Hi Blessings,
A friend that I used to work with had invited me to go out to eat dinner at this place called the Magnolia cafe here in Austin, TX.
When I walked into the restaurant there was a stack of papers by the door in one of those newspaper stands and it read Atheist Rally at the Capitol, so I grabbed one and walked over to the table to meet my friend and I told her “hey look at this – I think I’m gonna go to this.” She snatched it out of my hand and looked it over and she said “Don’t go, you’ll just be giving them attention” and she kept the flyer.
So the next day I was sitting at home and thinking that I should go to that Atheist rally to stand up for Jesus because it’s like if someone was wrongly talking about one of your family members you would hopefully go and stand up and defend them. This will sound stupid but it reminds me of the scene from the movie Coal Miner’s daughter – the wedding scene. Loretta’s family didn’t want her to get married so no one came to the church for the wedding. It was just Loretta and Doolittle in the big church. Loretta’s father finally showed up to give her away. Going to the Atheist rally for me was like showing honor to the Lord that someone will show up and speak for him.
47 second audio clip from the church wedding scene.
So it was like a spur of the moment deal that I decided to go but I didn’t have any cardboard to make a sign so I grabbed a crucifix off of my wall that had been a gift (I was still Catholic back then). It was about 20 inches long and the cross was dark wood and it had Jesus attached to it with red blood painted on it. It’s boxed up somewhere in my house so instead I attached a crucifix that’s hanging above my bed for a visual here. (I decided to remove the pic with the cross because it resembles a graven image.)
I drove over to the Capitol and I told myself that I’ll leave the crucifix in the truck because I didn’t really want to carry it and I’ll see if there are other Christians out there with signs showing support and then I’ll just stand there with them but when I walked over to the crowd there weren’t any Christians there at all. The Atheists had signs like a fish symbol with an X through it and I saw another sign that said “Prayer in school is Preying on Our Children” so I thought okay, I’ll go and get my sign (cross).
So now I’m standing there with this crucifix and I’m holding it low with one hand on top of the crucifix and the other on the bottom between my torso area and well it made a few of the Atheists upset. I kinda suspected that they would get upset but I knew that I wasn’t in North Korea and I wouldn’t get shot for doing this so I really wasn’t worried.
Some guy who looked like a newspaper reporter walked up to me with a microphone and asked me “What group are you with?” I responded “I’m not with any group, I’m here to stand up for Jesus” and he rolled his eyes and walked off. There were about 40 Atheists supporters there and a couple of the ladies came over and one started yelling at me “If you want your kids to pray get them to pray before you take them to school.” Then I thought oh, this rally is about prayer in school. I said to the lady “Ma’am, I have just have just as much right to be here as you do and I wanna hear what the speaker has to say” and then she just walked off. One girl said to me “We’re not against you we’re just against prayer in school.”
Let me say real quick that I thought the Atheist rally was gonna be a bunch of people who had maybe Mohawks or who looked like Marilyn Manson but instead it was a bunch of bingo looking ladies and I was so surprised.
Then this other tall lady with like gray Q-tip style hair came and stood right in front of me facing me so I couldn’t see the speaker. I would bend to the left to look around her and she would bend so I couldn’t see the speaker. After two times of this I just looked at her like really? This trooper came down from the porch type of area and stood by me but he really didn’t need to but I guess from where he was standing it maybe looked like drama was happening.
So this speaker guy came on at the podium and he looked to be about 60 yrs old and he was about 6’2 and he had on a Quaker outfit and it looked like it was a costume and it made him look like the guy on the oatmeal box. He said to the audience “I’m a Christian and I love Jesus but if they don’t get prayer out of school I’m gonna be fighting mad!”and then he slammed his fist on the podium and the trooper and I quickly glanced at each other like so fake.
Then another speaker came on and he talked for awhile and for some reason he was stuttering and forgetting his speech and I think it was because I had been praying for God to put angels around the area/people. After a few minutes of talking he said “look at that girl” and everyone turned at looked at me to see what I was doing since I had only been standing there quietly holding my crucifix. He said “look at that trooper defending her rights, but what about our rights? What about our rights not to have prayer in school?” I looked at the trooper and said “sorry” and he realized he didn’t need to be there because there wasn’t any drama going on so he just walked back up to the front porch area of the Capitol and continued watching everything.
Then that same speaker talked a little more and then he said again “look at the girl” and everyone looked at me again and he said “she feels all alone.” My first thought was that I was gonna whisper no because I was trying to be humble and because I felt like it’s not my party/rally but it’s their Atheist rally and I’m there to stand up for Jesus but I wanted to do it quietly; but right then just as I was about to whisper No in a split second the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said “Shake your head” and I was so startled because he was speaking to me and also because he showed up, that I shook my head saying No so fast like 10 times, left, right, left, right like a dog shakes its fur coat when it’s wet.
Then the speaker guy said “And she feels isolated.” The Holy Spirit didn’t speak to me again but I knew I better shake my head, so again I shook my head No like a dog shaking water off of its fur coat. Then the speaker guy said “and she wants prayer in school,” well, really I don’t want prayer in school because then all the religions would be taught and that would be too confusing but I nodded Yes in a super exaggerated up and down because it seemed to be the right thing to do because it was like I was caught up in the moment with everyone. Then the speaker yelled “But we’re not gonna have it!” and the crowd clapped and cheered “Yay!” Then the Atheist group decided to finish up and walk around the area to look at the Ten Commandments monument and that’s when I turned around and left.
I’m not one of these Christians that gets daily messages or dreams from the Lord, I occasionally get soundbites. I never know when I’m going to hear from the Holy Spirit. I really feel that the Lord is very serious about us being serious about our decision to choose him which is life in eternity with him. He gives us free will to choose him and he wants us to want to be with him. Please give King Yeshua a chance and ask him into your lives. Yeshua says that he will stay closer to you than a brother. The devil will push you off of a cliff and laugh along with the people that live for the devil. No matter what you’ve done Yeshua will forgive you because he loves you but you must come to him with a repentant heart. He says My grace is sufficient for thee. Once you pass this life/world that’s it, no second chances.
Peace and Love,
King Yeshua said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
This song below reminds me of King Yeshua. It says: If you don’t know me by now, you will never, never, never know me.