Hi, blessings,

This blog post will be about Charles Manson, the murderer guy, to show his Illuminati, high royal bloodline.  I started to read about him and became interested in his background.

I had read that his mom had been a prostitute and that she had sold him for a pitcher of beer and his uncle went to the bar and bought him back. I also read that they dressed him up as a girl on his first day of school which sounds like a humiliation ritual.

In this pic below – by now your eyes should be trained to spot their reptilian eyes.

Video by Reptilian Alien False World 2: “Charles Manson Reptilian Shapeshifter Exposed”


Video by Cate (I find her by typing Cate Transvestigations Cate Blanchett): “CharLIE Son of Man”   MrE saw the similarities between Charles Manson and George Bush Jr, and they are related through the Percy bloodline.  This is a short video but looking at Charles Manson I can see the resemblance.  This video will be out the females in Manson’s group and some were men.  Truthful Spirit has covered this but her video was lost when she was taken down several times.


I read that his mother would get him to steal small items for her and then as he grew older he became involved in a life of crime and as a minor he started to steal cars.

This article below is from the site: Manson’s Back Porch; where this site has set up a Paypal (aka Papal) account for Charles.  The author of this site in my opinion could be an Illuminati himself because for me it appears “guilt by association” and because his inordinate concern for him is like a blood relation.

So Charles Manson’s history of crime began when he was sent to a jail as a teenager and while in jail he was raped. After he got out of jail he then continued to steal cars and drive them across the state lines and was arrested again and he was tried as an adult and sent to prison.  This is when he said that he started to rape men.

When it was time to be released from prison, he begged to not be released but that said that his time was up.  Once he was released somehow he started the cult following and the killing tragedy thing happened.  So far what a sad a tragic life.

Billy Ray Cyrus bloodline traces back to Scotland and I believe with some work would connect him to Cyrus the King of Persia.  There is already info connecting the Cyrus line back to King David’s time.  I like this song but I don’t care for Billy Ray.  There are several videos out showing that Miley, his daughter, is a male to female.

Video:  Billy Ray Cyrus – Trail of Tears

“Miley as a toddler (in a Minnie Mouse top [see Miley’s Destiny Hope post]) with grandmother Ruth Ann Cyrus (wife of politician Ron Cyrus) in black/white striped duality top on tour with Billy Ray (country music is 100% mind controlled, heavily involved in drug smuggling and other related things).”  http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/2009/07/cyrus-monarch-gene-pool-and-noah-and.html

“Ron Cyrus’ (below) father, Eldon Lindsey Cyrus was a prominent Pentecostal Christian cult minister (they’re the type of cult that get their christian members into a frenzy and ‘speak in tongues’ and other altered states/MK/brainwashing cr*p, child abuse is common in Pentecostalism, see further down), I think this is more suggestion of their multigenerational Monarch mind control Pentecostalism is mentioned a lot in Illuminati Formula being infiltrated/involved in Monarch MK).”  http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/2009/07/cyrus-monarch-gene-pool-and-noah-and.html

“He was a Kentucky colonel, served as a regional representative with Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve Board.”  This would be a red flag right here since this is a private bank started by the Illuminati.

Miley Cyrus, Net Worth: $160 million* Wealth Inherited From: Billy Ray Cyrus – Investing Magazine Richest Heirs/Heiresses

“Miley and the rest of the Musical Monarchs at a Grammy’s event from yesterday/pictures up today. Miley’s mother Leticia ‘Tish’ Cyrus obviously being a programmed Monarch [at their ‘secret wedding’ Leticia wore a catsuit under her dress], hence the butterflies all over her; alternative she could just like butterflies a lot (those eyes/facial expression tell me otherwise however).” http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/2009/02/purple-star-cyrus.html

This is an Adam’s apple shot on Miley’s neck from the Wrecking Ball video

Country song called: Life Turned Her That Way…

Audio Player

Updated 02.10.19: Billy Ray Cyrus is the 27th great grandson of Henry of England III. Also, the great grandson of King Henry Beauclerc of England I., and King Malcolm II of Scotland which goes back to the Pharaoh bloodline.

Miley’s mother Leticia Fenley Cyrus is the great granddaughter of King Robert Bruce of Scotland which goes back to the Pharaoh bloodlines.

His genealogy thing is a little weird. His stepfather’s name was Manson but his real father was Colonel W. Scott. Their was a rumor that Manson’s real father was black but his birth certificate said that his father Colonel W. Scott was white. It’s through his paternal father’s bloodline that connects him to the Illuminati and it goes all that way back to Pierce or Percy line.  This line also connects to Barbara Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton aka HRC.

Both of Charles Manson’s parents were born in Pike, Kentucky and he has been said to have been born in Ohio.  Charles Manson through his paternal line is the 23rd great grandson to Henry Percy. The Percy family is a very occult bloodline. Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton are connected to the Percy line along with many other wealthy people.

What’s interesting is that I was looking at Charles Manson’s family history and figured out that Wendy Davis and Charles Manson are about 7th cousins through the Stovall bloodline and they both share the same grandfather, John Stovall. It’s really interesting that both of these two are having movies made about their lives.

