Video: “Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant “Hail Satan” “
Video by MrE on Sandra Bullock.
What’s interesting is that I was looking at Charles Manson’s family history and figured out that Wendy and Charles Manson are about 7th cousins through the Stovall bloodline and they both share the same grandfather, John Stovall. It’s really interesting that both of these two are having movies made about their lives. I’ll be putting Manson’s chart on this blog post just because they have so much in common; Sharon Tate’s “baby” was killed by Manson’s cult following and Wendy’s claim to fame are so similar.
Video: “Sandra Bullock’s New Movie Shows the Power of a Filibuster”
Sandra Bullock coming onto David Letterman. It’s funny cause I thought Dave was smarter than that being in the industry and sitting right across and watching the Adam’s apple move up and down. Video: “Sandra Bullock on Letterman (18/10/93)”
Video by Epic Sellouts: “Sandra Bullock: The Life of a Lizard” This video is so well put together that it’s priceless.
Video: “Sandra Bullock and her Korean baby foreskin rejuvenation treatment” Only a gross reptilian would promote this.
Video: “Texas SB5 protest, Sen Wendy Davis’s filibuster 6-25-13” It’s just screaming so you can skip this if you like.
This video is from a woman who was raped as a young girl and had an abortion. I’m letting you know in advance in case that may upset you.
Video: What Her Children Told Her in Heaven Will Make You Weep!
Video: “Disabled little girl sings Amazing Grace song”
Addison Clark’s grandchild – Sara Elizabeth Mooney(the Lizard Lady) picture below with reptilian eyes and bulging trachea.
He/She wrote the letters to bring President Obama’s father over from Kenya.
He/She below was also the director of Planned Parenthood.
In this video below called
“Interview with Wendy Davis by meet the press” @ 3:14 former Texas governor Rick Perry talks about Wendy Davis accomplishments. Please note that Rick Perry himself is also a high Illuminati royal bloodline. His bloodline connects to the Bush family through Jeremiah Dummas – I believe that they are cousins. Perry’s 8x grandfather Jeremiah is the 7x great grandfather to George Bush. Perry’s 9x great grandmother Cordelia Langford bloodline is where his royal line hits to the King of England. Cordelia’s 2x grandmother and Rick’s 12x grandmother was Anne Vavasour. There is a Wikipedia page on her. She was I’ll say a party girl. She was the maid of honor to Queen Elizabeth I. She had several children out of different affairs. Through Anne’s bloodline she connects to King of England through several of her and Rick’s grandmothers.
I was so surprised to see that there was an Elizabeth L’ Estrange in his bloodline. The L’Estrange of course goes back to the King of England but it would also connect him to John Strong (L’ Estrange) and his line served as the 1st president of the private Federal Reserve Bank. John Strong also is related to Alex Jones and now Rick Perry.
Perry also had an Eleanor Plantagenet b. 1311 in his bloodline which also dates back to the King of England. Eleanor is Perry’s 20th great grandmother through Cordelia’s line. A couple of kings in his line.
There was an article you can check out called: “Rick Perry’s family tree includes Sam Houston, Harry Truman; Bushes related to Romney, Huntsman.”
“Presidential hopeful tells New York Times magazine ‘I’m more Jewish than you think I am.’” Like most Christians we’ve been(Hebrew) Yeshua/Jesus was Jewish and that we are (fortunate enough) to be grafted in. It’s a misconception taught to all of us by our prosperity pastors here in America. The last that I checked and unless things/traditions have changed drastically, they still don’t believe in our Messiah, King Yeshua.
Video: “Gov Perry Dancing with Orthodox Jews”
Watch the neck in the interview. Video Meet the Press: “Interview with Wendy Davis by meet the press”
Video: “Women Absorb and Retain DNA From Every Man They Have Sex With”
This video takes a new meaning to the expression “Notch in your belt” or “Marking your territory”.
Rachel Maddow interviewed Dan Rather and Rachel mentions Miriam Ferguson see pic below. Video: “Rachel Maddow – Wendy Davis poised to take mantle of Richards”
Video by Epic Sellouts: “Rachel’s Man Brow” I’ll be adding this soon I have a copy of all these missing on this page.
I added the first governor’s info seen here below. Look at how low Frances’ eyebrow bone is on set low on ‘her’ face.
The Irritated Genie post has more info on the Lyman bloodline.
