(*I’ve added to this page on: 10/24/2024, Charlize Theron fingers shapeshifting; 09/11/2024, a Tamara Magdalene video on Brittney Spears Shapeshifting…it’s also on the Hormone Hands post; 02/16/2024, A child witnesses reptilians eating another child. 12/29/2023, another experience with someone with slits in their eyes; 12/18/2023, added a clip of Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon with reptilian slits; 11/17/2023 Dutch Queen Maxima’s sister’s satanic art; 10/20/2023 Hillary the Reptilian; 05/30/2023, video clips of Ellen DeGeneres acting like a non human idiot. This is what I’ll be doing on the pages as I add to them so people won’t have to scroll through looking for new additions. I understand that everyone is as busy as I am.)
Video: “REPTILIAN BABY !!! MUST SEE !!! Hallmark Baby Boutique”
Michelle Obama with reptilian teeth. I slowed this down because you would miss the teeth. This was caught by a family and this was their only strange videos, the rest were family videos.
Here’s Jill Biden losing form in the sunlight. The rumor is that the reason that they chemtrail so much is to block the sun because it effects them. I’m not a reptilian so I can’t perfectly explain why they can’t hold their form.
Short clip of Jill Biden shapeshifting…looks so gross.
Video clip by MRicci: Kardashian Snake Fingers
This is a male and Khloe looks like a giant horse in a bathtub of candy…gross. you just ruined all of that candy.
I copied this video but I slowed it down and only copied the part where Marilyn’s hands were shape shifting. Watch when Marilyn puts her/his hands on her/his face and you will see the hands turn into something. Please note that Marilyn was really a male and the 21st great grandchild of King Edward I.
Here’s the original video footage. This hand shape shifting starts at about 0.23
Video: “Marilyn Monroe RARE Press conference Footage – Outside Her apartment June 21, 1956”
Child witnesses the Reptilian Serpent Seeds committing cannibalism.
Satanic Inaugural Ceremony of the Gotthard Tunnel Explained. This to me was the most bizzarest of the entire ceremony.
Sun, Sea and Satan Documentary – short clip of Satanic statue in a pond
Reptilians Saudi Style
Tamara Magdalene video on Brittney Spears Shapeshifting…it’s also on the Hormone Hands post
Charlize Theron fingers shapeshifting. I’ve slowed it down and turned off the volume. I also see “hormone hands” on Charlize so I’ll move a copy of this over to the Hormone Hands post. Also, Charlize looks like he’s wearing a wig.
Longer clip of Charlize talking in regular speed.
These shapeshifting Illuminati “people” seem to get their hands on some really fancy wigs. Impressive.
MrE Danica Patrick another one
Reptilian Eye Shots. Video: “Joel and Victoria Osteen Talk About Their Relationship”
I don’t say this lightly, but Selena, in this video, has clone (the whites are pure white) and reptilian slit eyes. Also, reptilian (fang) teeth. Click on the screen settings button to slow the speed down to 0.25
Video: “Selena Interview Lubbock, Texas 1994 (Restored)”
Paris Hilton’s grandfather, Conrad Hilton.
This is Ellen and he/she is supposed to be in lock down at home for the Cabal Hollywood deal. In this clip, Ellen has an Adam’s apple, blond highlights and makeup and Ellen looks like some sort of androgyne bug that should be put outside to be eaten by a bird. Ellen and the two guys in this look and act reptilian to me. Ellen does not look worried at all about this rumor arrest. Ellen looks like he/she is living the dream and hanging out on the beach all day and not worried one single bit about this fake rumor of a Hollywood arrest joke.
In this short clip Ellen is giving an KIA SUV to a front line nurse. During the drive “Average” Andy asks Ellen: “Seriously, how does it ride, this car?” Ellen answers: It’s smooth as a baby’s bottom”
Video by KI JENN: “NEVER take a Gift from ELLEN because you will pay” This is a video about Ellen’s behavior with a family that this man in drag gave a vacation to. Ellen visits the family in the hotel room and takes the newborn and holds it by the window which is tinted from the floor to waist high and Ellen says: “You can be naked from the waist down and no one would ever see. That’s what I like about this (place)”
Later in the video Ellen and the family go down to the lobby for breakfast and Ellen runs around the lobby feeding the crowd bites of pancake and they stupidly eat it. Ellen then takes the gift family’s little 4 year old daughter to the hotel fish pond in the lobby to feed the fish and Ellen tells the child to open her mouth while Ellen shakes the container of fish food into the little girls mouth and the little girl chews it. Ellen says to the little girl: “you like it right?” The little girl nods yes as chewing this fish food.
