Because there are so many Illuminati bloodlines, I’ve decided to show the list of famous bloodlines, but only by the world’s standards. This is to help you to see that they’re aware that they are connected to pagan kings, but they never want you to know because your adoration of them not only fills their pockets and keeps them in the lifestyle that they’ve become accustomed to and believe that they deserve, it also keeps the idolatry spirit alive by you watching and adoring them.
(*I’ve added to this page on: 09/26/2023 – a video by Tamara Magdalene: “Brittney Spears in the (Oops) I Shapeshifted Again Files” This is what I’ll be doing on the pages as I add to them so people won’t have to scroll through looking for new additions. I understand that everyone is as busy as I am.)
Let me try to explain these 2 king pics below. Before a wedding was to occur, the priests would inform the kings and fetch the virgin bride who would be taken to the king who would have his way with her first before the fiance and the king would impregnate the virgin with his evil Nephilim seed.
In this pic below it looks like the fiance knows what could happen to his bride which would make it all the more painful for him. I’m sure generally the sex act would be done in secret and the virgin would never tell the fiance and the child would have been raised as his own. What the king did was called Prima Noctum or First Dibs on the Virgin and the Catholic church assisted with this act. This is why there are so many Illuminati bloodlines all over the place.
Illuminati, you may be great grandchildren of kings but they were dogs so you’re nothing special. A cur is a dog that isn’t very good — or is a mixed breed. If dogs understood English, they would be offended at being called a cur. When you use the word cur, you’re talking about a dog that’s either a mutt, very unattractive, aggressive, or all three. The word can also be used as an insult for a person, especially a despicable man.
First Dibs on the Virgin aka “Prima Nocta, is the semi-historical legal right of a monarch to have sex with any female subject, particularly on her wedding night.”
This clip above from Snow White and the Huntsman has Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart. For now I’ll just show you a clip I caught of Charlize Theron’s fingers shapeshifting. The clip will start off regular and then towards the end I’ve slowed it down to show you the reptilian fingers.
I’m adding this Brittany reptilian video by Tamara Magdalene since Tamara caught Brittney and also Eminem with shapeshifting “snake” fingers.
8 min. clip I pulled from the Wendy Davis Illuminati High Royal Bloodline post, “Shocking – Women Absorb and Retain DNA From Every Man They Have Sex With” so this is something else to consider when the filthy Nephilim kings slept with the virgins. “Prima Nocta/Prima Noctum”
There are so many Illuminati bloodlines that I can never do the public justice because there’s not enough time in the day or in my lifetime to cover this list and I can assure you that there are many more that we will never know. Because I love King Yeshua I decided to put what I found and classifies as a cheat sheet of the famous Illuminati bloodlines and many names you will recognize and many you won’t and their royal info will be hidden from us.
Please know that King Yeshua is the only person that needs to adored because he paid the ransom for your life with his life.
Where You Go I Go – Kim Walker-Smith / Jesus Culture…my fav song but I don’t really agree with the Swiss Cross in the bottom right corner.
Song audio clip under 2 min. – “If That Isn’t Love” (lyrics below)
Karen Wheaton – “Lord You’re Holy”
Holy Spirit Voice Experience:
I don’t remember what date this was when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, but he quoted to me a scripture and this is how it went.
I was standing in front of the T.V. changing the channel and the Holy Spirit said: “The electricity is going to turn off. Greater is He that’s in you than he (Satan) that’s in the world.”
I scrunched my shoulders up towards my ears because I thought that it was going to turn off at that moment, but nothing happened. I was thinking that was weird and then later that night I went to sleep as usual.
About 3:55 a.m., my left touch lamp on my night stand turned on by itself and started going very rapidly, low, medium, high, over and over again. I woke up and said: “In the name of Jesus stop, in the name of Jesus stop” but it wouldn’t so I reached to the lamp to push the button to turn it completely off and I went back to sleep.
At 4:55 a.m., the electricity in the whole house turned off and then immediately came back on and the right touch lamp on my nightstand turned on. I reached and turned off the lamp and went back to sleep and not scared at all because the Holy Spirit had already warned me that the electricity would turn off.