“COVID Shot Causes Turbo Cancer”
Through Cecile Richards maternal bloodline, Cecile is an Illuminati high royal bloodline and great grandchild to the following kings:
Charles II. “The Bald” Carolingian – Holy Roman Emperor, King of France
Muirchertach mac Toirdelbach Mor Ua Briain, High King of Ireland; and
Cecile great grandfather’s brother was the father of Duncan I, King of Scots
The Queen is in the pic below wearing the dress with the yellow roses. Ann Richards, the second female Governor of Texas is in the pink and is the mother of Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood. 1 min. audio clip of the song by Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys – Yellow Rose of Texas 1946
Video: “Planned Parenthood CEO Caught Making False Mammogram Claim”
Epic Sellouts: “Planned Parenthood is Run By Satan Himself” I decided not to upload the video. This is an Illuminati tranny.
Video: “Demon Possessed Abortion Doctor HISSES, I Like to Kill Babies”
Men have a shoulder width 3 times the head
Women have a shoulder width of 2.5 times their head
Video: “Tracheal Shave Medical Course” This patient is not a female though the doctors are gaslighting people in this video saying it is. lol.
This is a very deceptive video. This patient named “April” is a male to female who wants to remove the Adam’s apple. This medical show implies that women have Adam’s apple and they have presented this male to female “April” as a female wanting to remove the Adam’s apple. April is male because the jaw line goes behind the ear exactly like every male “doctor”/actor/propaganda agent on the stage. April’s brow bone is low like a male and the index finger is short like a male’s index finger.
Look at Wendy’s bulging trachea.
Wendy Davis claim to fame was her abortion filibuster here in Texas so on that abortion note I would like to mention a story of a woman who had aborted her baby and afterward she found out that it was a boy and couldn’t forgive herself.
The lady that aborted her baby boy could never forgive herself and was crying and sad all of the time. She had a dream and she saw her son in heaven throwing a football with Yeshua/Jesus and her son looked back at her and said “Don’t worry about me, I’m happy here.”
Other people have died and have seen heaven and when they returned or came back to life they not only said that they saw the streets of gold and mansions but they also saw so many aborted babies up in heaven and the angels were taking care of them. Please see my Fav Heaven and Hell videos to hear testimonies of people who encountered Yeshua/Jesus.
Another story of a lady I don’t remember if she had a near death or a dream that she was in heaven and she said that this small girl was following her around and the lady asked her “Who are you?” and the little girl responded “I’m your daughter and I forgive you.” The lady had an abortion and didn’t realize that this was her own child. What I liked about what the little girl had said was that it was very simple; she just said I forgive you and didn’t say for this or for that, she just kept it simple and that’s how I think that we should be when we have to forgive others. Instead of throwing things that they did to us in their faces just say I forgive you and let it go.
Video: “Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby – Developing in the womb”
Video” “Plumb – In My Arms”
While looking over pics of Planned Parenthood’s Cecil Richards and noticing her neck veins bulging out like a reptilian and her bulging throat muscle, I came across some pics of Wendy Davis and I noticed she also has a bulging throat muscle, I started looking over Wendy’s name which is Wendy Jean Russell Davis. The Russell family is the reason that the Bloodlines of the Illuminati book was written so I started to wonder if Wendy was an Illuminati bloodline. I found that ‘she’ along with Cecile Richards are both connected to Sarah Elizabeth Mooney aka the “Lizard Lady’s” royal bloodline. I’ve already done a post on Cecile Richards showing her bloodline connects directly to the King of France and also the Bush family.
.Reminiscing about living in a trailer park.
Video by Epic Sellouts: “Arnold’s Wife and JFK’s Sister…Get Ready!”
Wendy Davis’ bloodline connects to Charlemagne and since she came from such humble beginnings, a trailer park, I thought about sharing her connection not only to Charlemagne but also the De Berkeley British royal family who are still alive in England today and are enormously wealthy.
Castle Info. “The Berkeley Castle is the 3rd oldest continuously occupied Castle after the royal fortresses of the Tower of London and Windsor Castle. It has been lived in by the same family for 900 years in England and it sits on 4000 acres.”
“The Berkeley family divides their time between the Berkeley Castle and their other home, Spetchley Park (click HERE to see pics of the castle)…which has been in the family’s ownership since 1606.” “Spetchley Park Castle sits on 4500 acres.” Both of these castles are on YouTube.
