This is a 1 min. clip about the Transvestigation of the Chicago Mayor but I believe that the mayor is a female and obviously the wife is a man with reptilian slits in the eyes. Satan’s alien/demons are not hiding anymore.
This will be 2 video clips by Blue Heron, Part 1 and 2 of: “Biden/Harris – Non-Human Platforms – Transvestigation”
6 min clip from a video by MrE on European and other Top Dog Trannies/Androgynes. Get your barf bag. They do all of these things because it’s in their DNA – Nephilim/Fallen Angel satanic bloodlines.
Video: “Massive Politician and Celebrity Transvestigation” This one has a pic of young Melania in an all boys school.
Melania is the 50 ft. woman. Video: “Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman – Original Theatrical Trailer”
Video by Transpacolypse Now: “Pelosi and Son”
1 min. video by Epic Sellouts: “When Trannies Attack! (An A&E Original 2019)” Britney Spears is a royal and is also in this video so I decided to place it here. This will have one cuss word at the end of the video. This one will be back soon and I’ll repost it.
Video: “Caitlyn Jenner uses womens bathroom at Donald Trump’s hotel” So first Bruce goes to the men’s restroom door and then realizes he’s supposed to be a woman and goes into the women’s restroom. Gosh get it together Bruce. More info on Caitlynn on the Lindsey Graham post.
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. ~The Bible
Song Darkness, Darkness 5 min.
Video: “Lara Fabian – Caruso”
Married men compete for 250k by agreeing to change into women. Video: “TG Pageant – Part 2”
Video: “Freedom Couture Most Natural Wig Hairline ever! No glue, no tape, no sew in”
In the first 30 seconds you will see that President Kennedy had given Jackie a gold colored snake bracelet for their 10th anniversary, which may not seem like anything out of the ordinary but in this video @ 1:42 into this video you will see Jackie’s Adam’s apple and also know that Kennedy was a Illuminati high royal bloodline.
Video: “Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe are Men”
Video: “Nelson Rockefeller Former Vice President “Two Wives” Were Born Men”
Nelson Rockefeller and his GROOM. Is this a joke? Why yes it is and it’s on us.
Video: “Nelson Rockefeller and Bride Leave For Honeymoon (1963)”
More info on Walter and Joan in the Jeffrey Dahmer post.
Nancy Reagan through her natural paternal line (not stepdad’s line) ‘she’ was the 22x great grandchild of King Edward III of England.
12 seconds Nancy Reagan seances
Video by Epic Sellouts : “Nancy Davis Reagan”
This is a 6 min. audio clip by Apostle Laura Lee – Barbara Bush is a Man
This Savage line also connects to Mamie Eisenhower.
Video by MrCati: “MKULTRA Obama.wmv”
12 second video confessing that Vice President Dick Cheney (Illuminati bloodline) is ‘his’ cousin. This is one of the many videos out there on this subject. I had watched an old video of Cheney and Obama on I believe that it was the Dick Cavett show and Cheney was in the first chair telling how it was discovered that they were related which by the way was not by Cheney’s wife as they claim. Obama when it was ‘his’ time to speak said with ‘his’ head and eyes down “Everyone has a black sheep in their family.” I could tell that ‘he’ hated to have to say that. Watching that video of Cheney and Obama (which is not online anymore) was the beginning of my interest to find bloodline connections.
Video: “Obama Confesses to Being Dick Cheney’s Cousin”
13 min. audio clip discussing the pic below.
Video: “Prince William ARK Gala ‘EXPOSED’ ”
This is 17 min. video but you can see Kate’s Adam’s apple. Video: “Prince William and Kate Middleton – Full Interview”
3 min. video of Meghan’s father’s bloodline connection to the royals.
Video: “Harry and Meghan are cousins! Remarkable family tree dating back to 1480 reveals”
This is an audio clip of the Meghan Markle Exposed in case it gets taken down again.
Look at the length of Meghan’s forearms, broad shoulders.
