Video by Torch of Christ Ministries: “Day4: Repent Houston” This is what Joel Osteen should be doing since Houston is Joel’s home base. Joel and his church should be rebuking Planned Parenthood. Also, the Satanic Temple of Houston was set up about 10 miles from Joel’s church and I think they’ve had to shut down but they seem to be still active on Twitter selling books and promoting sin.
Audio of “Day 4: Repent Houston / Phillip Blair”
Video below by Tamara Magdalene: “The IlluminNaughty Files Hidden in Plain Sight, Plots, Predictive Programming” There will be a preacher in this clip from “Pastor” Gino Jennings. I don’t like giving man titles like: Bishop, Pastor, Father, ect. I don’t agree with all of Gino Jennings religious beliefs and I also do not agree with his promotion of taking the COVID shot.
Gyno or Gino Jennings has been caught on video denying the Holy Spirit, denying Jesus. I’ll be working on him and adding him to my Religious Oddities page. When I’m finished I’ll put a message on the front page of the blog saying the Gyno ak Gino Jennings is exposed as a False Prophet. He’s really terrible and full of the antichrist spirit because he’s denying Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Don’t wait on me do a search: Gino Jennings Exposed as False.
Let me show you a very short clip of Gino Jennings and he gets worse but I only cut it to this part for now. Once the Christians are onto him Gino will have no chance. Christians, I believe that Mr. Gino Jennings is a Sabellianism preacher.
Another video uploaded by Gino Jennings fan named Tony Harvin. Tony Harvin will be judged with Mr. Gino Jennings . Gino Jennings, who is a slick willie – cunning and deceptive people who are superficially appealing and polished, and also uses a sleight of hand – a cleverly executed trick or deception, to never miss an opportunity, to mock out King Yeshua and sadly get the church to participate.
In this very short clip, you will see Mr. Jennings throw up the 666 hand sign, the devil horn hand sign and if you look closely, you can spot at least 3 reptilians sitting behind him. Easy to find because they all have weird eyeballs. Also, in this clip you can see that Mr. Jennings has Sanpaku eyes, meaning you can see the whites of the eyes usually below the pupil, which generally means, it’s demonic possession. See the Rod Parsley post for info on Sanpaku eyes.
God is separating the sheep from the goats during this time. The followers of these false pastors are allowed by the Lord and you need to pray to King Yeshua and ask him if you should be listening to any of the preachers that you like. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you will hear that Mr. Gino Jennings has the spirit of the Antichrist and actually I see him as a lawyer for Satan always accusing King Yeshua of being a less than everything every chance he gets but in a very slick way.
A Christian couple had a vision of Mr. Gino Jennings going into a seizure on the floor. Well, he is vaccinated, and a smart mouth Fruit Oops, so lets wait and see if their vision comes true. This post is really about Joel Osteen, but all of these “preachers” are just a hodge podge – describes a confused or disorderly mass or collection of things, from the same cloth, filthy rags.
Video below by Tamara Magdalene: “The IlluminNaughty Files Hidden in Plain Sight, Plots, Predictive Programming”
Short Clip by Tamara Magdalene – Illuminati
This blog will be to show the royal connection that the Osteens’ have to King Edward III, Jane Austen and Stephen F. Austen, “The Father of Texas.” See in telling their history, they being John, Dodie and Joel, left out that they are from a high royal Illuminati bloodline.
This is a Conway Twitty song -It’s Only Make Believe. Because the history of the humble beginnings of selling popcorn at a local movie theater and now the head of a church empire is unbelievable.
Hi Blessings,
So there’s this Christian site on YouTube called “Overcoming the Dragon” and he has an old video from 2014 called “Illuminatiam Joel Osteen Victoria’s Secret MKULTRA” and after listening to it I found out about Victoria’s father’s former employment with NASA, which is not a secret at all because it’s mentioned in Wikipedia I had just never heard about it. In the “Victoria Secret MKULTRA” video he implies that Victoria is controlling Joel but don’t wives do that already?
Also, through Victoria’s maternal line – the Blalock bloodline, Victoria’s 6th great uncle John Blalock b. 1704 connects by marriage to Susannah Lewis, b. 1720, and through the Lewis bloodline this makes the connection to the British royal family but its only by marriage.