Most of us know that the family names listed below are the lower level Illuminati families.
Kathy, here’s my response to your bloodline family question. The Dowling Family Genealogy – Famous Relatives is where they listed the names if they’re great grandchildren, a direct descendant w/no breaks. I also noticed that he listed the names if they were the spouse of an Illuminati bloodline.
My two cents on the males to females who look pregnant and bloated. I also noticed the same thing and this was the first thing to come to my mind. The powers that be in this world have big money and big plans for deceiving us so it would be nothing to give their people pills to swell them up. The bible says that the deception will be great in the last days.
Message to Kris, you’re such a trend setter. First this and later your “daughter’s” nude porn movie. Reptilian fashion – thanks.
The word is that Ray J was playing both sides between Kim K and Whitney Houston. I think Ray J is just a player from the Himalayer…
Let’s look at this Whitney video. I do want to warn you that this will have a scene from a party with a bloody bathtub with a face down Whitney doll in it. I don’t want you to watch that if you will get freaked out. This is how the Hollywood types party though. Similar to stupid Lady Gaga and his/her spirit cooking party deal. More pics on this over on the Joel Osteen post.
Video by Tamara Magdalene: “The Sad Truth About Whitney Houston” part 1 I had to put into two sections because of trouble uploading it.
part 1a
Let me show you a picture of Mario/Mariah Carey…straight across collar bones/clavicles
Video by Tamara Magdalene: “The Sad Truth About Whitney Houston” part 2
Cissie Houston singing “Yesterday” It’s always said to lose a loved one and even worse when it’s your own child.
There’s a rumor that Teresa Graves was the real mother of Whitney Houston
Everyone thinks that Demi Moore started this trend but no it was Kris Houghton Kardashian Jenner.
Male Adonis Belt on the Left Pic Collar Bones on the Right Pic
Kathy, Don’t forget that they can shape shift quite well and they remind me of this short clip: “Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0-Ninja Warrior Course”
Paula Abdul
Ansel Adams
Gov. Sam Adams
Ben Affleck
Andre Agassi
Conrad Aiken
Troy Aikman
Jack Albertson
Louisa May Alcott
Buzz Aldrin
Muhammad Ali
Charles Adolph Alisky
Ethan Allen
Krista Allen
Paul Allen
Steve Allen
Woody Allen
Duane Allman
Gregg Allman
June Allyson
Suzy Amis
Pamela Anderson
Julie Andrews
Stephen Pearl Andrews
Jimmie Angel
Jennifer Aniston
John Aniston
Susan B. Anthony
Dr. Virginia Apgar
Christina Applegate
Johnny Appleseed
Philip Danforth Armour
Desi Arnaz
Desi Arnaz, Jr.
Alexis Arquette
Cliff Arquette
David Arquette
Lewis Arquette
Patricia Arquette
Rosanna Arquette
Benedict Arnold
Marvin Ash
Billy Ashbaugh
Walter S. Ashbaugh
Daphne Ashbrook
Adele Astaire
Fred Astaire
Mary Astor
Nancy Astor
William Waldorf Astor
Gene Autry
Bill Ayers
Lew Ayres
Hank Azaria
Gov. Bruce Babbitt
Lauren Bacall
Kevin Bacon
Alec Baldwin
Daniel Baldwin
Dwight Hamilton Baldwin
Stephen Baldwin
William Baldwin
Lucille Ball
Martin Balsam
Brigitte Bardot
Lynn Bari
Bob Barker
P.T. Barnum
Clyde Barrow
Diana Barrymore
Drew Barrymore
Ethel Barrymore
Lionel Barrymore
John Barrymore
Maurice Barrymore
Clara Barton
Kim Basinger
Athena Bass
L. Frank Baum
Meredith Baxter
Archbishop James Roosevelt Bayley
Orson Bean
the Bee Gees
Hugh Beaumont
Alexander Graham Bell
Glen Bell
Eric Benét
Marisa Berenson
Irving Berlin
Halle Berry
Barbara Billingsley
Larry Bird
David Birney
Bill Bixby
Whitney Blake
Humphrey Bogart
Selma Blair
Robert Blake
Sally Blane
Joan Blondell
Richard Blystone
Stanley Blystone
John Boehner
Rob Bonfiglio
Sonny Bono
Daniel Boone
Debby Boone
Pat Boone
Richard Boone
Gail Borden
Lizzie Borden
Robert Laird Borden
Ernest Borgnine
James Boughton
Michael Bowen
Bozo the Clown (Vance DeBar Colvin, Jr.)