While the video is playing watch that Ellen’s jaw goes behind the ear. Ellen is a male with a male jawline and Ellen is an Illuminati idiot loser. Heavenly Father, in the name of King Yeshua Hamashiach, your Will be done with Ellen, the fake woman and a man pretending to be a lesbian. A very poor performance.
If you skip the shape shifting part and look at the unnatural length of the forearms. It’s funny to see all of the men are drooling over this person.
Please look at the length of Melania’s arms and also the size of the hands. Please note that males have the long forearms and females short. This is just a picture because the video has been removed. But in the video Melania was acting like an android. This video was removed.
Creedence Clearwater Revival song: Suzie Q
7 min. video. Once you see the first few minutes the rest of the video is about the same.
Video by MRicci: “Reptilian Holograms Reveal Venezuela’s Maduro A Monster.”
Short Video: “Maduro Brands President Donald Trump A ‘Coward’ After His Wife Is Hit By Sanctions / NBC News”
Short video: “How the Drone Attack on Maduro Unfolded in Venezuela / NYT – Visual Investigations”
Middle Eastern Reptilians 7 min video by MRicci: “Total Demon Reptilian Transformations! Must See!”
Part 2 This is a video put together by New Jerusalem. She’s taking a break from videos but will return soon. This one I’ve put Part 2 first because this is where I saw the fingers shapeshift.
“A Look Into Dutch Queen Maxima’s Dark Past: Her Sister’s Satanic Art”
Part 1 “A Look Into Dutch Queen Maxima’s Dark Past: Her Sister’s Satanic Art”
I ran across this and thought that she’s very pretty but what is it about her?
Video: “Cissie Graham Lynch Spring Luncheon at The Cove”
Video: “Reptilian Eye Benjamin Netanyahu!”
Truthful Spirit Blue Heron made a video with a few pics of these world leaders in these blue outfits. So far on the Stairway Failure post, we know that Putin and Bush Jr. are females. Look at the short arms.
Video from Honest News Network: “Breaking: Russian Church Choir Sings Boldly About Nuclear Attack on America”
*10/30 – Jerry Lee Lewis, died on 10/28/2022. Mr. “Whole Lotta Shaking Going On”, was the cousin to pastor Jimmy Swaggart.
Jerry Lee Lewis copy showing slits in his eyes.
2:19 minute video “Man Detained (by Reptilian police) For Filming Martial Law Drill on City Property Charlotte”
Clip by Tamara Magdalene I didn’t save the original name of the clip
“~D C Police Chief Cathy Lanier ~ Reptilian Shapeshifter~” Without going into too much detail, I researched in the past the last name of Lanier and that was a Illuminati high royal bloodline name.
Jim Caviziel shapeshifting moment. I also have Jim (Jamie) on the Stairs post and on the Famous and Not so Famous post.
This is a 2 min. clip of an interview where Jim Caviezel is talking about her/his adopted children. In this clip you’ll see her/his face start to morph. It’s really fast so I had to slow it down. So the first part is slow with no sound so you can see the reptilian morphing on the face; the second part is regular speed with sound. This clip is really for the Reptilian Watcher type of group. There’s a special name for the reptilians who get lines on their faces, but I’m not sure what that is.
At this current moment, Jim Caviezel is considered a hero in the Freedom Fighter movement because she/he has been given speeches on the corruption in Hollywood. I would like to remind all of the Christians that Jim is on record as calling Mary, the mother of Jesus, the “Co-redemptrix” meaning you can either go through Mary or Jesus to get saved or get to God.
Video by Epic Sellouts: “U.S. Calls for Immediate Release of Terrible Actor”
The picture below is just a regular news clip. The above picture is from someone who caught G. Bush shapeshifting. It looks as if his head cuts off but his hair color just blended with the background paint color in the shot. The ears look questionable. I’m only guessing that he could be a drinker and is getting dementia and maybe this is why he was losing it at the funeral.
Video: “reptilian brain??? say whaaaaaa?????” Look at these goofy females adoring Obama not even a clue that it’s a female and Obama looks quite ghoulish.
Lights falling on Hillary and Bill during their interview about Jennifer Flowers.
Video by Seho Song which is now Sackcloth & Ashes News Report: “Reptilian Princess: The Video Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Want You To SEE!”
This video clip is under 1 min. This is from a video by Christianman777 or Followers of Christ777. and its: “Demons and Fallen Angels (9)” and I’ll attach it below this clip. This Asian dancer guy is interesting because during his performance his face changes several times (part of his act) and one of his faces is a flat out alien looking green demon.