Here’s a clip from Wikipedia on Victoria:
“Victoria LISA Osteen was born Victoria Iloff in Huntsville, Alabama. She lived near Marshall Space Flight Center where her father, Donald Iloff – a mathematician with General Electric – was a member of GE’s Saturn rocket project team led by German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. In 1963, at the age of two, Osteen moved with her family to Houston, Texas when her father took a position with the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). She grew up in a southern suburb of Houston, near the Manned Spacecraft Center (now known as the Johnson Space Center).”
“Growing up, (Victoria) Osteen attended the Church of Christ, a relatively conservative church, where her mother, Georgine Iloff, taught Sunday school and her father served as a deacon. Osteen attended (though did not graduate from) the University of Houston where she studied psychology while working in her mother’s jewelry business. It was while working in the jewelry store that she met Joel Osteen in 1985 when he came in to buy a new watch battery.”
Wernher von Braun was the 21st great grandson to King Edward I which of course makes him a Illuminati, high royal bloodline and related to Joel Osteen through his Illuminati, high royal bloodline.
Informative article with pictures and history on the Nazi scientists found here:
I’ve recorded just the part of this YouTube video (10 min.) from the pic above, where he references about the info on Operation Paperclip and then info about Victoria Osteen’s father who worked with the German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. The video/audio (pic seen above) seems to be his opinion or theory of the matter but it’s an interesting angle trying to piece it together since we never really know what’s really going on behind the scenes and we’re sometimes left to our own imaginations to piece the puzzle together.
Here’s the audio clip from the “Illuminatiam Joel Osteen Victoria’s Secret MKULTRA”
This is a 42 second audio clip from the pic above at the time when they asked Victoria about her father working for NASA. Look at their expressions – they look busted.
Quickly what is Operation Paperclip and who is Wernher von Braun? Here’s an explanation found on Wikipedia:
“Operation Paperclip was the secretive United States Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians (many of whom were formerly registered members of the Nazi Party and some of whom had leadership roles in the Nazi Party), including Wernher von Braun’s rocket team, were recruited and brought to the United States for government employment from post-Nazi Germany (after World War II). The primary purpose for Operation Paperclip was for the U.S. to gain a military advantage in the burgeoning Cold War, and later Space Race, between the U.S. and Soviet Union. By comparison, the Soviet Union were even more aggressive in recruiting Germans: during Operation Osoaviakhim, Soviet military units forcibly (at gunpoint) recruited 2,000+ German specialists to the Soviet Union during one night.”
Here’s the 6 min. explanation by Annie Jacobsen on Operation Paperclip and a brief mention of Wernher von Braun.
Video: “When the U.S. recruited Nazis for ‘Operation Paperclip’ “
So what got me recently started in looking to see if the Osteens were Illuminati Bloodlines was when I saw this online picture of Joel at the beach and after seeing him on the news talking about his visit with Pope Francis I started to wonder is Joel from an Illuminati family? Joel’s belly button is below the waistline but I need to see the back to see if it’s straight or curved.
“Joel Scott Osteen is an American prosperity gospel preacher and televangelist. He is the Senior Pastor of Lakewood Church, in Houston, Texas.
Osteen attended ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he studied radio and television communications, but did not graduate and did not receive a degree from a divinity school.” Wikipedia
“He lives in a $10.5 million home, which boasts six bedrooms, six bathrooms, three elevators, five fireplaces, a guest house, and pool house, and he also owns his former home, valued at $2.9 million, according to CultureMap Houston. Some critics of Osteen take issue with this fact.”
All of the U.S. pastors have either large homes or own property and Christian watch groups have many videos on YouTube exposing this. Below is an article from Notable Biographies that gives a better explanation of how his personal wealth was accumulated.
“Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I’m in love
That I’m sent from above
I’m not that innocent”
Video by Tamraa Magdalene: Brittney Spears in the Oops Shapeshifting Again Files
16 min. clip from Kingdom Life Productions called: “T.D. Jakes Ministry Exposed”
Here’s about a 2 min. recording of the video from the pic above: Joel Houston (Osteen) meets the Pope:
The Pope making the 666 hand sign when he said the word “God”
Video: “Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God”
Video by Boldsoja4Christ: “Verizon Commercial 666 Blue Red Yellow List Vatican Commercial Pope Francis”
“Joel’s estimated worth of $55 million and Oprah Winfrey estimated net worth of $3.2 billion as of June 2016.” Please note that she’s a descendant of William the Conqueror. There are many videos already out there showing that Oprah is promoting a New Age agenda.
Joel is teaching in this video below to pray to God but no mention of Jesus. Oprah is pushing a theory of something like whatever happens in your life just pick yourself up, brush off the dust, and say everything is just great.
Christians after this blog post and after watching this Joel and Oprah Life Class video below and if you still can’t see that Joel talks out of both sides of his mouth (we already know where Oprah stands) then please pray to God IN THE NAME OF YESHUA/JESUS to reveal to you if you should continue to listen to Joel Osteen’s messages. Me personally now I can see why the Christians are all up in arms over Joel Osteen’s messages.
I removed this video “Pastor Joel Osteen Reveals How Peace Gives Us Power / Oprah’s Lifeclass / Oprah Winfrey Network” because listening to these two is a waste of time.
Video: “Oprah Denies Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation & Heaven” Oprah, great grandchild of William the Conqueror.
There’s a female in the beginning of this video and she looks very wholesome and like a bible believer. She says there are two choices in this world and agrees with Oprah that you can choose either. This female is wearing black and now I’ve noticed her double jointed looking bent back thumb. I know several people that have this.
Below a short video clip by Tamara Magdalene from: “The Truth Going on in Hollywood and Politics” This is a clip showing a list of people that were arrested and executed or locked up by the Trump administration. This story is going around and I would like to remind everyone that we’re not in North Korea so if this is true then it’s insane. I personally think that they’re in their bunkers. Okay, so the main reason to show this clip is to show Oprah Winfrey promoting child sexual abuse.
Joel, you may want to rethink you’re friends – Lady Gage and Oprah are proving to be very poor choices. They say birds of a feather flock together. Hmm.
Warning – This clip will be very gross because Oprah is promoting sexual abuse of young boys and there will also be another clip on here of a guest on the Wendy Williams show who also speaks of sexually abusing young boys. This will not be a very easy video to watch.
This is Oprah’s Oxygen Network’s Preacher’s Of LA Reality TV Show. Joel calls Oprah his friend so people please come to your senses about Joel Osteen. Video “Preachers of L.A.; Premieres October 9”
Joel and Victoria had their first date at the Compaq Center stadium that the church now owns and if I didn’t know that he was a high royal bloodline I would believe the charming story of their first date experience and how they now serve God from the same place as their first date.
Here’s a 2:22 min. clip about Joel’s first date experience with Victoria on Jimmy Fallon – Late Night Show
Church collection funds info in this clip:
Nelly – “Must be the Money”
Video: “Joel Osteen Impersonator Fools Everyone!”
This is a 5 min. clip I cut from a video by Fighting 4 the Faith where they critique pastors sermon. In this Joel Osteen sermon I thought that it was pretty funny and sad and I wanted you to hear Joel say “Don’t sweat the stinky stuff.”
I saw this 30 second ear prompter video and I wanted to throw this out there. I don’t want you to think that week after week that someone can do a public sermon without some assistance because you would need something similar to this to run a multi-million dollar business. I will say that Joel’s father John could do a sermon without any assistance.
30 second audio clip of: “Public Speaking Tip: Meet the Earprompter, public speaking’s secret weapon”
I’m going to briefly go over one of his sermons and I want to say that I’m not interested in Joel at all and I feel that this post is led by the Holy Spirit. The only reason I even noticed him at all was because of something that had come up with him praising the Pope but so do a lot of ecumenical preachers. I know everyone loves Joel and I don’t mean to appear to be picking on him but this is just gonna play out with me showing some things that I noticed.
I happened to watch his sermon which I thought was in 2015 but it must have been 2016, “Ask Big” and this one stood out to me. The entire video has since been chopped down due to being last year but I remember making notes about this particular video.