I’ll be putting Manson’s chart on this blog post just because they have so much in common; Sharon Tate’s “baby” was killed by Manson’s cult following and Wendy’s claim to fame are so similar.

Charles Milles MANSON , Jr. b: 10 APR 1956 in Los Angeles Co., CA

Father: Colonel W. SCOTT b: 1910 in Pike Co., KY
Mother: Ada Kathleen MADDOX b: 11 JAN 1918 in Morehead, Rowan Co., KY

Grandfather: Walker Henderson SCOTT b: 13 MAY 1883 in Pike Co., KY
Grandmother: Gladys Ella CLINE b: 1886 in Pike Co., KY

Great Grandfather: Garfield SCOTT b: 5 OCT 1862 in Pike Co., KY
Great Grandmother: Easter Angeline LOWE b: 18 JUL 1865 in Pike Co., KY

2x Grandfather: Henderson SCOTT b: 11 JAN 1842 in Pike Co., KY
2x Grandmother: Rebecca A. MAYNARD b: 2 JAN 1843 in Pike Co., KY

3x Grandfather: Andrew SCOTT b: ABT 1809 in Floyd Co., KY
3x Grandmother: Margaret PINSON b: ABT 1811 in Kentucky

4x Grandfather: Aaron PINSON , Jr. b: ABT 1722 in Lunenberg Co., VA
4x Grandmother: Delilah STOVALL b: 1735 in Goochland Co., VA

5x Grandfather: John STOVALL b: BET 1700 AND 1702 in Henrico Co., VA
5x Grandmother: Dorcas POOLE b: ABT 1710 in Richmond Co., VA

6x Grandfather: Bartholomew STOVALL b: 24 AUG 1665 in Surrey, England
6x Grandmother: Susannah “Ann” BURTON b: 8 AUG 1664 in Henrico Co., VA

Manson fiance has a last name of Burton so I went ahead and bolded Manson’s Burton connection just because.

7x Grandfather: George Stoffold STOVALL b: 9 APR 1623 Herefordshire, England
7x Grandmother: Joan TICKNER b: 9 APR 1623 Herefordshire, England

8x Grandfather: George Stovold STOVALL b: 11 Oct 1588 in Albury, Surrey, England
8x Grandmother: Margaret FARLEY b: Feb 1593 in Albury, Surrey, England

9x Grandfather: George STOVOLD b: 1555 in Cranley, Surrey, England
9x Grandmother: Lettice STONE b: 08 May 1558 in Albury, Surrey, England

10x Grandfather: John atte STONE II., b: Feb 05, 1525 in Albury, Surrey, England
10x Grandmother: Joan FARLEY b: 1536 in Farley Green, Albury, Surrey, England

11x Grandfather: John Aston STONE b: 1505 in Albury, Surrey, England
11x Grandmother: Lady Elizabeth Margaret CORNWALL b: 1506 in Great Bromley, Essex, England

12x Grandfather: David W. STONE b: 1477 in Great Bromley, Essex, England
12x Grandmother: Lady Catherine Elizabeth HEWITT b: 1484 in Great Bromley, Essex, England.  This Hewitt bloodline is what connects to the Berkeley (castle) or as it was pronounced and spelt originally as: Berchela.  Please see the Wendy Davis blog post to see the Berkley castle connection.

Right now lets just continue with the Stone bloodline 13th great grandfather and his marriage to Elizabeth de Ardleigh (Sinclair). This is important to me because this family started the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in Scotland. Some names automatically grab my attention. A few would be: Adams, Allen, Collins, Bayer, Strong or L’ Estrange and Sinclair or originally spelt St. Clair and they were also known as de Chaumont.

13x Grandfather: Simon atte STONE b: 1450 in Ardleigh, Essex, , England
13x Grandmother: Elizabeth de ARDLEIGH (Sinclair) b: 1454 in Great Bromley, Essex, England

14x Grandfather: Henry Baron SINCLAIR b: 1459 in Caithnesshire, Scotland
14x Grandmother: Baroness Margaret HEPBURN b: 1456 in Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland

15x Grandfather: Sir William “The Waster” SINCLAIR, 2nd Lord Sinclair b: 1430 in Caithnesshire, Scotland
15x Grandmother: Christian LESLIE b: ABT 1432 in Leslie, Fife, Scotland

16x Grandfather: William SINCLAIR, 1st Earl of Caithness, and 3rd Earl of Orkney, b: 1408 in Caithness, Scotland
16x Grandmother: Lady Elizabeth DOUGLAS b: 1394 in Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland

17x Grandfather: Henry SINCLAIR, 2nd Earl of Orkney, b: 1375 Rosslyn Castle, Midlothian, Scotland
17x Grandmother: Princess Egidia DOUGLAS b: 1388 Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire, Scotland

18x Grandfather: William DOUGLAS b: 1356 in Dumfrieshire, Scotland
18x Grandm
other: Edigia STUART b: ABT 1368 in Dundonald Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland

Next, I’ll be adding info on the Sinclair Masonic connection.  I’ll be making it in it’s own blog post because so far what I’ve found is the answer to many prayers and I’m really happy to put this together but it will be after I finish with putting together the David Koresh (the maniac pedophile) post.