Ray Bradbury
Tom Brady
Caleb Davis Bradham
Marlon Brando
Drew Brees
Andrew Breitbart
Gov. Jan Brewer
Paget Brewster
Beau Bridges
Jeff Bridges
Jordan Bridges
Lloyd Bridges
Albert R. Broccoli
Matthew Broderick
Tom Brokaw
James Brolin
Chad Brown
Gov. John Young Brown
Rachel Fuller Brown
Doyle Brunson
Pat Buchanan
Pearl Buck
Lindsey Buckingham
Warren Buffett
Joyce Bulifant
Vice Admiral John Bulkeley
Gov. Morgan Bulkeley
Sandra Bullock
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Lance Burton
Richard Burton
Steve Buscemi
Samuel Prescott Bush
Admiral Richard Byrd
George Cabot
Nicolas Cage
James Cagney
David Cameron
James Cameron
Dyan Cannon
George Carlin
Robert Carmine
Uncle Don Carney
David Carradine
Ever Carradine
John Carradine
Keith Carradine
Robert Carradine
Jim Carrey
Anita Carter
Carlene Carter
Dixie Carter
Helen Carter
June Carter
I’m adding in to this list: Lynda Carter/Wonder Woman – Both parents were Illuminati High Royal bloodlines
Maybelle Carter
Johnny Carson
Johnny Cash
Rosanne Cash
David Cassidy
Katie Cassidy
Ryan Cassidy
Shaun Cassidy
Helene Chadwick
John Chancellor
Harry Chapin
Mark David Chapman
Chevy Chase
Dick Cheney (Richard Bruce Cheney)
Cheney is or was higher on the Illuminati tree than Bush, but they didn’t think that the public would like Cheney so they went with Bush instead. It’s so nice to have choices. I feel so not safe with the Illuminati bloodlines in charge. Thanks for nothing Illuminati!
Obama stating that her and Dick Cheney are cousins. Supposedly, the Dobie Tejas Bitchute group announced that Cheney was hung for crimes against America. I’m not sure about that. Cheney had a bad heart maybe Cheney just passed away. I’m not sure if Cheney is really a male. When women take male hormones to transition, they usually go bald.
Cher on interview discussing telling his/her mom that he/she is a rich man.
Julia Child
President Erskine Childers
chitty Bang Bang (Louis Zborowski, the grandson of John Jacob Astor)
Agatha Christie
look at Agatha Christie’s teeth, wow. Don’t bite me lady!
Walter P. Chrysler
Sir Winston Churchill
Liz Claiborne
Dick Clark
Samuel Clemens
Aaron Cleveland
Nathan Clifford
Eleanor Clift
Montgomery Clift
Roger Clinton
George Clooney
Rosemary Clooney
Eric Close
Glenn Close
Lee J. Cobb
Ty Cobb
James Coburn
Buffalo Bill Cody
Stephen Collins
Samuel Colt
Vance Colvig
Chester Conklin
Rita Coolidge
Alice Cooper
Anderson Cooper
Stewart Copeland
Christopher Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola
Marc Coppola
Roman Coppola
Sofia Coppola
William E. Corey
Gov. Alonzo B. Cornell
Ezra Cornell
Jeff Corwin
Bill Cosby
Dolores Costello
Courteney Cox
Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox
Tricia Nixon Cox
Hon. Alfred Conkling Coxe
Bishop Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Rev. Samuel Hanson Coxe