After Joel gave his sermon, Joel and Victoria admitted that the congregation had already helped pay off 90 million of the debt that they owed on the building but they said that the congregation needed to stretch their faith and believe that God would bless them if they paid over their regular tithes for the buildings balance of 30 million. I should have recorded it but I didn’t.
Please note that he does have some sermons where he mentions the name of Jesus. This sermon is just one of the first ones that I looked up and I thought to myself what is this? Here are some pics from the “Ask Big” sermon showing Joel throwing up the 666 hand signs.
Note: The title for this video was “Ask Big” not Ask Big, Very Big.
Now its Victoria’s turn in which she throws out to the audience it looks like six 666 hand signs.
This is the video with the reptilian eye shots. Also in this video both Joel and Victoria’s skin seems to “shapeshift” during the interview.
Video: “Joel and Victoria Osteen Talk About Their Relationship” part 1
part 2
Video by Starspirit123: “VRILL IN FALSE PROPHET”
Once again, Joel Osteen’s true colors come out and what will it take for you to see that Joel Osteen is a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Also, Joel, you should ease up on the plastic surgery because you’re starting to look like a fruit loop.
2 min clip from Tamara Magdalene’s video: “Lady Gaga: Enemy of God”
Super short clip of Lady Gaga, a man in drag, swearing to his god Lucifer.
A short under 3 min. clip of Lady/Man Gaga hanging out with the the spirit cooking satanist Marina Abramovic
Video by MrE: “Lady Gaga The Gaga Horror Picture Show”
By Todd Spangler “The new initiative comes less than three months after SiriusXM closed its acquisition of Pandora, originally valued at $3.5 billion. “We’re excited that some of our most popular talk shows are now being made available to Pandora users,” said Scott Greenstein, SiriusXM’s president and chief content officer. “This will be a great opportunity for new audiences to discover these SiriusXM shows, while providing Pandora with great programming, as we continue to collaborate on content opportunities for both platforms.”
Other podcasts in the mix include one from Joel Osteen, the Texas pastor and televangelist; “Trunk Nation” with Eddie Trunk; “Debatable” with Mark Goodman and Alan Light; and “Feedback” with Nik Carter and Lori Majewski. Sports podcasts include “Mad Dog Unleashed,” featuring Christopher “Mad Dog” Russo; “Schein on Sports,” another daily podcast with Adam Schein’s opening monologue; and “Busted Open,” a daily best-of podcast for pro wrestling fans.
The new podcast push follows the recent launch of Pandora Now, the first content offering available exclusively to both SiriusXM and Pandora listeners.”
This pic below is about Barbara Hutton, the Woolworth Heiress. There is a made for TV show about her life and Farrah Fawcett plays Barbara Hutton. In real life, Barbara had many friends and being very wealthy and into jewelry and fashion she also had gay friends.
In this short clip, Barbara’s 2nd husband, who doesn’t approve of any of her friends, is giving her a surprise and taking her to a “sex club” which back in the 30’s was very risque but modest compared to the event that Joel and Victoria attended with Lady Gaga, another man in drag. This very short clip below is dedicated to all of the Joel Osteen followers who think that it’s okay for a minister of the gospel to attend a an event by a drag queen satanists.
Here’s a pic of Farrah Fawcett with the parents and grandmother.
Here is grown Farrah with a bulging male neck.
Joel, it must get really tiring for you to have to be such a goody goody and you must be exhausted pretending all of the time. Actually. you’re very good at it and your sheeple people eat it right up and you’re fooling everyone including yourself.
Any of you that still support Joel after this blog post exposing him, then I want to dedicate this song to you call “I Hope” then chorus line is “then I hope he cheats like he did on me” but I’m changing it to “then I hope he (Joel) cheats like he did on King Yeshua/Jesus.”
Video by: “Gabby Barrett – I Hope (Official Video) ”
On a more serious note, what peaked my interest is when I heard that the Gaga event that Joel and Victoria attended included Sirius Radio, it brought to my mind, Sirius the Dog Star. David Koresh, also a great grandson of a nephilim king, was into Sirius the Dog Star. It will be in my Koresh post that the Holy Spirit has led me to look at just like he led me to look into Joel Osteen, who by the way I couldn’t even stand to look at.