Please check out Tamara Magdalene’s video: False Signs And Wonders (Magicians) and Hollywood Possession. She goes deeper into the explanation of the Asian dancer face changing reason. This video False Signs and Wonders is like a concentrated horror movie so be prepared.
13 min. video: “Demons and fallen angels (9). This video is about people that experience demonic activity. I’m going to say this again the only thing is this world the demons/alien/fallen angels fear is the name and the blood of King Yeshua/Jesus.
I would like to add something to this picture of this little girl and if you look you can see a woman standing behind her watching her. Some may say oh it’s someone that knows her. When I was little around 6 years old, I had a woman all in black standing by my bed right up against the mattress. I was so terrified I put the blanket over my face and couldn’t really breathe and too afraid too move and I eventually fell asleep. In the morning I told my parents that there was a woman standing by my bed last night. The both snapped their faces towards each other and my mother said “It was just your guardian angel.” They moved me to a different room to sleep. This is why you should teach yourself or your kids how to say “Yeshua or Jesus help me.”
Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon, reptilian slits
February 2022 – Shiny silver mirror ball in the sky, with no scratches or dents, follows me.
On a clear blue morning I stopped by my neighbors house to drop off at her gate some grapefruit and orange peels for her worms, she has all kinds of animals at her property. When I looked up I saw a silver ball, about the size of a bowling ball, in the air about 30 feet above slightly bouncing and moving towards where I was standing at. It stopped and it was just floating quietly in the air like it was staring at me and I could see the sun’s reflection shining off of it. This went on for like 20 seconds. Suddenly it backed away from me with precision like a car backs up straight and then it poof disappeared.
I don’t want to seem like I’m an attention seeker and I’m only mentioning this because I thought it was weird how it was able to poof disappear. I never knew alien ship things could be in the shape of a silver ball, and I never knew they could just vanish.
I asked him how long this this alien object (I call them alien crackheads) was floating at his property? He said that he got tired of watching it and went inside to show his wife and then when he went back out it was gone. I was only asking him because the alien thing that I saw booked it after studying me about 20 seconds but didn’t show any fear with my neighbor.
On 1/23/2023 I was at the grocery store in the 15 item checkout line and the lady behind me looked like the lady in the pictures above and had reptilian slits in her eyes. She was very nice and we talked a little. I wasn’t expecting to ever see anyone with reptilian slits in their eyes and I’m only mentioning this in case you ever run into one like I did what you can do.
Next time I run into this I’ll get my phone and ask them to look into the camera to look at their pupils and I’ll say they’re eyes look strange. They may not want to but it’s just an idea for you.
She looked like the lady in the blue jean jacket without the scarf, a shag style haircut like the picture on the right with chunky blond highlights and with reptilian slits in her eyes.
I can tell you that she was not a mind reader because I was thinking through our conversation that she had slits in her eyes and that she was a reptilian.
After I paid for my groceries and was walking away, she said “Good fortune to you!” I responded “Oh, I can always use that.”
Next time this happens to me I’ll be more prepared. I didn’t want to scare the cashier who looked like a new employee.
Another reptilian slit person experience on 11/03/2023 and I wasn’t prepared. This time it was someone that I know and have encountered for years. I didn’t get my phone out and show him his eyes like I thought that I would. I’ll say this guy is in the automotive business and for some reason when he was explaining something to me about paperwork, he was standing about a foot away from me. If he hadn’t been so close to me I wouldn’t have seen the slits in his light brown eyes. His eye slits were not cat eye slits but thicker like the ones in the Jerry Lee Lewis pic here:
This guy you can tell that the automotive guy is not a Christian but has always been nice to work with. He looks like an old hippy guy. I finally told his Christian boss on 12/28/2023.
The reptilian slit guy won’t lose his job but I just wanted the boss, who has a bible in his office and scriptures on the wall, to know what I saw and to let me know if he notices it too.
I have an orb experience over on my Michelle Obama Illuminati post.
1 Comment
The shiny silver ball reminds me of the same things that follow the main character in the movie “They Live”. If you haven’t seen it yet, I would highly recommend that you do. The movie was based on a short story about people pretending to be humans but who are secretly reptilian/snakes underneath. In the movie they are portrayed as aliens/skulls, but in the short story they are reptilians/snakes.
Response: I haven’t watched all of it only clips inserted into truther vids. I think the hidden reptilians are easy to spot by their funky thumb shapes.
I usually only look up at night because we have a zillion drones flying around Austin and the outside areas, an absolute nightmare. I have seen green flying things driving on the highway. Now I find myself looking up during the day after that mirror ball incident.
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