Cindy Crawford
Joan Crawford
Tom Crean
Davy Crockett
Walter Cronkite
Bing Crosby
David Crosby
Denise Crosby
Rodney Crowell
Will Crowther
Tom Cruise
Kit Culkin
Macaulay Culkin
Elias W. Culver
Jamie Lee Curtis
Ken Curtis
Tony Curtis
Gov. Mario Cuomo
Dr. Harvey Cushing
Gen. George Armstrong Custer
Billy Ray Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Arlene Dahl
Abby Dalton
Matt Damon
Ted Danson
Kim Darby
Charles Darwin
Bancroft Davis
Bette Davis
Geena Davis
Gov. Howard Dean
James Dean
Olive Deering
Ellen DeGeneres
Vernon Dent
Johnny Depp
Lee DeForest
Charles Dickins
Emily Dickinson
John Dillinger
Joe DiMaggio
Celine Dion
Walt Disney
Shannen Doherty
Bernardine Dohrn
James Dole
Gen. Abner Doubleday
Frank Nelson Doubleday
Paul Doucette
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Charles Dow
Herbert Henry Dow
Tony Dow
B. D.
Constance Dowling
Doris Dowling
Father Ed Dowling
Mike Dowling
John Drew
William Alexander Duer
Hilary Duff
Annie Duke
Dominique Dunne
Robert Duvall
Timothy Dwight
Amelia Earhart
George Eastman
Clint Eastwood
Thomas Edison
Blake Edwards
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Endicott
Johann Heinrich Eschbach
Coco d’Este
Emilio Estevez
Dale Evans
Angie Everhart
Douglas Fairbanks
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Charles S. Fairchild
Mia Farrow
Prudence Farrow
Farrah Fawcett
Dorothy Fay
Mark Felt
Will Ferrell
José Ferrer
Mel Ferrer
Miguel Ferrer
Sally Field
Ralph Fiennes
Harvey Firestone
Carrie Fisher
Eddie Fisher
Joely Fisher
Carlton Fisk
Ian Fleming
Gen. William Floyd
Errol Flynn
Larry Flynt
Red Foley
Henry Clay Folger
James A. Folger
Bridget Fonda
Henry Fonda
Jane Fonda
Peter Fonda
Malcolm Forbes
Steve Forbes
Edsel Ford
Henry Ford
Tennessee Ernie Ford
William Clay Ford
William Clay Ford, Jr.
John Ford
Jodie Foster
Dario Franchitti
James Franciscus
Benjamin Franklin
Philip Freneau
Robert Frost
Bobby Fuller
R. Buckminster Fuller
Seth Gabel
Clark Gable
Eva Gabor
Zsa Zsa Gabor
George Gallup
Ava Gardner
Erle Stanley Gardner
Troy Garity
Judy Garland
James Garner
Jennifer Garner
Bill Gates
short video clip by Apostle Laura Lee: “Are Bill and Melinda Gates Transgender?”
Charles Warne Gates
Mary Maxwell Gates
Dr. Robert M. Gates
William Henry Gates
Crystal Gayle
Timothy Geithner
Richard Gere
J. Paul Getty
Bart Giamatti
Marcus Giamatti
Paul Giamatti
Charles Gibson
Mel Gibson
Frank Gifford
Gabby Giffords
Rose Gilbert
Vince Gill
King Camp Gillette
Mabelle Gilman
Dorothy Gish
Lillian Gish
Arthur Godfrey
Lady Godiva
William Goetz
Jeff Goldblum
Leon Golub
Pancho Gonzalez
Benny Goodman
B.F. Goodrich
Charles Goodyear
Joe Gottfried
Mark Gottfried
Mike Gottfried
Elliott Gould
Robert Goulet
Steffi Graf
Kelsey Grammer
Amy Grant
Cary Grant
Faye Grant
Jennifer Grant
Tom Green
Hank Greenberg
Jane Greer
Kevin Scott Greer
Joyce Grenfell
Andy Griffith
Christopher Guest
Henry Chase Hager
Nathan Hale
Alex Haley
Brad Hall
H. Tracy Hall
J. C. Hall
Monty Hall
Dorothy Hamill
Gen. Alexander Hamilton
George Hamilton
Oscar Hammerstein
John Hancock
Colin Hanks
Jim Hanks
Tom Hanks
Carl Lee Harbaugh
Gregory Jordan Harbaugh
Jack Harbaugh
Jim Harbaugh
John Harbaugh
Thomas Chalmers Harbaugh
Mary Hart
George Huntington Hartford
Huntington Hartford
Rutger Hauer
James Haven
Howard Hawks
Goldie Hawn
John Milton Hay
Rita Hayworth
Tom Hayden
Helen Hayes
Elizabeth Lee Hazen
Hugh Hefner
Christopher Heinz
Ernest Hemingway