This isn’t going to be a long drawn out deal on Sirius the Dog Star, which represents Lucifer, only a few pics below.
The info about “The first Global Healthcare Medical Missions Conference was held at Lakewood Church” was at the end of the “Ask Big” video; so let’s go over a few things about these medical missions. There are many pros and cons videos on the internet for short mission trips and also on whether to vaccinate or not. I would like to focus on one thing that volunteers for the mission trip may not be aware of. Below is a pic from the conference.
Submitted by: Franklin “Travel Vaccinations“ “A few days ago, I made an appointment to the Wilshire location and was scheduled with ease. Nurse Jesslyn was amazing and very thorough when helping me choose the vaccinations I needed for my upcoming trip to Kenya and Tanzania. Furthermore, I learned that there were some adult vaccinations I needed – updated versions of those I got as a kid.“
Natural News article – Award winning journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible and a host of other papers developing into the truth behind vaccine development, discovered that “vaccines are not filtered clean, but suspension from the manufacturers incubation tanks in which the viruses are produced from substrates of mashed bird embryo, minced monkey kidneys, or the infamous cloned human diploid cells only scanned for a few known contaminates – while the unknowns remain just that — unknown.”
Let’s look at some of the vaccine ingredients listed in the pic above that would be necessary for let’s say a medical mission trip to Kenya.
Bill Gates is a high Illuminati bloodline related to many other high royals but here are just a few:
The following presidents are his cousins: Adams, Bush and also to Barbara Bush, Carter, Cleveland, Coolidge, Ford, Nixon, Roosevelt, Taft; also related to Nancy Reagan who is a descendant of King Henry I, and also to Churchill.
Bill Gates father was the head of Planned Parenthood. Lakewood church, do you really want to be associated with Bill Gates?
See this 30 second video mirrored from Infowars. Video: “Bill Gates My Father Headed Planned Parenthood”
30 second audio clip mirrored from Infowars. Video: “Bill Gates My Father Headed Planned Parenthood”
Let me show you an unconventional way of how King Yeshua/Jesus healed a blind man.
The Bible – JOHN 9
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he. Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.
This is a story of Pastor TB Joshua, a man of God who prays in the name of Jesus and heals the sick. Pastor Joshua is always helping the poor, the sick and the widows. Let me show you how TB Joshua used an unconventional way to heal a crippled man. The video of this poor man will be after these pictures.
Update on Emmanuel TV 07/15/18. This audio clip below is a little over 4 min. and it’s going over the fact that Emmanuel TV ministry is selling, what looks to be about 2 oz. of water, for a $50.00 monthly donation. I like pastor TB Joshua but his church does celebrate Christ Mass, which God forbids in the book of Jeremiah, and now I find he’s selling a Catholic style of holy water.
The lady in the middle pic says this water will change your life and the audience screams with joy. The people have now easily taken their eyes off of King Yeshua/Jesus and placed it on the mini bottle of water. As much as I like TB Joshua this is one of the most awful things that I’ve seen this church do – sell “healing” water; next the church will start to sell the congregation air. I do believe that healings do occur through TB Joshua but please note that it is God who heals and healing is available 24/7 by praying to God through King Yeshua/Jesus no water needed.
I’ll let pastor John’s own videos speak for themselves. Also, Oprah’s new show for him called the Book of John Gray (aka the Book of John from the bible)
Video: “Pastor John Gray – Lakewood Church – “Thriller” ”
Audio clip from the video – Pastor John Gray talks about his new show on OWN and his new book.
In this 3 min. video below pastor John Gray will hump the sofa.
Video: “Rich in Faith: Episode 5 Bonus Clip – John and Aventeur Gray / Oxygen”
11 min. audio clip of Victoria Osteen A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing? My opinion is maybe she’s a drinker to make such a blunder.
This is a short clip of Justin Beiber, a FTM and an Illuminati high royal bloodline, with “Pastor” John Grey. In this short clip you will see John Grey deny King Yeshua/Jesus and then later in the video you will see “Justin” throw up the devil horn hand sign.