When Manson was released from prison somehow he got a cult going and in the end they murdered Sharon Tate and Abigail Folger of the Folger coffee fortune.  Also I think that it’s weird that Charles Manson, Sharon Tate and Abigail Folger were all from Illuminati high royal family bloodlines. I’m wondering if the killings may have been some type of Illuminati family vengeance killing? So weird and so bizarre.

Starr Burton in this video below is a man and has an Adam’s apple and a male brow bone.  Manson has a great grandmother last name Burton so these two might possibly be cousins.

Video:  Why I want to Marry Charles Manson.  It should be titled:  Why I want to Marry Charles Manson for his money.

One of the commenters in an article pointed out that why is Manson the only one that gets to wear a beard in prison?  Because  he’s a high royal Illuminati bloodline with connections and privileges.

I just want to add a comment here since this pic below looks questionable in the bra area.  I had read that Marilyn Monroe, also an Illuminati, high royal bloodline and a male to female, used to put marbles in his/her bra and smeared his/her face with Vaseline.  I think that the Vaseline was used to control his/her male face peach fuzz.  It actually gave him/her a nice shine on his/her face.

Sharon Tate, through the paternal line, was the 24th great grandchild of King Henry III.

I found this article and thought that it was an interesting angle.

Video:  “Sharon Tate was Patti Tate?  (U-Decide)”

Video: “Sharon Tate & Hugh Hefner from Playboy After Dark Pt. 1”

Video: “CNN Official Interview Roman Polanski’s victim tells what happened”

Manson’s “Girl” accomplices to the event.

Video: “Ol’ School Transgenders.. Was Mia Farrow, Hollywood Originator, SECRETLY Gender-Inverted”


Video:  “Maureen O’ Sullivan Talks about Groucho Marx and Cheetah”

Through Mia’s mother’s bloodline, Mia is the great grandchild of these royals but there are probably more since they intermarry:

King Charlemagne; King Halfdan Haraldsson – Germany; King Eysteinn Halfdansson – Norway; King Olaf Ingjaldsson – Sweden

King Dermot MacMurrough – Ireland; Prince Llewelyn AP Iorwerth – Wales; King Harold of Denmark II.


The people in this pic below had no idea that Mia is switched and a high royal Illuminati bloodline.

Look at Mia Farrow’s brother’s reptilian eyes in the pic below and also Mia’s lumpy neck.

Video by Truthful Spirit Blue Heron:  “Woody(less) Allen and Mia Farrow.  Just letting you know this video will start off with a pic of Woody in his underwear so be prepared.  I don’t agree with Truthful Spirit’s religious beliefs but she does good work.

I want to add that I understand Truthful Spirit Blue Heron’s religious beliefs which I believe she is leaning towards Buddhism.  I have a friend who is a Buddhist priest and is very nice, classy and educated man.  He and I do not agree on our religious beliefs but I’ve accepted him because this is his path.

I’ve heard in one of Truthful Spirit Blue Heron’s videos, where she called Epic Sellouts a shill, which I took to mean that shes just a little jealous of him because he’s been knocking the tranny exposure videos out of the ball park every time and he’s actually one of my favs.

I also read a comment by MrE/Transpocalypse Now, where he commented that he and Truthful Spirit hate each other, what can I say we live in a world of vast opinions.  Like I said I have a Buddhist friend and he doesn’t hear a word I say about King Yeshua/Jesus and I just listen and watch him like I’m watching a raft about to float over a cliff and there’s nothing I can do to prevent it.  Like I said Truthful Spirit puts out some good work.


At 5:08 there’s some info on Mia’s transcaster “son”.  Video by Transpocalypse Now: “Transcasters”


This video was taken down.  The mob corporations started gay bars and said it was for the cover to deal drugs.  Lol – Sure.


6:40 min. audio on Mae Brussell on Sinatra’s relationship with Jackie O aka Jackie Oh No.

Audio Player

In this video you can see that Jackie Kennedy has an Adam’s apple.

Video: “Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe are transgendered Men”


This is a clip I made from a video and in it I found Marilyn’s hand shape shifting into a reptilian looking hand.  I turned off the volume and slowed it down.  Watch Marilyn’s hand.


Also Jon Bon Jovi is related to Frank Sinatra and here’s some info:

In this 11 min. video @ 1:04 Jon tells that his parents were in the marines and that his mom was in Playboy.

Video: “Person to Person – (Jon Bon Jovi’s house and interview 2012)”



So this is just another blog post to expose the Illuminati’s inbred theatrics and switched gender stuff.  Illuminati bloodlines:  Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger, Mia Farrow, Woody Allen, Frank Sinatra, spouse of Ava Gardner the grandchild not granddaughter to Charlemagne, Jackie Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, and Billy Ray Cyrus.




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