Margeaux Hemingway
Mariel Hemingway
Jimi Hendrix
Patrick Henry
Audrey Hepburn
Katharine Hepburn
Barbara Hershey
Charlton Heston
Lorena Alice Hickock
Wild Bill Hickok
Taylor Hicks
Faith Hill
Conrad Hilton
Nicky Hilton
Paris Hilton
John Hinckley
Billy Hinsche
Hal Holbrook
William Holden
Lauren Holly
Katie Holmes
J. Edgar Hoover
Dennis Hopper
Emmet Horan
Lena Horne
I’m adding this one to the list: Whitney Houston – Both parents were Illuminati High Royal bloodlines
Bryce Howard
Clint Howard
James Newton Howard
Gov. John Eager Howard
Ron Howard
Elias Howe
Julia Ward Howe
Edwin Powell Hubble
Whip Hubley
Bill Hudson
Brett Hudson
Kate Hudson
Mark Hudson
Oliver Hudson
Howard Hughes
Tom Hulce
Brit Hume
Helen Hunt
Rachel Hunter
Melissa Hurley
Olivia Hussey
Anjelica Huston
John Huston
Walter Huston
Barbara Hutton
E. F. Hutton
the Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
LaToya Jackson
Michael Jackson
Mick Jagger
Jesse James
Jesse G. James
Thomas Jane
Gov. John Jay
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Angelina Jolie
Chuck Jones
Quincy Jones
Robert Edmond Jones
Shirley Jones
Spike Jones
Spike Jonze
Janis Joplin
Ashley Judd
Naomi Judd
Wynona Judd
George Jung
David Justice
Christine Kaufmann
Buster Keaton
Camille Keaton
Garrison Keillor
Nancee Kelly
Bobby Kennedy
George Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Joseph Kennedy
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Riley Keough
Hank Ketcham
Francis Scott Key
Nicole Kidman
Stephen King
Rudyard Kipling
Gen. Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Alex Kingston
Bobby Knight
Don Knotts
David Koresh
James Kottak
Sandy Koufax
Kris Kristofferson
Lisa Kudrow
Ashton Kutcher
Alan Ladd
Cheryl Ladd
Fernando Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas
Ann Landers
Frances Langford
Nathaniel Pitt Langford
T.V. John Langworthy
Jini Lash
Louise Lasser
Peter Lawford
Carol Lawrence
Martin Lawrence
Cloris Leachman
Timothy Leary
Howard Lederer
Bernard Lee
Kathie Lee
Gen. Robert E. Lee
Spike Lee
Tommy Lee
Janet Leigh
Jack Lemmon
Jay Leno
David Letterman
Diana Lewis
Francis Lewis
Jerry Lee Lewis
Gov. Morgan Lewis
Willard Libby
Rush Limbaugh
Charles Lindbergh
Janine Lindemulder
Peggy Lipton
John Lithgow
Edward Livingston
Philip Livingston
Gov. William Livingston
Gov. Edward Lloyd
Heather Locklear
Henry Cabot Lodge
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
John Ellerton Lodge
Carole Lombard
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Jon Lord
Bessie Love
Mike Love
Patty Loveless
Nick Lowe
Rob Lowe
Carey Lowell
Percival Lowell
George Lucas
Allen Ludden
Sidney Luft
Sidney Lumet
Martin Luther
Loretta Lynn
Charles MacArthur
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
James MacArthur
Kelly Madison
Michael Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Lee Majors
Barbara Mandrell
Aimee Mann
Charles Manson
Mickey Mantle
William Mapother
Brenda Marshall
Chief Justice John Marshall
Gov. William R. Marshall
Chris Martin
Dean Martin
Dino Martin
Ricci Martin
Lee Marvin
Marx Brothers
Groucho Marx
Harpo Marx
Karl Marx
George Mason
Jerry Mathers
Louis B. Mayer
Christa McAuliffe
Cindy McCain
Senator John McCain
Jenny McCarthy
Linda McCartney
Paul McCartney
Gov. Myron McCord
Frank McDonough
Malcolm McDowell
John McEnroe
Reba McEntire
Tim McGraw
Tug McGraw
Margaret Mead
Audrey Meadows
Jayne Meadows
Larry ‘Bud’ Melman
Herman Melville