Below is a 1.30 min. audio clip of Joel before his church services cracking his stupid jokes and it’s even stupider because no one is sitting in the audience. This particular joke is about a minister who was pulled over drinking and driving and the joke goes flat from there. You Christians that attend his church and listen to these stupid jokes mocking out God and King Yeshua/Jesus, you will be judged with Joel who is a plastic surgery nightmare. Joel, fire your plastic surgeon and your joke writer.
Video by DrewBloom34: “Exposed: Pastor John Gray & his $4,000 Yeezy Shoes”
This video will show that cray cray Pastor Gray has bought admitted Satanist Kanye West 5k tennis shoes, and also has bought his wife a new Lamborghini from his book sales because he says that he wants to live his best life now. He has also brought to it looks like to Joel’s church Illuminati bloodline tranny Justin Beiber and also associating with pastor Carl Lentz who has also been called out to also be a female to male tranny. Grandson of an Illuminati king – Joel, is this what you will continue to bring to the sheeple – more worldly, sinful preachers like cray cray John Gray? I’m sure your next Associate Pastor will be worse than the last one.
On my Religious Oddities blog page I have Beiber and Lentz drinking together in a bar because they are fake and serve satan.
1 min. Audio clip of Dodie on the show “It’s Supernatural”
“John Osteen was born in Siloam Springs, Benton, Arkansas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, and his master’s degree from Northern Baptist Seminary. He also held a Doctorate of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University.”
This masonic symbol can also be seen in the Irritated Genie blog post.
Oral Robert’s bloodline can be traced back to Louis VIII ‘the lion King of France.
A short clip by Tamara Magdalene on Oral Roberts
Joel’s Grandfather – Willis Jackson Osteen, born 1888, De Ann Hempstead County, Arkansas, died 1963 Ft. Worth, Texas; Grandmother – Ellen Mae Brawner, born 1894.
The following are Joel’s Great Grandfather’s:
Willis Jackson Osteen, born 8/31/1888, De Ann Hempstead County, Arkansas
Elijah H. Osteen, born 1857, De Ann Hempstead County, Arkansas
John A. Osteen, b. 1809, Mississippi
Thomas Solomon Osteen, b. 1774, South Carolina
Thomas O. Osteen, b. 1750, British Colonial America, North Carolina
Thomas Osteen, b. 1725 Carteret Craven County, North Carolina
Henry Charles Osteen formerly Austen, b. 1699 Carteret Craven County, North Carolina
Charles Osteen formerly William Edward Osteen, Birth: 29 July 1668, Farnefeild, Aldingbourne, Sussex England.
William Austin, Birth: abt. 1634, Farnefeild, Aldingbourne, Sussex, England. Christening: 4 Jan 1635
Edward Austen Jr. Birth: 8 Apr 1599, Aldingbourne, Sussex England
Edward Austen Sr. Birth: 18 Dec 1563, Of Norton, Aldingbourne, Sussex, England
Lawrentius Austen Birth: about 23 Mar 1534, Aldingbourne, Sussex, England
Henry Austen, Birth: about 1503, Aldingbourne, Sussex, England
Richard Christopher Austen Birth: 1481 Wickhambreaux, Kent, England
Robert Austen, Birth: 1445, Wickhambreaux, Kent, England
John Austen, Birth: 1418, Wickhambreaux, Kent, England
Stephen Austen, Birth: 1400, Wickhambreaux, Kent, England
Henry Austen, Birth: 1374, Benenden, Kent, England
Henry Austen II, Birth: 1350, Benenden, Kent, England
Edward of Woodstock “den Svarte” the “Black Prince” Prince of Wales Plantagenet, b. 1330 and wife Joan Countess Kent Plantagenet, b. 1328
Edward III, King of England Plantagenet aka Nephilim (giants), b. 1312 and wife Philippa Countess of Hainault ‘queen of England Avesnes, b. 1311/12
This is a story of one of my sorta favorite preachers – TB Joshua and his church team that helped an elderly man that had been abandoned. They cleaned the elderly man’s room, bought new furniture, hired a nurse and a maid that cooks and cleans for him. They also brought him food, clothes and money. He went from living in his own feces to being treated tenderly and with love.
A 2 min. audio clip song: Paper Roses by Marie Osmond