Video by Mag Bitter Truth: “Meghan Markle Exposed” I just want to say that I don’t agree with Mag Bitter Truth’s religious beliefs or lack of belief in King Yeshua/Jesus.
The media would like you to believe that Harry is making that cray satanic hand sign because he’s against Trump and Melania. The truth is that they’re all related to the British royals and this is just more cray theatrics by a Nephilim Illuminati “royal” bloodline. See how Harry has the short forearms and Melania has the big hands and long forearms. Don’t let them confuse you with the past pics of Harry partying with a girl in a room doing something. It’s just more propaganda to make ‘him’ look like a male. Plz don’t you know that ‘he’ has a zillion guards around ‘him’? I mean his grandpa/ma is worth trillions. Also during his meeting with Melania Harry’s ‘girlfriend’ was sitting apart from him because the royal rules say that they can’t be seen publicly together since they haven’t officially announced their engagement. Really? I mean gee ‘his’ ‘girlfriend’ already posed nude so what does it matter at this point if they’re seen in public together. These Illuminati crays give me a major headache.
Video by Brother James Key: “Antichrist Trump Descendant of King of Jerusalem” The Plantagenet’s bloodline goes back to Muhammad and then to Ishmael.
In this video below you can see that Ivana has an Adam’s apple. This was before the Adam’s apple was shaved down.
Video: “Donald Trump on Marriage: “Ivana Does Exactly As I Tell Her to Do”/ The Oprah Winfrey Show”
Trump whose real name is Drump, is the 1%. I’m not believing that he started off with a million dollars and now he has all of this. I do believe that Illuminati money is funneled through him to give him the appearance of being an amazing businessman.
Video: “10 Luxurious Donald Trump Properties Better Than The White House”
This group pic – look at Ivana’s neck and Melania’s arm length and large hands.
3 min. audio clip of video: Marla Maples stole my husband
You can see the Adam’s apple @ 3:00 mark. Video: “Ivana Trump Interview 1992 (Donald Trump ex-wife)”
Video of Ivana on a reality tv show and you can see that “she’s ” herself and not prepped to behave all classy and together like in the video above. Video: “Ivana Trump”
I liked “her” makeup in the video and it’s why I chose it. Video: “Ivana Trump “Ex Wife of Donald Trump” Interview with Bill Boggs”
This is a 29 second audio from Corey’s mom Erica and she’s sending a message to President Trump.
1 min. video showing that Beyonce’s baby is connected to the royal family. Also related they show Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck. Beyonce (maternal line), Pitt, Affleck, Kate and Queen all Illuminati bloodlines and there are videos on all of them showing that they are all switched. This is a 3 yr old video but I just wanted to show you how the Illuminati families continue to bamboozle their fans.
Video: “Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William’s Baby Cousins to Blue Ivy – Splash News”
3 min. audio clip from Pocketsofthefuture – The Queen’s Bizarre Manchester Behavior. Does she have KURU?
A little over 4 min. audio clip of Hillary’s Wedding Ring with Nazi Cross – video was removed.
Chelsea has an Adam’s apple in these pics
Video by MrE: “The Hugh Hefner Playboy Tranny Dynasty 2017”
Video by MrE: “Playboy Comes Out of the Closet 2017”
Marilyn Monroe – See the straight male back or spine. Straight as a board.
@ 0:33 you can see the Adam’s apple. Megan Fox bloodline ends at de Baux is that of Gossallin who, in about 810, married Herriasbeuck, daughter and heiress of William, Sovereign of the Court of Orange, and niece of Bertha, wife of Emperor Charlemagne. That’s only a part of ‘her’ bloodline.
Video: “Making of / Shine; starring MEGAN FOX”
Video by MrE: “Megan Fox Admits to Being an Illuminati Tranny”
Megan has an Adam’s apple and this is why Megan can stay so thin after 3 imaginary pregnancies.
Taylor Swift is related to several presidents (Bush, Nixon, Coolidge, Hays, Grant, Roosevelt) the Astors and the British Royal family.