Lee Meriwether
Ethel Merman
Charles E. Merrill
Gary Merrill
James Merrill
Dina Merrill
Aly Michalka
A.J. Michalka
Kate Middleton
Jonny Lee Miller
Alley Mills
Heather Mills
Liza Minnelli
Rachel Miner
Marilyn Monroe
Ricardo Montalban
Hannah Montana (Lol)
Elizabeth Montgomery
Robert Montgomery
Demi Moore
Joanna Moore
Harry Morgan
J. P. Morgan
Michele Morgan
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Gov. Lewis Morris
Jim Morrison
Samuel Morse
Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson)
Bridget Moynahan
Jack Nance
Clarence Nash
Willie Nelson
Bob Newhart
Olivia Newton-John
Paul Newman
Jack Nicholson
Stevie Nicks
Jay North
John Ringling North
John H. Northrop
Jack Northrop
Commodore Nutt
Annie Oakley
Rosie O’Donnell
Georgia O’Keeffe
Aristotle Onassis
Ryan O’Neal
Tatum O’Neal
Col. Samuel Osgood
the Osmond Family
June Oswald
Lee Harvey Oswald
Maureen O’Sullivan
Park Overall
Gov. Sarah Palin
William S. Paley
Gwyneth Paltrow
Vanessa Paradis
Bonnie Parker
Sarah Jessica Parker
Gen. George Patton
Jane Pauley
John Howard Payne
Gov. Endicott Peabody
Rev. Endicott Peabody
Gregory Peck
Sean Penn
J. C. Penney
Anthony Perkins
Oz Perkins
Matthew Perry
Gen. John J. Pershing
Anton Philips
Frits Philips
Gerard Philips
Bijou Phillips
Chynna Phillips
John Phillips
Mackenzie Phillips
Michelle Phillips
Wendell Phillips
Joaquin Phoenix
River Phoenix
Mary Pickford
James Lord Pierpont
Charles Pillsbury
Gov. John S. Pillsbury
Brad Pitt
Martha Plimpton
Edgar Allan Poe
Albert Pope
Cole Porter Marina Oswald Porter
Charles W. Post
Marjorie Merriweather Post
Harry Potter
Dick Powell
William Powell
Elvis Presley
Lisa Marie Presley
Priscilla Presley
Vincent Price
Eugene C. Pulliam
Melvin Purvis
Anthony Quinn
JonBenét Ramsey
Martha Rathbone
John Rathbun
Martha Raye
Donna Reed
Elizabeth Reed
Christopher Reeve
Keanu Reeves
Debbie Reynolds
Denise Richards
Kyle Richards
Gov. Bill Richardson
Lionel Richie
Ringling Brothers Circus
Molly Ringwald
Jill Ritchie
Jason Ritter
John Ritter
Tex Ritter
William Cabell Rives
Jason Robards
Tim Robbins
Cokie Roberts
Tanya Roberts
Cliff Robertson
Chris Robinson
Rich Robinson
Pat Roche
Edouard Rochefort
Kid Rock
John D. Rockefeller
Norman Rockwell
Willard F. Rockwell
Gene Roddenberry
Alvah Curtis Roebuck
Ginger Rogers
Kenny Rogers
Mimi Rogers
Mister Rogers
Roy Rogers
Gov. George Romney
Linda Ronstadt
Mickey Rooney
Charlie Rose
Pete Rose
Betsy Ross
Marion Ross
Michael Bruce Ross
Amscel Rothschild
Mayer Rothschild
Nathan Rothschild
Vanessa Rousso
Dan Rowan
J. K. Rowling
Kurt Russell
Lillian Russell
Eileen Ryan
Alfred Ryder
Richie Sambora
Colonel Sanders
Susan Sarandon
Clarence Saunders
Diane Sawyer
Melinda Saxe
Joseph Saxton
Johnathon Schaech
Boz Scaggs
Mayor Pieter Schuyler
Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf
Jason Schwartzman
Gen. Winfield Scott
Charles Scribner
Richard Warren Sears
Edie Sedgwick
Kyra Sedgwick
Pete Seeger
Tom Selleck
Leora Lee Sells
Ludwig Sells
Sells Brothers Circus
David O. Selznick
Lewis J. Selznick
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Brian Setzer
Origen Storrs Seymour
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
William Shakespeare
Artie Shaw
Norma Shearer
Charlie Sheen
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Martin Sheen
Alan Shepard
Gen. William T. Sherman
Billy Sherwood
Brooke Shields
Brooke Shields hair commercial. Watch for the Adam’s apple.
