlize Theron dresses her adopted son from Africa as a female. Jackson may possibly have been castrated.
- Jim Caviezel (played Jesus in the Passion) and his “wife” Kerri who has an Adam’s apple. Both Switched Genders
- Julie Andrews – Royal maternal line Male to Female
- Megan Fox – Royal paternal line Male to Female
- Corey Maison (sounds like Mason, masonic lodge) and the family. Royal maternal line Male to Female
- Ayo Kimathi or Irritated Genie
- Westboro Church and the Phelp family – Royal paternal. Also, all of the protestors that are entangled in the hate rhetoric.
- The Churches of Satan, the pastors and members.
- Marilyn Manson/Brian H. Warner – Royal maternal and paternal line
- Laura Eisenhower, Dr. Dream and the Eisenhower family – Royal maternal and paternal line Male to Female
- Bradley Manning now Chelsea Manning. I believe that Bradley was born a female, changed into a male and then changed back to a female. His/Her jawline even as a male is in front on the ear which is a female trait. My opinion.
#1 on the list Wendy Davis
#2 on the list Brittney Spears
3rd on the list Cecile Richards, the child of former TX Governor Ann Richards, who was also the cousin to the Bush family. When they debated for the TX Governor spot, they had it all under control.
4th on the list – Gene Hackman