Video by MrE: “The Mayor of Rome is a Tranny”
MrE video:
Robin Roberts Tests Positive for the T-Virus
“Diane” is a high royal. ‘Her’ bloodline connects to Kennedy, Campbell, Bruce, Montgomery, Stewart/Stuarts. From these bloodlines they connect to other high royals from Ireland, Scotland, France and Norway.
This 1 min. video is not to humiliate Illuminati royal bloodline Britney but to show you how they split their minds.
Video: “Britney Spears – alter ego”
Britney Spears, the 24th great grandchild of King Edward I.
Demitria’s Illuminati bloodline through ‘her’ maternal line connects to King Henry I or Henry Beauclere, the 4th son of William the Conqueror.
Julie Andrews bloodline through “her” maternal line traces back to King of Dál Riata (780 – 834 or 787-819), 2nd King of Scotland
Paul McCartney bloodline connects to Clan McIntosh. “The seanachies of the Clan Mackintosh claim that the first chief of the clan was Shaw, second son of Duncan MacDuff, Earl of Fife of the royal house of Dál Riata
*Not a Tranny
Ron Paul’s wife Carol J. Wells is the bloodline connection to Illuminati high royal bloodlines. Ron would be categorized as the Spouse of the bloodline.
2 min. audio clip by Apostle Laura Lee – InfoWars Joe Biggs AJ/BH Leading Ppl to Death and Hell
Alex Jones maternal bloodline connects to his 26x Grandfather: Henry OF ENGLAND III b: 1 OCT 1207 in Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England. Video: King of Info Wars.
Also, if I was a gambling person, I would bet willing to bet that the guy in the video below that throws the coffee on Alex is related to him through Alex’s cousin’s wife’s family member – and I would win.
Song for Alex. Sweet Nothings – about 2 min,.
4 min. video: “Alex Jones Crashes the Young Turks (All Angles). Many people have not seen this feud but I just wanted to add it. Alex is Illuminati and Ana is a man. There will be cussing in this video. Look at the giant Adam’s apple on the person in the red dress. Alex’s jawline looks questionable.
1 min. video of Ann Coulter and ‘her’ Adam’s apple. video: ” CNN: Ann Coulter on Palin, Romney, Christie”
Video by Tamara Magdalene: “Alex Jones Will ‘Eat His Neighbors’
Video by chatzefratz: “Who is Alex Jones really? Infowars their Swiss Bank Octogon Knights Templars Rotary Freemason”
The City of Austin is against Trump but they are unaware that he is related to Hillary and Obama because they are all Illuminati High Royal Bloodlines.
They City of Austin is okay with promoting this lifestyle which is in enmity with God. City of Austin City Council – repent of this perversion. Yeshua/Jesus paid the ransom for us with his life and his precious blood and you reject him and choose satan’s path and allow this stamp of support for satan.
“According to the New York Times’ insightful Streetscapes column, the arch was conceived by mayor John F. Hylan to commemorate the New Yorkers who died in World War I. Plans to make the Victory Arch a permanent monument were eventually thwarted due to a group of sculptors who felt it was too vengeful towards the Germans, and even Fiorello H. LaGuardia publicly denounced the project as an “Altar of Extravagance.” The arch was designed by Thomas Hastings and was modeled after the Arch of Constantine in Rome…”
1 Comment
I believe that Prince William will one day become a king and the Antichrist. Many reasons and proof but the main proof I believe is the first RFID chip was placed in Williams hand in 1996. He is the beast with the master key to the abyss. He will let satan out.
Response: He’s so creepy and yes doesn’t he own that company in Virginia that produces the chips? The problem is that Prince Williams is very evil but Obama lines up with the scriptures and many Christians have dreams constantly even while Trump was in office, that Obama is the antichrist.
I think that Prince Williams looks dorky especially since his wife has an Adam’s apple, and I can’t believe when I listen to Obama that he’s supposed to be the antichrist. I think gosh how can this be? When I saw Obama and Kamalla talking before the election about Joe Biden, I thought it was a really weak discussion and a waste of my minutes that I’ll never get back. Peace, Missy
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