Talia Shire
Maria Shriver
O.J. Simpson
Paul Simon
Frank Sinatra
Nancy Sinatra
Grace Slick
Anna Nicole Smith
Dr. Bob Smith
Carl Smith
Emmitt Smith
Joseph Smith (Founder of the Mormon church)
Lorenzo Snow
Sonia Sorel
Britney Spears
Princess Diana Spencer
Dr. Benjamin Spock
Claus Spreckels
Bruce Springsteen
Miles Standish
Leland Stanford
Kim Stanley
Ken Starr
Mary Steenburgen
John Steinbeck
Connie Stevens
Gov. Adlai Stevenson
McLean Stevenson
Jimmy Stewart
Rod Stewart
Alfred Stieglitz
Leopold Stokowski
Sharon Stone
Gale Storm
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Whitney Willard Straight
Michael Straight
Michael Strange
Barbara Streisand
Benjamin Strong (1st President of the Private Federal Reserve Bank)
Sally Struthers
Studebaker Brothers
Preston Sturges
Shannon Sturges
Peter Stuyvesant
Jason Sudeikis
Hilary Swank
Patrick Swayze
Jonathan Swift
Taylor Swift
Paul Tagliabue
Natalie Talmadge
Norma Talmadge
Chip Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Leigh Taylor-Young
Shirley Temple
Gov. Tommy Thompson
Billy Bob Thornton
General Tom Thumb
Uma Thurman
Cheryl Tiegs
Louis Comfort Tiffany
Justin Timberlake
Michael Todd
Clyde Tombaugh
Marisa Tomei
Raquel Torres
Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
Spencer Tracy
Sisely Treasure
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, father of Justin Trudeau, from the Sinclair bloodline
Garry Trudeau
Donald Trump
Lana Turner
Ted Turner
Mark Twain
Steven Tyler
Mo Udall
Stewart Udall
Blair Underwood
Roger Vadim
Rudy Vallee
Abigail Van Buren
Lee Van Cleef
Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt
Gloria Vanderbilt
William K. Vanderbilt
Hon. Willis Devanter
Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn
Barry Van Dyke
Dick Van Dyke
Jerry Van Dyke
William Cornelius Van Horne
Dick Van Patten
Rev. Jeremiah Vardeman
Gore Vidal
Jon Voight
Mark Wahlberg
Loudon Wainwright III
John Walker
I’m adding this one to the list: Paul William Walker and Meadow Rain Walker – paternal parent was an Illuminati High Royal bloodline connected to: Robert I King of France, also the House of Anjou, L’ Estrange and De Vere (just type Paul William Walker Illuminati and then click images and she/he loves to throw up the hand signs)
Paul Walker
Gov. Scott Walker
Barbara Walters
Bill Walton
Luke Walton
Sam Walton
Roger Waters
Carol Wayne
John Wayne
Patrick Wayne
Archbishop Rembert Weakland
Charley Weaver
Daniel Webster
Noah Webster
Raquel Welch
Tahnee Welch
Orson Welles
Cissy Wellman
William A. Wellman
Dawn Wells
George Wendt
Adam West
Jack Westland
George Hoyt Whipple
Mary Whitaker Bono
Betty White
Harry Payne Whitney
Eli Whitney
Whizzo the Clown
Richard Widmark
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Cindy Williams
Esther Williams
Robin Williams
Roger Williams
Sasha Williams
Tennessee Williams
Vanessa Williams
Bruce Willis
Bill W. (William Griffith Wilson, Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous)
Brian Wilson
Carl Wilson
Carnie Wilson
Dennis Wilson
Lois Burnham Wilson
Rita Wilson
Uncle Sam Wilson
Wendy Wilson
Gov. Oliver Wolcott
Levi Woodbury
John Wooden
Joanne Woodward
Maj. Gen. Walter Ellis Wool
Frank Woolworth
Steve Wozniak
Fay Wray
Frank Lloyd Wright
Orville Wright
Robin Wright
Wilbur Wright
Jane Wyatt
Frank Wykoff
Jane Wyman
Amy Yasbeck
Brigham Young (Founder of the Mormon church)
Gig Young
Loretta Young
Owen Young
Steve Young
Ahmet Zappa