Video: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream @ Berkeley Castle 2016 Trailer”
Wendy Jean RUSSELL Davis
Father: Gerald Jerry “Oliver” Russell
Mother Virginia Stovall
(The bloodline to the Berkeley Castle will be through the maternal line)
Nealy Fearil Stovall – Grandfather Wendy
Lela Crandell Stovall – Grandmother Wendy
Charles Harrison Stovall – 2xGrandfather Wendy
Christopher H. Stovall – 3xGrandfather Wendy
(married Kitty C. Mayfield, later Sara Elizabeth BUSH Stovall)
John Owen Stovall – 4xGrandfather Wendy
Hezekiah Stovall – 5xGrandfather Wendy
JOHN STOVALL (see pic) – 6xGrandfather Wendy
Bartholomew Stovall, Jr. – 7xGrandfather Wendy
Born in England or France
Bartholomew Stovall – 8xGrandfather Wendy
George Stoffard Stovall – 9xGrandfather Wendy
George Stovald, Jr – 10xGrandfather Wendy
George Stovald – 11xGrandfather Wendy
(married Lettice Stovald STONE – 11xGrandmother Wendy b. 1558)
John Aston Stone – 12xGrandfather Wendy (Lettice’s Father)
John Aston Stone – 13xGrandfather Wendy
David Stone – 14xGrandfather Wendy
(married Catherine HEWITT Stone x14Grandmother b. 1484)
John Hewitt – 15xGrandfather Wendy (Catherine’s Father)
(married Joan HARDING Hewitt – 15xGrandmother b. 1468)
Thomas Harding – 16xGrandfather Wendy (Joan’s Father)
Roger Harding – 17xGrandfather Wendy
Henry Harding – 18xGrandfather Wendy
Ralph Harding – 19xGrandfather Wendy
Adam De Harding – 20xGrandfather Wendy
Henry De Harding – 21xGrandfather Wendy
Ralph II De Harding – 22xGrandfather Wendy
Ralph 1 De Harding – 23xGrandfather Wendy
Ralph Willusson Harding – 24xGrandfather Wendy
William De Berkeley – 25xGrandfather born in Berkeley Castle
Thomas Fitzharding De Berkeley – 26xGrandfather Wendy
Maurice Fitzharding, Lord of Berkeley – 27xGrandfather Wendy
(Married Alice De Berkeley – 27xGrandmother b. 1135)
Alice De Berkeley’s Bloodline.
Alice was the heiress of the Berkeley Castle in England
Roger III De Berkeley – 28xGrandfather Wendy
Roger II De Berkeley – 29xGrandfather Wendy
Roger De Berkeley – 30xGrandfather Wendy
(Roger married *RISSA De Berkeley – 30xGrandmother b. 1040)
(Also, Roger De Berkeley – 30xGrandfather Wendy, his son Walter De Berkeley married Eva the daughter of King Henry I)
Rissa’s Parents 31st Grandparents Wendy
Roger II De Montgomery, 1st Earl of Shrewbury
MABILE, dame de Belleme et d’ Alemcon
Mabile’s Parents 32nd Grandparents Wendy
Guillaume II “Talvas” de Belleme, seigneur d’Alencon
HABERGA de Beaumont
Haberga’s Parents 33rd Grandparents Wendy
Raoul de Beaumonti-au-Maine, IV
EMMELINE de Montnevault, dame de Lude
Emmeline’s Parents 34th Grandparents Wendy
ETIENNE de Montnevault, Vicomte de Lude
Adelburge (Audeburge) de Vendome
Etienne’s Parents 35th Grandparents Wendy
ROGER II “le Jeune” de Montrevault
Marsire de Doue’
Roger’s Parents 36th Grandparents Wendy
Roger I’ Aine de Montrevault
AGNES du Maine
Agnes Parents 37th Grandparents Wendy
GODEFROI du Maine de Jarze IV
Unknown du Maine (mother)
Godefroi’s Parents 38th Grandparents to Wendy
Gozlin III, comte du Maine
GODELHIDE of the Holy Roman Empire (mother)
Occupation: prinses de Franken
Godelhide’s Parents 39th Grandparents Wendy
CHARLES II “the Bald” Western Emperor
Ementrude of Orleans, Queen of the Franks
Charles’ Parents 40th Grandparents Wendy
LOUIS I. The Pios
Judith of Bavaria
Louis Parents 41st Grandfather Wendy
42nd Grandfather CHARLEMAGNE born 742
repost from Oct 21, 2016 20:29
George Michael stairs pic caught by Simon1978
Wendy you are a wretched person.