Dweezil Zappa
Frank Zappa
Moon Zappa
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Warren Zevon
Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak, born October 9, is an American genealogist, author, and speaker. She is also a consultant for the FBI and NCIS.
Smolenyak holds a BSFS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, an MBA in International Business from George Washington University and an MAS in Information Technology from Johns Hopkins University.
She researched Michelle Obama’s family tree, researched Annie Moore, the first immigrant through Ellis Island, traced Barack Obama’s roots to Moneygall, Ireland,
…She also found out that Joe Biden is “roughly five-eighths Irish”. She, herself, is of Irish and Rusyn heritage with roots in Ireland, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine. Formerly Chief Family Historian for Ancestry.com, she also founded Unclaimed Persons. She is nicknamed the “Indiana Jones of Genealogy”. She is a former board member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).
“~ Wikipedia”
Today, March 3, 2022, I felt the Holy Spirit very strong around me. I’m guessing exposing this “genealogist” Megan Smolenyak, who I will say doesn’t tell you that the people that she’s researched, are from royal bloodlines connecting to the Egyptian Pharaohs and to Muhammad and then back to Ishmael.
From my post: Michelle Obama’s Irish Slave Owner Roots connects to Royal Illuminati Bloodline Roots
I wrote: I know that history has shown that only the highest amount of royal blood to the British royals can be the president of this country, so I checked to see if Michelle Obama has any chance at all to be the president.
After looking over her bloodline connections she is related to Kings of England, France and Norway. The current genealogy charts do not reveal her royal bloodline. Here is what professional genealogist Smolenyak had to say about Michelle’s chart.
“Michelle Obama’s Irish roots were one of the major findings in Smolenyak’s research. Smolenyak spent nine months researching the First Lady’s family tree in conjunction with The New York Times.
Smolenyak began the project just before Obama was named president and she said she hoped that her discovery will please the First Lady.
“The vast majority of people are happy when their heritage is just kind of handed to them,” she said. “She’s got a really rich ancestry. This would be my fantasy: that she’s clicking [on the Web site] through all the branches of her family tree, sitting there with Sasha and Malia and Marian Robinson, and I hope they’re pleased.” “
When Smolenyak said “She got a really rich ancestry. This would be my fantasy” this show that she knows the Michelle Obama is of royal bloodline.
The chart that is presented to the public is a very simple like maybe only 5 or so simple family lines. Michelle Obama’s true chart is very vast and a very high royal bloodline which genealogist Smolenyak failed to disclose to the public. The bottom of this page I’ve shown just a small amount of Michelle Obama’s high royal bloodline “Roots” because there were too many too list. Major royal bloodline player here. (New – I am revamping the bloodline chart to show Michelle’s Illuminati high royal bloodline connections)
Megan Smolenyak, “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?” ~ The Bible
“You can all of this world, just give me Jesus”